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Looking for some great Tuesday #TwitterChats?Put these on your calendar:#ChatAboutBrand 12pm#USABizParty 1pm… https://t.co/RViCB5kwOD
— Soul Nesting(@SoulNesting)
Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat today, November 8, 2022, and weekly on Tues at 6pm PST / 9pm ESTToday we are chat… https://t.co/cxeOTQ77Dk
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Our topic for this #SocialCafe : Assessing 2022 and Ready for 2023 11.46 with @ThiamMeka2Gogue #chattingNow
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Please let us know you are here and where you are tweeting from tonight.So glad to have you join us! And, even i… https://t.co/FfpAgQn0Kn
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Welcome to #SocialCafe and the continuation of the discussion started during the #USABizParty this morning (10am PD… https://t.co/WTYvH4Skhd
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Thiam here, with 03:02 AM greetings from a 73°F Yaoundé, Cameroon rainy nightHappy to be your guest and thanks for… https://t.co/a23jMRDx23
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
#GettingToKnowYou question > What is your dream one-week vacation?#GTKY #SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Anywhere with my beloved, my hubby.#GettingToKnowYou #GTKY #SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue @USABizparty I admire you, Thiam, and your ability to attend Twitter Chats at all hours of the day… https://t.co/CicGstJiql
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q1 What comes to mind when someone says, “End of Year Assessment”, and how does that make you feel or think?… https://t.co/mHJdhE4GH6
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
GTKY) I would love to travel the world, so most anyplace would be a dream come true. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Checking in from SW Texas. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
GTKYGoing to Iceland for irts Northern lights#EndOfYear #SocialCafe #USABizParty https://t.co/YzbqEs0MZi
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q1 What does “End of Year Assessment” mean to you?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/LZj1tBsuoj
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
@TheTomGReid How are you doing this evening, Tom?#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A1 Ready to prepare for the next year!It depends on how prepared. If not, stressed and pressured. Otherwise, br… https://t.co/I0UwHHRK6O
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Oh, that DOES sound beautiful... #SocialCafe Great idea! https://t.co/IIyTCKaRBk
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
We have 4 designs of kid's cotton socks:- #Tractors Print- Steam Trains- Diesel Trains- #Mini- Room to grow!… https://t.co/8AS94HxHjZ
— On The Rails: Printed Fabrics(@Ontherails2)
A1) I sometimes wonder if it is just a perfunctory "going through the motions once a year", or if regular assessmen… https://t.co/0RQNp04Quj
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Get ready for Shameless Plug time a little later.Check out the origin of this Twitter Chat phenomenon >>… https://t.co/cF84mVgFfG
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Long day with a longer one planned tomorrow. So … OK. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Inspired by @ThiamMeka2Gogue #GTKY #NorthernLights :) #SocialCafe https://t.co/QGEjeRRfNs
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A1“End of Year Assessment” makes me feel excited & anxious about measuring whether or not the learning & business… https://t.co/jbvloVTFGL
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q2 Do you find yourself going through an #EndOfYear Assessment process every year? Why or why not?#SocialCafe https://t.co/8AjPDcJO8D
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Thank you so much DeborahHow I 'd love to see this IRL#EndOfYear #SocialCafe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q2 Do you frequently go through an “end of year assessment”? Why or why not?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/CwzIchih38
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A2 Basically every year, yes. Sometimes it is more structured and sometimes it is more summary, but there is alway… https://t.co/WUB7ZuzmTK
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A1bI feel it’s that time of year while many people focus on holiday celebrations & new year’s resolutions as a small business owner I have to focus on year-end business assessment, in both preparing for the new year, AND taking stock of the year past!#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/YPjk9ZzSG4 https://t.co/GyoxGU9BkD
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
@TheTomGReid That is a good question... I hadn't thought of that.Thiam? What do you think?(And, what about this kid's cotton socks? - though it looks interesting... Welcome to our chat On the Rails.. :) )#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@PublerNation is incredibly awesome & each week they answer a question for #SocialCafe Attached is our question and in a minute or so, we will retweet Publer's answer ;) > > Thank you! #PublerRocks https://t.co/wwr9zlrkQu https://t.co/wwr9zlrkQu
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A2 Experience has taught that it's more profitable to take a moment to at least verify everything has been done before the end of the year to maximize tax issues. #SocialCafe
