Do You #NaNoWriMo (and Build Relationships)? #SocialCafe 8.46
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Do You #NaNoWriMo (and Build Relationships)?
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Every year, there is an event for writers. It is called NaNoWriMo (stands for National Novel Writing Month). Really, it is a challenge. It is a challenge for writers everywhere to challenge them to write 50,000 words, for a novel.
The idea is to help writers to 1) know they can do it and 2) focus on working past the procrastination and getting “words on paper” even if it is not ready for the bestseller list... yet.
Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show
National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo Writing Challenge
Forums and Notifications
Getting involved in NaNoWriMo Forums
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What is the Quickest Way to Get Up and Running with Your Branding? #SocialCafe 8.45
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Personal NaNoWriMo Goals and Tactics #SocialCafe 8.47
View the full #SocialCafe Chat Transcript

- R U a ... ... #NaNoWriMo Veteran? Please tell us a little bit about what it is. ... #NaNoWriMo Newbie? Ask away and we’ll try to answer :)
A2) This is my second year drafting 50,000 words in one month. It is a genuine challenge, and quite rewarding to conquer. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 | A1 I think you could say I am a #NaNoWriMo veteran and love it ;). #SocialCafe |

- What is required in order to join the #NaNoWriMo challenge? What is not required? Thoughts?
A2) GO to their website, learn to navigate it (all over again!!) and sign up. Then be sure to record your wordcount before midnight or it will not count on the right day. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 | A2 No requirements - not really. You can participate in #NaNoWriMo to whatever level you like. Granted, if you want to win badges there may be mini-requirements ;). #HaveFun #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 13, 2019 |

- What is your experience with #NaNoWriMo ? Like, never? Wanted to but did not? Multi-year? Don’t care?
A3) I first heard about it last year & had been considering a book as a follow-on to my last published work. It was the push I needed. This year I have just completed a year at a fraternity house and needed to capture those thoughts and memories while they were fresh. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019
A3 I like the accountability of it but mostly, I like the excitement of it every year - and the acceptance of the community. It isn't like you get tossed out on your ear if you only write 49k. You can still be a part of #NaNoWriMo. #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 13, 2019 | And if (like me) you have no intention of writing a novel. Write what is important to you or it will show in weak writing. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 |

- What are the not-so-fun aspects of #NaNoWriMo and how can we turn those into positives that benefit you and others?
I think what Tom says (below) is key. The NaNoWriMo challenge helps with the writer’s process and for those of us, like Tom referenced, who like that best quality even in the draft, it helps to set us free... Free to get those words out and write. From there, we can build the quality for which we strive.
A4) I prefer to write the best quality in a first draft. It takes longer; it is just my process. With NaNo you HAVE to put words on paper every single day. That is good discipline, but it is hard for me to write what I consider crap. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019
A4.1) I have been known to go into the system and record a set number and then plow my way to that number. Us type A's sometiems need to "trick" ourselves with goals. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 | A4 I don't really think of #NaNoWriMo as having any not-so-fun aspects... |

- Do you think that #NaNoWriMo is a helpful relationship (or community) building tool? Why or why not?
A5 As with many things, I think #NaNoWriMo can be a really helpful relationship tool - connecting with peers/writers and with even a future fan base ;) #SocialCafe | A5) As an introvert I am probably not the best person to ask. I have a few "buddies" on my page, but we don't really interact very much. Those of us with "war stories" do have a common experience on which to base some conversations. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 |

- What are ways to stay engaged and social while remaining focused on key aspects of #NaNoWriMo (like the writing)?
A6) This year I have two daily goals I did not have previously. In addition to NaNo, I am on a goal to meet my daily step goal for 100 consecutive days. My life between 10PM and midnight is fascinating. Trying to create an invention for me to write and walk together. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 | Ok - we need to have a #SocialCafe #NaNoWriMo Part Two next week :). My brain is flooding with questions, tips, resources... It won't all fit in 10 min - like questions for you, Tom :)— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 13, 2019 |

- How about #NaNoWriMo tips, techniques, resources, meetups, or any other helps that we can share with each other...?
A7) Your life is the summation of all of your decisions. Make a couple decisions to challenge yourself and then do your honest best to achieve those goals. You will become a better you and that is a great thing. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 | A7) Your life is the summation of all of your decisions. Make a couple decisions to challenge yourself and then do your honest best to achieve those goals. You will become a better you and that is a great thing. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 |

- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...
Tom inspired me to try the multi-tasking again.. Thanks, Tom!
Oh my, @_TomGReid - you ARE an inspiration! | #ShamelessPlug The newsletter will be out on Thursday (still time to get on the list) promoting the FREE webinar next Thursday. Have a client engagement Monday, the NaNo daily goal, and the daily step goal. And the rest of "life." Going to be a busy week. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 13, 2019 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
Thank you for participating in our NaNoWriMo 2019 #SocialCafe chat (or reading the tweets in your virtual participation) ;) Join us next week (11/19) for another segment in our #SocialCafe NaNoWriMo coverage ;)
For those of you who may be just catching #SocialCafe this week (or seeing these tweets a bit later), you are not too late. | Thank u for joining us for our #SocialCafe Chat. Just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 13, 2019 |
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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement
This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Do You #NaNoWriMo (and Build Relationships)?.

About this Topic/Event
The general rules mean that you are supposed to start your book in November, finish the 50k words in the same November, and that it is supposed to be a novel. That doesn’t mean that people do not have their own non-traditional ways of participating in NaNoWriMo. But, ultimately, it is about the writer’s journey, eh? So, we are here to chat about NaNoWriMo 2019 this week and next week... helping you writers to stay engaged...
Your bestseller book won’t happen unless you start the book and what better time than the present (i.e. NaNoWriMo)?
Twitter Event Details
- Date: 11/12/2019
- Time: 6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
- Hashtag: #SocialCafe
Time Conversion for Twitter Events Time Zone Difference Calculator
Twitter Event Questions
- R U a ... ... #NaNoWriMo Veteran? Please tell us a little bit about what it is. ... #NaNoWriMo Newbie? Ask away and we’ll try to answer :)
- What is required in order to join the #NaNoWriMo challenge? What is not required? Thoughts?
- What is your experience with #NaNoWriMo ? Like, never? Wanted to but did not? Multi-year? Don’t care?
- What are the not-so-fun aspects of #NaNoWriMo and how can we turn those into positives that benefit you and others?
- Do you think that #NaNoWriMo is a helpful relationship (or community) building tool? Why or why not?
- What are ways to stay engaged and social while remaining focused on key aspects of #NaNoWriMo (like the writing)?
- How about #NaNoWriMo tips, techniques, resources, meetups, or any other helps that we can share with each other...?
- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...
Format: Q&A
For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.
Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.
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