Brand Value via Purposeful Actions #SocialCafe 8.23
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Brand Value via Purposeful Actions
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Free PDF (at time of this writing) from HubSpot
The Ultimate Guide to Branding in 2019
Ariel Hyatt’s Niche Marketing Advice (Step-by-Step ... Actionable Steps)
Music Success in Nine Weeks: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Use Social Media & Online Tactics (affiliate link)
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Engaging the Encouragement Available to Us #SocialCafe 8.24

- How do you describe your brand?
A1) I am my brand, so I describe myself in the context of the question. If I am talking government contracts, my introduction would be different than when I 'm talking leadership. Both are still me. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 | A1 Oh but I have so many endeavors! (Where is @conpsweeney to make his remark about my multitude of blogs ;) ) |

- If you were to review your last 10 posts on social media platforms, how would you describe their reflection of your brand?
A2: I may not totally understand this whole #brand thing, but I try to keep my posts and comments encouraging and fun for the most part.#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) June 5, 2019 | A2) I posed this exact question to about a dozen of my #JustBeSocial friends this past week. I asked if they paid as much attention to their timeline of tweets as they do to their overt brand efforts. Your timeline IS your brand - like it or not! #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 |

- What are some ways to ensure that your social media aligns with your brand definition?
A3) Be totally comfortable with yourself and constantly be seeking the best version of yourself. Consider that each tweet will be open to the public, and most commonly NOT in the context of the chat where it originated. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 | A3: The easiest way is to be your true self on social media. If you're not trying too hard or faking your tone to fit certain criteria, you've got a better chance of staying on track. #SocialCafe— Narmadhaa (@s_narmadhaa) June 5, 2019 |

- Can you have a different point of view when posting on social media with personal vs. business profiles? Why or why not?
A4 I think you can express a different perspective but at the core, there should be alignment with your personal and professional brand or there is confusion. #SocialCafe #Communication helps | Also #presentation— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) June 5, 2019 | A4) I think this is both unwise and duplicitous. You are bound to mess up and express the wrong persona on the the wrong page occasionally. I follow Shakespeare: To thine own self be true. And as Twain said - the truth is easier to remember. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 |

- How can you address topics of the day and remain on target with your brand?
A5) Sometimes I think discretion is the better part of valor. There are many things I would love to post that cut closer to the real me, but I refrain to avoid polarizing or getting drawn into a long useless discussion. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 | A5: To address topics AND stay on brand: |

- What are your biggest social media challenges when it comes to content curation (or creation) and your brand?
A6: My biggest social media challenge is creating content that others see and share. | A6) Time is always my biggest enemy coupled with my Meyers-Briggs type that keeps me from getting "good enough" out the door. When you get to know me, I am quite a mess! #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 |

- What other questions do you have about taking purposeful actions to benefit your brand?
A7) I agreed to a deal this week to completely revamp my government contracting website ( in a way that brands it more towards me and melds with my website for the book and the leadership training and development. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 | I'm going to be working on getting all of my content cleaned up and connected!#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) June 5, 2019 |

- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ..
A8: My #SocialCafe #Shamelessplug – I provide a weekly infusion of encouragement with my Reflections and HOPE Boost newsletter. Sign up today at— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) June 5, 2019 | A8) This month's free leadership webinar is on June 20 on Goals. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) June 5, 2019 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
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