#SocialCafe Chatting with @JSRampton about @bloggingdotorg--------------- Featuring: --------------- John Rampton (JSRampton) on TwitterThe latest from John Rampton (@JSRampton). Entrepreneur, PPC Master, Writer, Online Marketing Guy, Blogger, Husband and Full Time Compute... --------------- Also visit these wonderful services! --------------- --------------- Your Host --------------- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Wed 3pm EST (8p GMT) Hey Gang! How's it going? Come over and have a chat with us in 15 minutes! Come over and chat with us! Would love to see you there. Saying hello! How is everyone? Hey Brian. Good to see you. Welcome John Rampton! So excited to have you here! This Chat hour we will chat with about Talking with I love this forum because it let's me be me for awhile. Nice to meet you. Today we are talking to John Rampton about and what is is about My Q is how do you best use PPC while maintaining rankings in SEO? Q1 Do you use any freelancer writing sites? Have you tried ? BTW - there are pre-formed questions, to get you thinking, but feel free to ask questions about , too A1 I officially tried yesterday. Smooth. Very cool! RT : I am creating my marketing calender based on topic specific blogs. Odd, 403 errors in Tweetchat, is comma not an allowed character? I guess it, is now it works. RT : Very cool! RT : I am creating my marketing calender based on topic specific blogs. should be allowed. trying it now,,,, Yeah, my original answer had 403 errors trying to update, I deleted and retyped : not sure which caused it Hi I am tripping over Windows 8 looking like a smart phone. My new laptop is being broke in I've seen weird errors in tweetchat. Still, for a free tool, it is excellent. I have been on Windows 8 for a while but don't use start screen much, there is app to add start button back. time to switch to an iPhone Agree, tweetchat rocks, don't even know another tool that does the same thing like this. Great question! MT : How big is the team behind bloggingdotorg? How much staff runs the site right? we are a small three person team I have an iPhone, but Windows 8 Desktop I think was mean't. :) RT : time to switch to an iPhone Who can I email feature suggestions, findings too? Have lots of little bits here and there (LOTS). Hey everyone, managed to grab a few moments to stop by and say hi That reminds me.. Where is the "$10 deal" for bloggingdotorg I think the links I try go to the home page. Is it built-in? Q2 What are your concerns, requests, feedback about freelancing sites, esp writing freelancing? A2 Curious about plans to solicit more projects and companies. tired, busy day today, but I keep saying I'll stop by I have an upcoming initial post about http://blogging.org to claim my $10 credit, worth doing. # sign up and then message support and we will put the discount on there I thought the transaction on bloggingdotorg went well yesterday, but now I am curious about the process as a purchaser... thank you, nice to be here Carla is having technical difficulties and will be back momentarily. A2 really look at the cost and quality, you really won't get good quality for low cost, there are no bargains, always a catch. Glad u did. This is a good wind-down time for you, eh? RT : tired, busy day today, but I keep saying Ill stop by Purchaser wasn't bad, I would prefer it make you add credit first, then purchase opps than directly paypal 4 opp Thanks, Brian. Great when we have multiple simultaneous connections. What did we do before internet? sure is, feet up and my Nexus 7 in my hand lol That was quick! RT : Ok Im back :) What order does it do now (as purchaser)? Ah, still a few more hours of work time, here. I'll virtually put my feet up with you :) sites have had a few problems with this due to spammers hard to mitigate risk in the beginning haha my feet are already up Thinking of 's questions.. W/ bloggingdotorg you can increase pay price for high quality, right? Spammers? Spamming content or projects or both. (Trying to think like a spammer and it isn't working...) correct we have four different levels of quality both and trying to get a free ride I may be the odd one out but the I've never heard of bloggingdotorg! Then you came to the right place, since is the owner/founder ;) What's the URL link John? See.. u got me there, too. I don't think like that so I can imagine. I need to open my mind to the dark side. lol A1: I do use "my blog guest" on other odd occasion! Yes you can restrict so opp only goes to higher rated writers. if you have any questions let me know I can answer general blogging questions too Yeah, ! ;) RT A1: I do use "my blog guest" on other odd occasion! just took a look, looks good ;) I use MyBlogGuest too on occasion I have to think like a Jedi but not get darth vader-ered lol A difference between and is that there is no money exchange for guest posting w/ Q3 What would be your requested feature for a freelancer site like ? Also need to automate credit refund when opp is canceled, or deleted. what's your opinion on it Justin? :) RT : I have to think like a Jedi but not get darth vader-ered lol A3 I like the tip feature of HireWriters, you can add a $1-$3 tip after approving the article. RT : A3 I like the tip feature of HireWriters, you can add a $1-$3 tip after approving the article. I would love to write freelance. Maybe pick up some extra on that note... is automated payment processing in the works? Tho, on my end, it was smooth yesterday. Oh, that IS cool! MT : A3 I like the tip feature of HireWriters, you can add a $1-$3 tip after approving article. yup we are working on that it is a little hard with PayPal though You should sign up at bloggingdotorg A3 A message that says you need to log in when viewing jobs we are working on an app right now with notifications So, how does it work once someone clicks on submit article. Does it block anyone else from submitting? A3 I can't find a way to favorite writers, no option seems to show up when approving or when viewing profiles. RT : we are working on an app right now with notifications Not refund via paypal, but at least put the credit back in the application credit pool. I don't know, I know that another submit came in after I rejected one, but don't know if both could have come in I created 2 opps yesterday with it, some minor bumps but overall service has good potential. Next Week Preview: chatting about Facebook Contests and how you can run them RT : I created 2 opps yesterday with it, some minor bumps but overall service has good potential. I've not used it to add opps yet, only used it to get content. I like the phrase "good potential" MT : created 2 opps yesterday, minor bumps bt overall service hs good potential looking forward to that one, I've ran a few Facebook contests Q4 Any other questions (or comments) for ? And, you are good at running contests, Karen. I think you were the one that got me going on rafflecopter rafflecopter is good, maybe it was me lol A4 What are future plans for ? And, there is vid of talking about coming within moments on the same youtube channel. You can't talk about contests/giveaways without inviting me! That would be a nice feature. MT : A3 I cant find a way to favorite writers ...when approving or viewing profiles. Oh, so true! Join us next week :) RT : You cant talk about contests/giveaways without inviting me! Any stats on how bloggingdotorg has grown? It is, what, 3 months old? Thank you for joining us, John Rampton for our chat Thanks and @carlywynn2012 Looking forward to Facebook contests next week. Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for this week's Twitter Chat. Feel free to continue, just wanted to let u know: appreciate u!