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue Excited and Anxious... I think that explains it really well! That really hits both ends of the spectrum!BTW - love the images you came up with - great job! #SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@PublerNation and the #SocialCafe question of the week (#november8)<< >> https://t.co/MlSI1redPfLearn about @PublerNation ! >> https://t.co/s8HO6FaebLTY Publer! https://t.co/MlSI1redPf
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue responds to Q1 :)#SocialCafe https://t.co/7YoPRGklqV
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q3 What is involved in the #EndOfYear assessment process? Is there a step-by-step or procedural definition?#SocialCafe https://t.co/ixHodYORB4
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A2Yes, since it's a task to close other, weekly, monthly & quaternal assessments during the year & it sounds more important to begin to organize & tidy up all key aspects of business for the end of the calendar year. #EndOfYear #SocialCafe #USABizParty https://t.co/E3xxBwnF5R https://t.co/OaxwwBAzQL
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q3 What is the process that backs the end of year assessment?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/YCv7OsMQk4
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Do you feel like that makes you want to focus on holidays instead? Or, does it make you glad that you can focus on the new year on all of the newness of what is coming around the corner?Or, a little bit of both?#SocialCafe https://t.co/wlSA54EwWg
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A3 Again, like A2, it depends on how structured. I have some templates and processes (like Trello process & those involving project management for the teams) but there are also the journal-type approaches for the smaller biz and entrepreneurial approach...#SocialCafe#EndOfYear
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@snippetsbyAmy Oh definitely. And, even when we *know* that, it doesn't hurt to learn it and apply it that much more each year (if that even makes sense LOL).Hi Amy :)#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A2) Since performance reviews go on constantly, the ones done at the end of the year do tend to be more comprehensive. If any assessment revels a "need" it is best to start on it right away and not wait for some future irrelevant date. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
@socialwebcafe @USABizparty Thanks for your feedback, dear DeborahI feel honoredI am opend for learning experience sharing#EndOfYear #SocialCafe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
And, your picture makes it look productive and fun! ;)#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/fJuoQltRqd
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
That does make a lot of sense.And, it makes sense to not ... what is it... "put off until tomorrow what you can do today..." (and I'd love to give credit to whomever said that...) I'm sure you know the answer to that, Tom :)I am sometimes guilty of that..#SocialCafe https://t.co/g7TXZWRsuX
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
RT @TheTomGReid: A2) Since performance reviews go on constantly, the ones done at the end of the year do tend to be more comprehensive. If any assessment revels a "need" it is best to start on it right away and not wait for some future irrelevant date. #SocialCafe
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
Q4 What is one of your favorite aspects of the #EndOfYear assessment process? What are aspects that are challenging?#SocialCafe https://t.co/cSgS5yZtf7
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q4 What is a favorite aspect of the process? What is challenging?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/ipDoV6asHd
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Hi Amy - Apologies for missing this tweet in the list! Glad I found it now.Isn't @ThiamMeka2Gogue great. She is so encouraging in the discussion of #EndOfYear assessments and being organized and how to do so...Oh, and those VA mountains sound beautiful!#SocialCafe https://t.co/TpQ02dtdAz
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A3Your business assessment should happen throughout the year, culminating in the annual review in all of its operational & functional activities#EndOfYaer #SocialCafe https://t.co/Pc3TnWkqCl https://t.co/p3Rl2fSecW
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
A4 It is a lot of work but I actually love brainstorming. I don’t look to do it but many times analysis leads me to brainstorm ;) Great ideas are usually birthed out of brainstorming sessions :)#SocialCafe#EndOfYear https://t.co/Bbh423OQkQ
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
That does make sense, that they be triggered by occurrences... Good point, Amy!#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/39yGASZpDz
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A4Celebrating the wins should always be something to look forward with an #EndOfYear assessment!#SocialCafe
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
Oh, I'm right there with you, Thiam!Would it be nice if we had an endless amount of money and we could all take a holiday together with #USABizParty and #SocialCafe and see it?But, then, an endless amount of $ would be nice to donate to the homeless... https://t.co/TFeuqmSFYA
