#SocialCafe Chatting about #ebook writing/publishing w/ @AngEngland--------------- Featuring: --------------- --------------- Also visit these wonderful services! --------------- --------------- Your Host --------------- -------- a little pre-chat chit chat -------- Saying hello to the group, Happy New year to everyone. hello everyone! Looking forward to the chat! Social Media Services that you can afford with reach you will be shocked to enjoy. Take a look and... http://fb.me/1MyY5xkEq Eq Ready to share some self-publishing genius with starting in 5 minutes. Nice to be here again great work! I have written a few ebooks but want to learn how to monetize as well as to lead up to bigger products. Hey everyone! Looking forward to learning something today. RT : Hey everyone! Looking forward to learning something today. Absolutely! You should always think about ways to repurpose what you've already done into other offerings. --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Wed 3pm EST (8p GMT) You've come to the right place. is sooooo creative. And successful! Thank you! It's great to be here also. I love talking about because they have changed my career. Hello everyone! Happy new year! Angela have you ever used flipbook technology for eBooks? Quark is good, but a little confusing to me. "Creative" is just a nice way of saying I have a big mouth and am not afraid to use it. ;-) This Chat hour we will chat with about ebook writing and publishing RT : This Chat hour we will chat with about ebook writing and publishing It's so great to meet you all and have you join us. RT : This Chat hour we will chat with about ebook writing and publishing I tend to prefer the more traditional PDF format but I have done ecourses as well. I feel like I know you already. Have you ever done anything with ? Awesome! I have some boom ideas! Welcome Angela! So excited to have you here! RT : This Chat hour we will chat with about ebook writing and publishing RT : This Chat hour we will chat with about ebook writing and publishing RT : Welcome Angela! So excited to have you here! I did yes - I just did a TV interview with Leah re my Backyard Farming on an Acre book. (traditional print) Love the Tweetchats.. A nice way to kick back and learn. Today we are talking to a very creative lady about a successful ebook about writing successful ebooks! Leah also just mentioned the book in the most recent newsletter I noticed. How long should a successful ebook be? An ebook should be as long as is needed to cover the information. It sounds simple but EVERYTHING in the book should be there with a purpose. Don't stuff needlessly w/pics or extras when you write the book and publish, you just do it in .pdf? Is that easily opened by all platforms (tablets, etc.)? I have published a great little "ebooklet" only 15 pages as the Untrained Housewife manifesto http://bit.ly/Xjpae0 I have at least 100 eBooks in My Documents and love to go back into my folder and read on rainy days. I've also published much larger books over 100 pages. Whatever is needed to make the point clearly, logically, and fully. Q1 When did you first decide that you wanted to publish an ebook? Please share stories of your ebook-writing-journey. Link? RT : I just did a TV interview with Leah re my Backyard Farming on an Acre book. (traditional print) I do .doc, .mobi and .pub. Both Amazon (kindle) and Nook platforms have conversion programs available. RT : Q1 When did you first decide that you wanted to publish an ebook? RT : I do .doc, .mobi and .pub. Both Amazon (kindle) and Nook platforms have conversion programs available. I agree. I love adding them to the iPad and taking them with me everywhere. A1 I havent written a ebook yet. Im just begining to blog A1: Haven't written one yet either. I have lots of ideas, but I guess I'm nervous! A1. I have wanted to write a book for a few years now...just recently started thinking about an e-book ACK No I meant I WRITE as .doc and provide them as .pdf so they aren't as easily edited/copied/stolen by others Blogging and ebook creation can be done hand in hand. :-) A1 - I started writing ebooks back in 2008 before they were even popular. No ereaders existed at that time. Would love for you all to follow me too. I am trying to follow all of you as we go along :) A1 My first successful ebook was Making Money Blogging: Moving Beyond Banner Ad Sales to help bloggers resell their words. A1 That book was written in 2009, still before ereaders were popular, but added 5 figures to our income in 2010. A1 I have always wanted to publish an ebook. Talking to Angela inspired me to do it! A1 That's when I began to realize the many benefits of eBook creation and how powerful a tool they could be. Woah! I need to get crackin'! what price point did you put your first eBook at? Or did you generate income from other products? RT : what price point did you put your first eBook at? Or did you generate income from other products? I think I am in the same boat. I have written lots of books, but haven't published them :) The benefits of writing an ebook are MANY but I think of 4 primary benefits for bloggers. Nice to meet you :) I have 10 tabs open.. LOL 1) Increased subscribers. The UTH Manifesto has brought triple-digit newsletter subs each month since I started offering it. 2) Increased visibility and authority on your topic. I increased speaking gigs and consultation gigs as a result of my books. 