#SEO: Where are helpful resources? #SocialCafe #TBW HomeTake your hangouts to the next level with hangoutqueen.com Download the cheatsheets used by HangoutQueen.com and then, when you are ready... Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: Yay! So glad God shined down on tonight's chat lol! I would have missed you :) Ah ;) And, I would have missed you! And, all the community :) Our topic Chat hour: : Where are Helpful Resources? Our topic Chat hour: : Where are Helpful Resources? Hey All! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot :) RT Hey All! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot :) Hey Marisa and @RebeckaKrill! :) Tonight: : Where are Helpful Resources? RT Tonight: : Where are Helpful Resources? Q1 What resources (sites, training, etc.) have helped you learn more about ? Yay! RT : Hey All! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot :) Hi Missy! Glad you made it ;) Last week: Plugins for My Blog Q1 What resources (sites, training, etc.) have helped you learn more about ? Q1 What resources (sites, training, etc.) have helped you learn more about ? Q1 What resources (sites, training, etc.) have helped you learn more about ? RT Q1 What resources (sites, training, etc.) have helped you learn more about ? thank you glad to be here tonight A1 I deal with every day :) A1 I deal with every day :) Yay! Hi Pam. How are you? RT : I'm here…late but here! Hey Pam! Great to see you :) I can't help but say is a great place for all resources including SEO tips from the great :) summer is throwing me way off! Great to see all of you guys too! A1 I think are my biggest resources for SEO lately! A1 I think are my biggest resources for SEO lately! LOL! the Summer is throwing me off too :p I need to read Last Weeks chat!!! At least this will be a short work week for most with the holiday :) Too kind! TY :) MT : is a great place for all resources including SEO tips from the great :) Q2 What criteria would you use in choosing a resource to learn about ? RT Q2 What criteria would you use in choosing a resource to learn about ? A2 I would ask them to demonstrate their *current* results. Q2 What criteria would you use in choosing a resource to learn about ? That they are qualified to speak on SEO! Examples and proof LOL! RIGHT! RT A2 I would ask them to demonstrate their *current* results. RIGHT! RT A2 I would ask them to demonstrate their *current* results. A1: Here is a pretty interesting video about how Goggle works. Thought it would a useful resource Good point, So many say they are experts and practice damaging tactics I just started a new travel/food blog with 5 other bloggers and we are all wishing we knew more about SEO! Personally, I like to listen to what has to say about .. go to the source admitted Personally, I like to listen to what has to say about .. go to the source admitted A2. I watch different youtube videos and read SEO blog posts... since it's constantly changing you have to keep learning A2: A resource that has someone credible giving information. Also videos and lots of examples are a plus for me. MT : A2. I watch youtube videos & read SEO blog posts... it's constantly changing u have to keep learning A2. has wonderful tips for SEO and more also :) LOVE HIM! I've learned a thing or 2 ! RT A2. has wonderful tips for SEO and more also :) LOVE HIM! I've learned a thing or 2 ! RT A2. has wonderful tips for SEO and more also :) Of course, there is also Another great resource Of course, there is also Another great resource Q3 What questions would you ask an expert or SEO company? good idea, forums are a great for learning and asking questions as a community. good idea, forums are a great idea for learning and asking questions as a community. If you have questions & want to hash it out --> http://seochat.com (disclaimer: owned by my boss, :) ) A1. I’ve attempted to learn nothing lol RT I just started a new travel/food blog with 5 other bloggers and we are all wishing we knew more about SEO! lmao (have you succeeded? :) ) RT : A1. I’ve attempted to learn nothing lol A2. I look for reviews. That’s how I know what to go with. A2. I look for reviews. That’s how I know what to go with. RT I just started a new travel/food blog with 5 other bloggers and we are all wishing we knew more about SEO! A3 how do I get that #1 listing on ? Hey Shavonn how are u doing ( got the wine? lol ) ME TOO! LOL RT A3 how do I get that #1 listing on ? Definitely! I always search out reviews or recommendations. Sometimes I ask on twitter :) Well, one sure fire way is to rank for something no 1 else is ranking for (or no one is looking for.. lol) I’m late! At the game! Lol I'm dying to know the same thing lol RT A3 how do I get that #1 listing on ? A3 I would ask them their thoughts on “tactics” and compare that to what I have learned about from Google. Q3 What questions would you ask an expert or SEO company? RT I’m late! At the game! Lol I would ask an expert how I get that number 3 listing on Google! LOL Most people look through listings 1-5 :) RT Q3 What questions would you ask an expert or SEO company? Through research (like Google keyword planner), research what people r searching for, work on the kw that is not overused. A3: What makes a video or content go viral? That is a good question, Missy.. for a social media forum RT : A3: What makes a video or content go viral? lol no wine at the game. I have beer though! ohh sounds cool, got any pics? MT I would ask an expert how I get that number 3 listing on Google! LOL.... KEIi: balancing what is being searched for, w/what is attainable in ranking. Helps u target what u should target w/efforts KEIi: balancing what is being searched for, w/what is attainable in ranking. Helps u target what u should target w/efforts Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? RT Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? cool tool thanks for sharing! :) Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? A4… looking at what SEO plugins work with, keywords, what I can do better RT Q4 Now that we are closing up the series on , what will you be adding to your action list? A4. We're doing keyword research for ! It's a whole new brand and ballgame lol A4. General research! I just got a full report on one of my event sites for $5 on fiverr lol it was so helpful!!! A4. General research! I just got a full report on one of my event sites for $5 on fiverr lol it was so helpful!!! A4 Keeping it simple, I’m going to check my sitemaps on all my sites... ensuring that they are in order. Once the site is live, we'll do more keyword analysis, etc. But with building the pages we had to keep it SEO friendly MT : A4. General research! I just got a full report on one of my event sites for $5 on fiverr lol it was so helpful MT : A4. General research! I just got a full report on one of my event sites for $5 on fiverr lol it was so helpful Good point. Some of the plugins help like a checklist while writing the content. (love your avatar!) Yay! Good for you, Marisa Aww thank you! I'm super excited about this book. Can't wait till the site it up :) Fiverr is such a great resource for so many things! Good job Shavonn :) Remember: Not every " Expert" is truly an Expert and some can get u in trouble. Use common sense ..& gut instinct Remember: Not every " Expert" is truly an Expert and some can get u in trouble. Use common sense ..& gut instinct RT : Aww thank you! I'm super excited about this book. Can't wait till the site it up :) RT A4… looking at what SEO plugins work with, keywords, what I can do better RT : A4… looking at what SEO plugins work with, keywords, what I can do better rofl ! RT : lol no wine at the game. I have beer though! rofl ! RT : lol no wine at the game. I have beer though! good point thanks for mentioning that :) there are some good plugins out there, to get u going and help as a checklist And, b sure & chat w/us at 's http://seochat.com If u r looking for me, ping me on Skype (socialwebcafe) RT rofl ! RT : lol no wine at the game. I have beer though! Next week: Closing out the series on --> Bring your questions! RT Next week: Closing out the series on --> Bring your questions! Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!