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A4I love reviewing my SMART goals, OKRs & KPIs. They motivate me, but at the same time, these goals challenge me & strengthen my resolve for a successful tomorrow. What I find challenging is getting tax documents together#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/pOUybX3R54 https://t.co/aZqAly15fe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q5 What are some creative things we can do to help improve the assessment process?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/RmrjWpj0Fa
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Another good point.In studying psychology (I/O psychology) I was always fascinating by the intertwining of the qualitative and quantitative...I would love a topic even just on that!#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/7ufWSkqhMF
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: A4 It is a lot of work but I actually love brainstorming. I don’t look to do it but many times analysis leads me to brainstorm ;) Great ideas are usually birthed out of brainstorming sessions :)#SocialCafe#EndOfYear https://t.co/Bbh423OQkQ
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q5 How can we think outside the box when it comes to the assessment process?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/4Lwho355it
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A5 Relax.Be honest even when it hurts; The assessment only works with an honest view;Remember you have next year to improve on your strategy and approach;>> Next year is YOUR year!#SocialCafe#EndOfYear https://t.co/TcaueVc1MP
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A5I have found it more productive to conduct daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly reviews rather than one end-of-year review. These reviews focus on progress toward meeting annual objectives in the areas of business growth#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/vkBLp0bshA https://t.co/dyOYx2DGAP
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue Oh, these visuals ;)The words, too, I promise you, but the visuals make me want to print them out and place them on my whiteboards ;) Great pics and picks, Thiam. I have some articles covering goals for January-may I borrow your concept for pics? (alpha magnets)#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A3-4) I needed a deep dive on my marketing plan & started that in Sept. Finished the 1st full draft in October & it is out for review. Have been doing a detailed cash flow analysis, only to have a large client payment get "lost in the mail", thus messing up that plan! #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
I like how you think, Thiam!Yes, culminating in the annual review.Tom - does this remind you a bit of how the WBS works? Just a bit?#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/K96ftn8pR7
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Thanks for these words, dear DeborahYour audience deserve them, you as well#EndOfYear #SocialCafe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
@socialwebcafe That's what my busines coach taught me Deb#EndOfYear #SocialCafe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
A5) I often have a large list of ideas from brainstorming and I use the matched pair analysis to identify the truly important ones. Then I know where to best focus my resources. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Q6 What tools help you when it comes to #EndOfYear Assessments?#SocialCafe https://t.co/PBn6bBWKSz
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q6 What websites or tools are helpful when going through these #EndOfYear Assessments?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/dbp8lwRzNY
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
It is really hard when 1 "hiccup" (which is much bigger than a simple hiccup) can derail things so much.I have had that happen more times than I would like to admit.If only the dominoes would fall in a perfectly aligned row...https://t.co/jqwEX2qxZo#SocialCafe https://t.co/IX1BKl60Or
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe I've been seeking a corporate sponsor that wants to take its leadership team on a cruise where I teach the Sustained Leadership WBS book. Don't really care where they want to go on the cruise. I'm in!! #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
A6 Journals, Trello, the normal organizational tools...Oh, half a brain (or more) helps... borrowing my spouse’s brain may help, too ;)#SocialCafe#EndOfYear https://t.co/d3ZJ691XyD
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Ah, well either you had an incredible coach or you are an incredible student!I think it is both but mostly the latter ;)#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/CVSkpkzGdf
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue Thank you ;)#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A6There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to your end of the year digital tools choice. There isn’t necessarily one rule of thumb for all businesses, and what works for your firm may not work for others.#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/sL8lcGwgBz https://t.co/V2zT4ooBG3
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q7 What other questions (or tips) do you have related to #EndofYear Assessments?#SocialCafe https://t.co/Jqj4zfFrpa
