Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude #SocialCafe 11.47
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude
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Today we have a guest who has so much to share. We know it won’t fit in just one Twitter Chat, but we will do our best.
I am very much so encouraged by what she tweets every single day and I know you will be, too!
Our topic is gratitude so let’s take the time to learn by what the lady shares and guides us, as well as by what we share with each other, shall we?
View the full #SocialCafe Chat Transcript

- What comes to mind when someone says, “Gratitude”?
It is great to experience the process that our #SocialCafe utilizes to celebrate gratitude.
A1. Celebrating things in your life that you can look to and appreciate regardless of the day you’re having. #SocialCafe
— David Crysler (@DavidCrysler) November 16, 2022
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM (@ThiamMeka2Gogue) November 16, 2022
I pause to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted#SocialCafe

- What do you have to be thankful for this year, in 2022? What do you have to be thankful for, in general?
It looks like we all have something to be thankful for and it is fun to read each others’ tweets on this...
I am grateful to be back to seeing people again...I missed my clients! #SocialCafe A2
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
100% focused on #SmallJoys. Simple things that make us happy that we should be grateful for all the time. A2 #Gratitude #SocialCafe
— Drea | (She/Her) (@DreaVilleneuve) November 16, 2022

- What do you think it means to live a life that incorporates adopting an attitude of gratitude? What does it mean to you?
I love our featured guest’s answer to this, with the less judgement - isn’t that great?
Living with an attitude of gratitude means less judgment...more appreciation of others! #SocialCafe A3
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
A3 I think it means to be aware of being thankful. It also means being positive and seeing that cup half full instead of half empty so you can be thankful for that glass of cool water! #SocialCafe #Gratitude
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host (@socialwebcafe) November 16, 2022

- Do you think it is helpful to adopt an attitude of gratitude all the time, or as a way of living life? Why or why not?
It seems to be a consensus that we live a life of gratitute. And, David Crysler even offers up a suggested resource to help with that and other aspects of a positive life. Thank you, David!
I think it is very helpful to adopt an attitude of gratitude as a way of living life to its fullest! #SocialCafe A4
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
A4. Yes. We can all find something in our lives to be grateful for and that others may be unable to say the same of. I’d highly recommend @garyvee’s book @12andahalfbook if you’re looking for a great resource on gratitude and other emotional intelligence ingredients! #SocialCafe
— David Crysler (@DavidCrysler) November 16, 2022

- What are some creative things we can do to help improve our attitude of gratitude? How can we see that in daily living?
Great advice from Deborah Thomas, our featured guest (expert) - practice mindfulness... yes!
Practicing mindfulness helps with won't miss the little things for which to be grateful - I promise! #SocialCafe A5
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
A5 Possibly things like... 1) sticky notes on the edge of a computer screen; 2) writing it on a whiteboard; 3) writing it in lipstick on your bathroom mirror (if you spouse doesn’t mind)... yes, there is a theme here LOL #SocialCafe #Gratitude
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host (@socialwebcafe) November 16, 2022

- What tools help you when it comes to living a life of gratitude?
I love the suggestions that were tweeted for this question. Two of them shown here.
Patience, patience, patience! The top tool that I have to work on daily for increased awareness! #SocialCafe A6
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM (@ThiamMeka2Gogue) November 16, 2022
Daily journaling at wake and when I go ti bed, I write down someone or sth I have to be thankful for and why#Gratitude #SocialCafe

- What other questions (or tips) do you have related to gratitude?
One key suggestion that permeated the discussion is the aspect of staying focused, with patience, and practice...
We are often moving so fast that we miss key moments to show our I right? ~ #SocialCafe A7
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
Resilience improves when you are focused on gratitude. It takes practice. #SocialCafe
— Drea | (She/Her) (@DreaVilleneuve) November 16, 2022

- What #goals do you have this week (to accomplish before #november22)? How can we hold you accountable and help you this week?
Some creative goals, like showing more gratitude, a noble goal, and some business goals, like the one Gail shared (which offers us a way to help her reach her goal!) Go ahead and retweet and click on the link on the designated date(s).
My goal(s) include showing even more gratitude! #SocialCafe A8
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
A8 You can invite your friends and join the BizSugar Mastermind Community at
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) November 16, 2022
We have weekly text chats Wednesdays at 2pm Central - this week the topic is WordPress: What to Do When It Breaks.
And twice a month Webinars. #SocialCafe

- What is our #november15 #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug?
Closing out our chat with the notable #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug(s) and also, Amy sums up what we seem to all be thinking, based on our tweets, that Gratitude is, indeed, vital. Thank you, Amy!
I teach soft skills and you can find me here > #SocialCafe A9
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
Gratitude is so vital!
— Amy.M.Anderson (@snippetsbyAmy) November 16, 2022
Thank you #SocialCafe and everyone!
Sorry I came in late and have been so spotty. Grateful for all the good information, suggestions, and examples!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
I couldn’t say it better myself than how Deborah Thomas says it here, in her tweet...
And, thank you, Deborah, for the kind words! Back atcha!
Loving all the optimism and positive thinking in this group! Woohoo! #SocialCafe
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
Thank you, Deborah! You are a gem! #SocialCafe
— Deborah Thomas (@DTNEtiquette) November 16, 2022
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