It Is Time for Traffic [ Like Yesterday! ] #SocialCafe 7.28
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: It Is Time for Traffic [ Like Yesterday! ]
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Goals and Time Management for My Blog #SocialCafe 7.29
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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement
This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about It Is Time for Traffic [ Like Yesterday! ].

Twitter Event Details
- Date: 07/10/2018
- Time: 6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
- Hashtag: #SocialCafe
Time Conversion for Twitter Events Time Zone Difference Calculator
Twitter Event Questions
- How do I get traffic to my blog?
- What is an opt-in and why do I want it on my site?
- How do I get my content delivered to my subscribers beyond the site itself?
- What is a content upgrade? Do I even know? Why do I care when it comes to traffic?
- How do I rank on Google in a way that helps my traffic goals?
- What are some ways that I can check to see how well I am doing on Google (or where I need improvement)?
- What is Google analytics? How much attention should I give it/them?
- What are some creative ways to get traffic? Have I tried them?
- Ok, now I want to brag about what I do well! My #Shameless plug is ______
Format: Q&A
For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.
Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.
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