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe A chalk board wall! (and a good camera to keep brain storming breakthroughs for posterity)#SocialCafe
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
A6bWhen choosing any software, ask does the it perform its basic functions? Does it offer additional facilities for ur business? Is it capable of reading any forms of data that u may be using in the future? #EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/sL8lcGe7nr https://t.co/DBHupmc2oB
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Q7 What other tips or questions are there, related to #EndOfYear Assessments?#SocialCafe https://t.co/Bf4TCzc0GO
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Any luck?That is a great idea! And, as one who has read (part of) your book, that would really help the corporate team & would be nice for your wallet and holiday too ;)#SocialCafe Check out Tom's book here > https://t.co/J7eNbeODXj [affiliate link] https://t.co/iFpxXdxC0f
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A7 Do not try to reinvent 10 years in one year. Take it one step in front of another... one step at a time... You’ve got this!#SocialCafe#EndOfYear https://t.co/wnbFXmM9D1
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
RT @ThiamMeka2Gogue: A6bWhen choosing any software, ask does the it perform its basic functions? Does it offer additional facilities for ur business? Is it capable of reading any forms of data that u may be using in the future? #EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/sL8lcGe7nr https://t.co/DBHupmc2oB
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
@socialwebcafe Thanks for the endorsement. So far - no takers, but some discussions continue. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
A7Start your year-end review by taking some time to assess what you really accomplished this year. It’s more than just revenue and profits or measures of statistical output. Ask yourself good QsWhat major projects did you complete? ...#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/mwmi4hF80y https://t.co/U42d4VThWf
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Oooooh... Good idea, Amy!And, the camera is a good idea, especially with how easy it is to accidentally bump/rub up against the wall and wipe the ideas away...Remember when pictures involved waiting for film development etc. etc. So easy now! An iphone away!#SocialCafe https://t.co/IR8ACVqHTR
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A7bSift through reports and big data, analyzing the preceding months and our year-over-year results. We analyze our performance, set new goals, and figure out how we’re going to achieve them.#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/mwmi4ho4Yy https://t.co/sNQRZVR3Nt
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
@TheTomGReid Have you made a list of some possible corporate sponsors?What about (just thinking out loud here), adding five possible corporate sponsors to your list every day, or every week, and then contacting them every, say, Wednesday...?#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q8 What #goals do you have this week (to accomplish before #november15)? How can we hold you accountable and help you this week?#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/HAfkr0lVbP
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
"Ask yourself good Questions..."An imperative part of a good assessment!#SocialCafe https://t.co/7xSXE28Mr4
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
@TheTomGReid Do you know of anyone in the Travel industry? Maybe they know people who know people ... ok, now I am picturing the shampoo commercial from the 1970s... and they tell somebody and they tell somebody...#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Appreciate the ideas, but not giving details here. #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Q8 How can we encourage you with your #goals this week? #november8#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/i9r08T2Bgg
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A8 I have a video project I want to finish, along with some programmatic integration projects... it sounds boring but to me it is like chocolate chip cookies ;) #SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/KM6i7bh53k
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Oh, I agree Thiam and Amy! Yes, asking yourself good questions... Excellent point. Excellent catch.Now, the question is, how do you identify how to identify the good questions? ;)#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/UdhkyOwXbv
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A8Writing an article of last month October's #CyberSecurityAwareness month activities and takeaways & insights #EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/EBEljEOu9E https://t.co/DbkQYXOu15
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
And, this technique not only works for the #EndOfYear assessments but so many other projects! Great technique. Great approach, Thiam. Thank you for sharing.#SocialCafe So many excellent points in this continued discussion that started from earlier today > #USABizParty https://t.co/CYiMCQyWWZ
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q9 What is our #november8 #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug?Don’t forget to include #ShamelessPlug in your tweet...Promote yourself; Celebrate those wins! Advertise your product(s) or service(s)#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/j3OdtgUxUV
