Personal NaNoWriMo Goals and Tactics #SocialCafe 8.47
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Personal NaNoWriMo Goals and Tactics
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Thank you for your feedback, Tom. I appreciate that! I labored over whether or not to request this but the sense of “lack of balance on the page” has bothered me ever since Twitter invented the retweet with comment. Granted, I think the feature is wonderful but it is visually redundant for the archive pages that I developed way before Twitter added the feature (I’ve been doing this for a while - one of the pioneers and original trendsetters lol).
Then, I thought I’d take the plunge and ask you all to help me with it. I don’t believe in entitlement or anything but I spend about 1.5-2 days working on #SocialCafe each week so I thought maybe I could ask. :) Your response is priceless. Thanks!
So, peeps - it isn’t favoritism, just design “balance” but your tweet is more likely to show up in this archive (and downloadable PDFs that I intend to make available again) if we go for the straight tweet, as suggested. Again, thanks for all of your help in this!
This is actually a great suggestion. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019
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Do You #NaNoWriMo (and Build Relationships)? #SocialCafe 8.46
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Finishing Our Writing Project and Tools That Help Us #SocialCafe 8.48
View the full #SocialCafe Chat Transcript

- On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Never Again” & 10 being “Absolutely!” how would you rate your satisfaction with NaNoWriMo in terms of participation in 2020? If you are not participating, how would you rate your thoughts about NaNoWriMo so far?
This is great to hear (and read) about the enthusiasm surrounding NaNoWriMo! It is amazing what a little nudge, like this annual challenge, will do to help get those creative juices flowing (or continue to flow). And, it is so much fun to do it together, isn’t it?
A1) I survived (and won!) last year. This year has new challenges, but I'm hanging in through this dry mid-month time. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 | A1 My answer would be “Absolutely” as in a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. The only time I allowed anything to come between #NaNoWriMo and me was my Ph.D. dissertation on white-collar crime. |

- With your knowledge of #NaNoWriMo and assuming you were head honcho, what would you do differently? If you were planning your own challenge, how would you present it to the public?
Great idea, Tom, to help the introverts to find their way and a beneficial way to use NaNoWriMo! It makes sense that there should be something for everyone, with no one excluded, and that includes the introverts!
A2) Many writers I know are introverts. NaNo stages a bunch of group activites that seem targeted at the extroverts. I think I might find better ways to engage the introverts. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 | They changed the site completely this year. Parts of it are not exceptionally intuitive (to me). And they dumped all our buddies. Bad move! #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 |

- Would you view yourself as a traditional #NaNoWriMo person (i.e. writing a novel from scratch; 50k words)? Or, are you a non-traditionalist (including not participating or writing a different kind of book or editing a book you wrote last year, etc.)?
A2 No offense NaNoWriMo administrators but I would make the site navigation just a little bit more intuitive...
— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 20, 2019
And, in looking at the cup half full, I could contribute by producing (or finding) a video that demonstrates how the current NaNoWriMo navigation flows... #SocialCafe
A3: I would never consider myself a traditional much of anything person :D#SocialCafe | A3 In all fairness, I am probably non-traditional. Yes, I try to keep to the rules but at the end of the day I believe the creativity is somewhat connected to the ability to find one’s own drumbeat and go with it ;) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 20, 2019 |

- What about those special deals that #NaNoWriMo offers every year (like sales on software, free trials, etc.)? Hint: Check out the 2019 offers here >>
I am so thankful to NaNoWriMo for setting up partnerships with organizations, developers, service providers, trendsetters, and more. That allows us, as writers to try out different tools, etc. and see what we like. It even saves us money, in some cases... Like, I just tried a tool yesterday and it didn’t work! I don’t want to name names because maybe it is simply an incompatibility issue and I’m sure the company would have made good on the deal (not charged me) but it is nice to know, ahead of time, that something isn’t going to work during the trial. Through NaNoWriMo’s vendor partnerships, they make that possible and save us bundles!
A4.2 On the topic of @NaNoWriMo offers.... | A6) Not a big on-line shopper, so no. As a non-profit with a need to rise funds, however, I can see how a store can make sense and also grow their audience. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 |

- How are you keeping yourself balanced? Any tips on how you keep your goals while still maintaining a “normal” life outside of #NaNoWriMo? Or, do you prefer to just watch NaNoWriMo from afar and that way your life stays normal?
Understanding how to keep balanced seems to be something that is important for all of us - but then some of us just ilke to be a bit on the crazy side, even past November and beyond. :)
A5 Don’t overthink it. Live your “normal life” and let the creative juices flow in the #NaNoWriMo way. | A5) "Normal" is a very relative term. And no. November becomes a completely out of control month with a major holiday thrown in to keep things totally off kilter. I just take it day-by-day & hit my targets on all the goals I'm pursuing, most important 1st, then sleep. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 |

- Have you checked out the #NaNoWriMo store? >> Do you think this is a good idea, to have a store? Why or why not? (Or, what does it not matter either way?)
Good way to put it, Kat, with wanting to connect more. I feel like a superfan, so yes, connection is good ;)
A6: Super fans want to be able to connect more. | A6.2 This year I went shopping at |

- What goals do you have for yourself after November? Writing goals? Promotion goals? Community goals?
I like these goals, team! The idea of finishing strong, with our businesses, and with novel-writing (or any type of writing) - I can subscribe to those goals! May I borrow them? :)
A7) Once this month is over I'll be 100% focused on closing the year out strong from a business perspective. I'll still blog, and write my newsletter, and my monthly webinars, but book writing will go on a short hiatus. Also will start revamping my major website. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 | A7: My writing goals for after November is to continue writing a book a month.#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) November 20, 2019 |

- Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...
Thanks all, for helping us to get to know you better and sharing your #ShamelessPlug tweets every week. I am going to try something new and space permitting, include the links in our “Resources” section at the top of the summary. That way, people can find your #ShamelessPlug link that much easier! I think our rule will have to be first-come-first-serve, just to be fair. We may have to modify those rules, again, with fairness and equality in mind ;) We love everyone at #SocialCafe !
A8)This will happen this Thursday. Its all free. Bring a couple friends. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 | A8 My #ShamelessPlug is ... Hey, I’m participating in #NaNoWriMo2019 :) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) November 20, 2019 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
We always love first-time (and repeat) #SocialCafe community members. Thanks for joining us, Dr. Deb!
Hi! First time here. #SocialCafe
— Dr. Deb Lindh, EdD (@DebraLindh) November 20, 2019
And, Tom, I think you are one of those who has his heart in the right place and you are contributing to NaNoWriMo even in hosting tonight’s #SocialCafe and the attention to the cause. Thank you!
A4) I confess I pay no attention to them. I also confess that despite the good work they do as a non-profit, I have never donated. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 | This was fun. Hope everyone (including you lurkers -I see you out there!) has a great week and returns next week when we continue our NaNoWriMo review, accountability, and encouragement. Chats is where it's at on twitter! #SocialCafe— Tom Reid (@_TomGReid) November 20, 2019 |
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