3) Increased revenue. Not only can you gain revenue through book sales but also affiliate links, add on sales, etc. 4) Increased authority as a writer. A publisher knows not every blogger is capable of writing a full-length work. I had proof. RT : 1) Increased subscribers. The UTH Manifesto has brought triple-digit newsletter subs each month since I started RT : 2) Increased visibility and authority on your topic. I increased speaking gigs and consultation gigs = RT : 3) Increased revenue. Not only can you gain revenue through book sales but also affiliate links, add on sales RT : 4) Increased authority as a writer. A publisher knows not every blogger is capable of writing a full-length work Saw a question re price point - I tend to eschew the $.99 price point and go for free, $12 or $25. Ive been asked to write book about my life and disability My Making Money Blogging ebook, for example, explains to bloggers how to get a magazine print job worth 4 x's the $25 price tag If the value is high enough you can charge a good price and it will be very fair. I advise my clients to start writing freely for their first eBook on MS Word. Blog posts can offer great content. Jot down your ideas! The worst that can happen is you've practiced writing. ;-) RT : Jot down your ideas! The worst that can happen is you've practiced writing. ;-) RT : If the value is high enough you can charge a good price and it will be very fair. My first ever ebook, a complete flop, I priced at $5. I think I sold about 5 copies. It had a terrible topic. Ali Brown is a good example. $10 a month for her newsletter with 150k + subscribers..that's a nice income. Q2 What are the biggest joys of ebook writing and what are the detractors? RT : Ali Brown is a good example. $10 a month for her newsletter with 150k + subscribers..that's a nice income. Glad you could join us - we are chatting about ebooks! :-) Now chatting about eBook writing & publishing. If you couldn't make it today, we will be here next Wed. too. I have short blog about it I do touch on most of these topics in my book, 30 Days to Make a Sell a Fabulous Ebook http://30dayebook.com me RT : Q2 What are the biggest joys of ebook writing and what are the detractors? I have a 20 page eBook on "Growing an Organic SEO Garden" I offered for a promo last spring. It was free. Good point. I need to just do it! The joys of creating an ebook are many. As w/all art, getting my message out there & creating something of value is priceless. A2 Life has a lot of distractions. But, I think it is worth the effort to pursue. RT : I have a 20 page eBook on "Growing an Organic SEO Garden" I offered for a promo last spring. It was free. Those free ebooklets can be awesome for building newsletter subscribers and spreading your message. As a homeschooling mom, keeping up with the trends is so important. That focus, personal insight, and clarification has resulted in more motivation and energy FOR ME. Great ebook! Doing it now! RT : I do touch on these topics in my book, 30 Days to Make a Sell http://30dayebook.com me You won’t want to miss next week, too... chatting with The other really cool thing about ebooks is that you are taking control. Not waiting for someone to "give you a break". Looking forward to your ebook, too :) The downside is definitely distribution. Marketing and what not. RT : You won’t want to miss next week, too... chatting with I guess I wouldn't be sure how to market/sell - like, what price? how do you know? RT : A2 Life has a lot of distractions. But, I think it is worth the effort to pursue. But having been through the traditional print industry now I can tell ya reaching a few at 50-100% is still great $$ Brene Brown has a saying "Choose discomfort over resentment". It was uncomfortable to ask $25 for Making Money Blogging but I was teaching methods for making HUNDREDS so worth it! When you finish your book look at what you're providing, what's out there, what you're saving people (time/money), etc Pricing is the trickiest thing but remember you can always go DOWN - harder to go back UP in price. RT : Pricing is the trickiest thing but remember you can always go DOWN - harder to go back UP in price. If you want to offer a "discount" try offering a bonus with purchase instead. Increases value to customer w/o discounting book. I do that