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Qs like:What strategic initiatives did you successfully launch? What did you accomplish that would be a true cause for celebration?Did you penetrate a new and profitable market? Did you introduce a new product? #EndOfYear #SocialCafe
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Oh, I would never ask you to give details and I would never expect you to give details.I was attempting to give you ideas of putting together ideas for yourself... not sharing ideas with us :)It was meant to motivate you, not divulge secrets ;) #Encouragement #SocialCafe https://t.co/2zgpLzynUi
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Q9 Our #ShamelessPlug for #november8 is what? Let us help others and share (RT) these, shall we? ;)#SocialCafe#EndofYear https://t.co/3hIYdrq5mN
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Data visualization can be quite enlightening...#SocialCafe https://t.co/RocSuMzyTe
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
@socialwebcafe Appreciated! #SocialCafe
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
A9 Quoting last week because it helped me... Happiness is... 1) Knowing oneself;2) Understanding one’s moral core;3) Growing daily optimism;4) Being able to see this same beauty in the world.#SocialCafe#EndOfYear
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
A9None here :-)#EndOfYear #SocialCafe https://t.co/3TCYltSkVW https://t.co/mnQ7HYzEI8
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Excellent list of questions. Very helpful list!Peeps > Here is a helpful list of questions and from here, you could expand and add more questions...#SocialCafe #EndOfYear https://t.co/ZFsaUa0mLz
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue Thiam - I do love how you put together images/slides for each question. It does give me ideas ;) Thank you for that!I had something similar, early on but streamlined it to find a balance time-wise. But, I really like what you have done!#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
#SocialCafe! (sorry)
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
Thank you so much @ThiamMeka2Gogue for leading us during our #EndOfYear Assessment discussion this evening here at #SocialCafe And, thank you for leading us this morning, during the #USABizParty chat! We really appreciate you! Please accept our humblest of all thanks
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Join us next Tuesday @ 1p EST (10am PST) to chat about #Gratitude during our #USABizParty Twitter ChatCan't wait to experience thankfulness together! See you there and later in the day as we continue chatting about Gratitude at #SocialCafe https://t.co/eAFKWWlWX5
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Shout out of gratitude for all the #SocialCafe community for this conversation we started at #USABizParty Thanks for hosting @socialwebcafe @SchellerAnna @USABizparty and for honoring me as your gusetBest#EndOfYear #SocialCafe #USABizParty https://t.co/M4FKHCTmXu
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
@ThiamMeka2Gogue And, stay tuned for a #USABizParty show in December, featuring @ThiamMeka2Gogue >> sharing more of her expertise with us, in an interview with @DeborahE ( of @socialwebcafe ) & @SchellerAnna More details to follow :) And, thanks, again, Thiam ;)#SocialCafe #CappuccinoTalks
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: @ThiamMeka2Gogue And, stay tuned for a #USABizParty show in December, featuring @ThiamMeka2Gogue >> sharing more of her expertise with us, in an interview with @DeborahE ( of @socialwebcafe ) & @SchellerAnna More details to follow :) And, thanks, again, Thiam ;)#SocialCafe #CappuccinoTalks
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Thanks #SocialCafe and @ThiamMeka2Gogue a great chat!Have a wonderful week!
— Amy.M.Anderson(@snippetsbyAmy)
Thank u for joining us for our #november8 #SocialCafe Chat! Always great to have you here!
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Always thankful to engage with the #SocialCafe crew! https://t.co/ao47mT55PD
— Tom Reid(@TheTomGReid)
Thank you again @ThiamMeka2Gogue & thank you @TheTomGReid @snippetsbyAmy @SchellerAnna @USABizparty @DebComanWriting @LyceumPeripatos @GrowMap and so many others for such wonderful discussions even throughout the day!You have really fleshed out this topic for #SocialCafe ;)
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Ah, you are so sweet, Thiam. Thank you.#SocialCafe #USABizParty https://t.co/G4VjjLf4W5
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Assessing 2022 and Ready for 2023 #SocialCafe 11.46
@TheTomGReid I love the term, crew. That works ;)Yes, it was fun to engage. Thank you for your weekly engagement, Tom. You bring such depth of conversation to the table and we appreciate you.#SocialCafe
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)
Ah, you are so sweet, Thiam. Thank you.#SocialCafe #USABizParty https://t.co/G4VjjLf4W5
— THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM(@ThiamMeka2Gogue)
Thank you again @ThiamMeka2Gogue & thank you @TheTomGReid @snippetsbyAmy @SchellerAnna @USABizparty… https://t.co/3tuOTaa5TG
— Anna Scheller, Host of #USABizParty(@SchellerAnna)
Ah, you are so sweet. Thank you, Thiam! And, you seemed to know just what I needed to hear!-Deb#SocialCafe https://t.co/h7ASN1ldNA
— Deborah, Pro Videographer, #SocialCafe Host(@socialwebcafe)