NanoWriMo and The Social Component #SocialCafe 7.43

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: NanoWriMo and The Social Component

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  1. What is #NaNoWriMo and why should you care?

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  1. Can you join in the #NaNoWriMo challenge even if you don’t write fiction? Please explain...

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  1. Have you ever participated in #NaNoWriMo before and if so what was your favorite part of the experience?

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  1. What was your least favorite part of the experience?

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  1. How can you bring others into the #NaNoWriMo challenge and create more engagement?

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  1. What are more ways to stay engaged and social while remaining focused on your own writing during #NaNoWriMo?

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  1. Do you know of any online meetups for #NaNoWriMo? Please share groups or chats that are helping you stay accountable during November.

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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