sometimes. When I'm not chasing kids or losing my keys. ;-) i've seen where people offer at discount if peeps subscribe to their newsletter I like that idea, a bonus. I agree that I like to give and the price tags can be uncomfortable. I also learned a lot from having my first ebook completely flop. LOL!! Yes or partner with someone else or give a personalized consultation w/you or free printable or sneak peek at extras.. Awwwww....my snuffy, congested and cranky baby says hello. Now typing around a lap full. ;-) Q3 What are some efficiency tips you have discovered in ebook writing/publishing? Hi to your baby and hoping your baby feels better. W/Making Money Blogging I pre-sold copies and gave a 30 minute phone consult to pre-purchasers. That is an idea, growing the subscriber base and selling the ebook. Depends on topic. Could be checklist, personal Q&A, consult, free printable, free video tutorial, weekly email, etc Thank you for making it ok to flop. ;-) What percentage of the people took you up on the 30 minute phone call bonus? She's at the tail end of the guckies and wanting a nap. lol Poor baby. RT : Thank you for making it ok to flop. ;-) Well hopefully if you learn from my mistakes you won't. But at the very least you'll have learned something. i helped a fellow blogger at one point. she gave me a free copy of her ebook, i reviewed it, and blogged about it All of the first ten people. After that I offered the consult at $25 off (price of the book) and about 1/2 did. If you aren't willing to risk smacking your face on something you better just stay in bed. ;-) A3 I think 30 day approach is brilliant RT : Q3 What are some efficiency tips you have discovered in ebook writing/publishing? A3 - Write the outline first. Definitely. The outline will be the key to overcoming distractions and delays. I wrote that book in two weeks. Shhh...don't tell anyone. ;-) A3 - Plan your ebook and your blog posts at the same time. Sidebars, small sections, etc can all be blog posts from the book That way you're not having to write blog posts + a book, you can do both at the same time. RT A3 - Write the outline first. Definitely. The outline will be the key to overcoming distractions and delays. Double up your research, double up your time, save yourself so much AND pre-test your topic. Win/win/win Wow! Ok, won't tell anyone ;) Oh, and I smack my face on something just about every day, so I guess I'm good to go! Good point. I wondered about that. What is your process for blog posts from the ebook? Full? Summary? Teaser? What has been your biggest set back in doing an ebook thus far? I was highly motivated. Lol I outline the book first. If I have blog poststhat fit in its easy to insert, expand, format to match book. Totally use what posts you've already written in the book if relevant but give yourself room to clarify details. Oh this fussy baby! :-( Poor thing. I always just think - what's the worst that could happen? No one buys the book. Was it worth it if that doesn't happen? Well I could use the book for blog posts, podcasts or videos. Q4 What would be your 2013 ebook writing or publishing goal? pitch magazine articles from it. Yes - probably worth it even if not a single sale. RT : Q4 What would be your 2013 ebook writing or publishing goal? I plan to self-publish a series of Untrained Housewife Guides with my community of writers at UTH. I already have The Untrained Housewife's Guide to Getting Prepared, to Eating Fresh From the Garden, and... A4. Mine is to publish an e-book The Untrained Housewife's Guide to Home Based Business Success in the works for 2013. I also have a title I want to work on called The Myth of Perfection: Failing Passionately to Succeed Powerfully. :-) A4 Keeping it simple, one ebook (with an eye toward more) In total I want to publish 10 books this year in the Untrained Housewife brand for homeschooling, canning, photography, etc. RT : A4 Keeping it simple, one ebook (with an eye toward more) Amazing or insane. Or maybe both. Thank you! It's time. Untrained Housewife is about the journey towards intentional living. These will help that goal. Probably homepreschooling Sounds about right. What topics are you passionate about? Do people come to you with questions about all the time? Ooohhhh....great topic! Much needed. Would love to see a chapter discuss multi-ages. I was thinking the same thing! 