Goals and Time Management for My Blog #SocialCafe 7.29
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Goals and Time Management for My Blog
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Welcome to our discussion about blog management and time management, in general. Granted, we don't have time (get it, time?) to cover the details of how to manage either of these precisely, but can certainly share some thoughts, eh?
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Monetizing My Blog - Is It Worth It? #SocialCafe 7.30

How many blog posts should one write, per month, for a successful blog? How should that be calculated?
True we are talking about time management tonight but that directly relates to our blog management and how many blog posts we can write...
A1) I think it's more a function of how much time does the blogger have. In my case, I go for weekly posts and recommend that as a minimum to my clients#socialcafe— Con Sweeney (@conpsweeney) July 18, 2018 | A1 It depends on two things... how much time it takes to reach the quality you desire and how much time you have available #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |

How should a blogger identify and define their blog’s target audience?
We need to look at our niche and the purpose of our blog, as well as if it is personal or business, as Con reminds us.
A2) Depends on the purpose of their blog and if it's for business #socialcafe— Con Sweeney (@conpsweeney) July 18, 2018 | Good point, Con - especially understanding the difference between a personal blog and business blog! #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |

How much time does it take (or should it take) in managing a blog (including the writing and the maintenance)?
To some degree, determining how much time it takes to manage a blog is trial and error. No two people are alike. So, track the time it takes YOU and use that as your basis. You can always improve as your skill set improves and you find new ways to be more efficient.
A3 The management of a blog varies, depending on experience and rate of learning - but it is doable! (Talk to Kat about WordCamp!) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 | A3) More than most people, myself included, can put into it! Triage is necessary #socialcafe— Con Sweeney (@conpsweeney) July 18, 2018 |

How should a blogger define the balance for his/her blog (not too much work and not too little)?
Success needs to be in the eyes of the beholder, or in our case, the blogger. So while it is true we aim to please our audience, ultimately it is YOU who needs to determine the balance that is right for you (and your family and factors you choose).
It sounds like YOU could be their coach, Con! #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 | A4 Reverse engineer the time that one has available and then pad that by 20% (and don’t go over that allowed time!) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |

Does a blogger need a coach or a training program for blogging and how do they determine if that is the case?
Con has even volunteered to coach! Of course, you would have to ask him what his rates are on that. For now, he needs to head out as his leash pulls him at half past :)
A5 It wouldn’t hurt to have a qualified, knowledgeable coach - also training like WordCamp, too :) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 | And Con - if you get a chance shoot us your #ShamelessPlug so we can share it, eh? :) #SocialCafe #BeWell— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |

What is an editorial calendar? How does a blogger know if they need one?
Some people find editorial calendars very helpful in keeping a person organized but it may not be for everyone.
A6 An editorial calendar helps to keep you on track with your blogging schedule. There are many available, like WP plugins and third-party solutions. #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |

How does a blogger ensure a Return on Investment (ROI) with his/her blog?
Ultimately, it is up to you to determine if you are getting what you want out of blogging. Remember, it isn’t all about money for all people and that is ok.
A7 Ensure that you are not putting more into your blog than what you are getting out of it, unless you enjoy that aspect because of the pure joy of blogging. #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 | ROI is very important. If you are not getting more out of it than what you put into it, it might be time to re-strategize #SocialCafe— Deborah Anderson (@techauditcom) July 18, 2018 |

Should a blogger take any other courses, beyond blogging course and if so, how do they determine which ones?
Based on the response on our tweets this evening, the #SocialCafe community seems to agree that SEO training is not a bad thing for a blogger!
A8 It would help to take courses on SEO and marketing to help get your blog out there in front of new/additional eyeballs as well as encouraging your existing community! #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 | I think it is always important to ask what you can learn (and share) about your area of expertise.. #grow #grow #grow #SocialCafe— Abigail Rushmore (@AbigailRushmore) July 18, 2018 |

Ok, now I want to brag about what I do well! My #ShamelessPlug is ______
And, we love to give back here at #SocialCafe, so here is your chance to brag!
When I have more to share (or ready to share) I'll share links to my writing for my #ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe— Abigail Rushmore (@AbigailRushmore) July 18, 2018 | A9 Working on providing those resources for you at https://t.co/Z6uVq4cGDK Come visit us! #ShamelessPlug #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) July 18, 2018 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
This gives us a chance to think about how we can improve our efficiency in blogging (or if we even want to improve it!). Stay tuned for next week when we talk about monetizing that blog! Got any ideas?
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