10... wow! Like What to do w/pre-K while you're trying to teach olders too. I have 1st + PreK light years away in edu level The first ebook is the place to start! Day 1. :-) there w/ya! RT : Oh, and I smack my face on something just about every day, so I guess Im good to go! Thankfully not all written by me but all edited/formatted/assisted by me. Lydia.. what is the topic of your next book/ebook? Hiding in bed all day is way over-rated. ;-) I have a toddler and an infant and am working n creating a curriculum that will teach and engage them both. My biggest challenge this year will be time management and staying on track. What about you? This is day 2, so still time for 30 days to ebook! .. please send us your 30 day link again ;) I LOVE that. So your ebook will be really a 50 page promotional tool for your curriculum sales also. But I would like to try it just once to find out. Definitely passionate about education and creatively teaching! Could make "100 Ways to Entertain Your PreK" for free download w/newsletter Brilliant! RT : ...working n creating a curriculum that will teach and engage them both. Then sell the 50 page book about preK homeschooling for say $4.99-7. Then upsell to your curriculum for $50-$99 .. I keep getting more efficient and then add 50 more things to do. I need to find a "stop" button. Waht you would do then is offer people who purchase the book the chance to apply price of book to curriculum. Are you in this chat, ? Talking ebooks over here. You might be encouraged. :-) While also offering the book as a FREE BONUS for those who buy the full curriculum piece. See what I mean? I can encourage or tush-kick, whichever is needed. ;-) Great idea! Do you have an ebook of just your creative ideas :) I totally hear you! I remember when 1 baby took all my time. hehehehehe LOL! That's what the personal brainstorming consultations are for. hehehehehe And, you have mastered that! I was just telling hubby how amazing you handle herb gardens, writing, TV, many kids Nice! Thanks for the great ideas! Oh, hey, I misplaced your 100 brainstorming link... Do you mind sharing, here? tush-kicking :) RT : I can encourage or tush-kick, whichever is needed. ;-) Maybe a little bit of both. Thank you for joining us, Angela for our chat Absolutely! You're welcome. Homeschooling mommas gotta stick together. It's why I had a companion guide made for my backyard farming book. My educational background is education/special education so I am an "expert" at differentiation & learning styles RT : Absolutely! You're welcome. Homeschooling mommas gotta stick together. I like to say if I can do it anyone can. :-) So ready for curriculum on that! Our world needs your expertise. That's so important. I talk a lot about using past experiences to give a unique twist on current work. Thanks! Really great, inspiring, motivating, information filled chat! Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Getting started is tough. Start w/the outline and go from there. Thank you for joining us for this week's Twitter Chat.
-------- a little post-chat chit chat -------- I like to set challenges for myself & rewards. "When I finish chapter 2 I will get to watch the next episode of..." RT : So ready for curriculum on that! Our world needs your expertise. LOVE that idea. Already have 2 rough outlines and a 2013 planner. I'm ready. Lol. Feel free to keep chatting overtime :) BTW - We are trending on Twitter! Very cool! This was a totally fun chat you guys thanks. http://30dayebook.com m is the site for my 30 day ebook. :-)e YES! You're half way there. In the 30 Days to Make and Sell a Fabulous ebook I recommend writing 15min per day min. Minimum. But write EVERY DAY and you will see progress. What topics are your outlines? TRENDING! :-) RT : Feel free to keep chatting overtime :) BTW - We are trending on Twitter! Very cool! I totally recommend this ebook! MT : totally fun chat you guys http://30dayebook.com m is the site for my 30 day ebook.e Seeing as is talking about independent book publishing may I suggest adding to the chat? Excellent. are good peeps! just sent you a note. Our new systems will be up very soon. If you can't hold out let us know! RT : Excellent. are good peeps! Thx for the luv! RT : Excellent. HT are good peeps! Kicked off the year with an eTail social huddle, we're wondering what tools you use to manage your different product twitters? RT : i helped a fellow blogger at one point. she gave me a free copy of her ebook, i reviewed it, and blogged about it Loving over a latte this morning!
????????? sorry i had to duck out! Baby woke. Am thinking a guide to writing. I'm an English teacher. :) thanks for the help/ideas with ebooks today!! Yes! Another book I need to read. I will try writing 15 mins/day. Thank you! RT : Minimum. But write EVERY DAY and you will see progress. Pitch it for homeschoolers and you'll be great!! oh man! You have to tell me about those things earlier - totally missed - I'll go scan the thread now thanks! That's a great idea! RT : Thx for the luv! RT : Excellent. HT are good peeps! Set a reward for a goal. Finish the first chapter go to Starbucks. Finish the book get a massage. RT : As is talking about indie book pub may I suggest adding to the chat > I'm kinda busy writing :-) But I'll catch up later... hmmm...sounds like a grand idea. First page of the intro is half finished.