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--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: The chat starts in 5 minutes. . Welcome everyone, to another Twitter Chat (every Tues 9p EDT) TY :) RT : The chat starts in 5 minutes. . Tonight we are chatting about tools. An intro to the next series. What are YOUR favorite tools? Chatting about it tonight ;) TY :) RT : , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: I really like my sawzaw lol I might be a doh doh, but power saw? :) whoop whoop! hey hey hey! Let me go get my wine… ? Yay :) RT : whoop whoop! hey hey hey! Let me go get my wine… ? I don't talk to you enough, Brian. How are things? How is ? Q1 What are some of you favorite tools for content creation (including blogging, video, animations) A1 Wordpress, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Drupal thighs are good, busy but really good. I hope all is well for you? I can't do without my Photoshop Express (old version) on the iPad to tweak pictures quickly RT : I can't do without my Photoshop Express (old version) on the iPad to tweak pictures quickly Q2 How about some of your favorite tools for marketing/promotion? Q2 How about some of your favorite tools for marketing/promotion? A1: the phone. I get my best ideas from talking with others A2 Pretty much Twitter & comment on blogs I find interesting & complementary. Need to get into Pinterest! Oooh good one! RT : A1: the phone. I get my best ideas from talking with others Oooh good one! RT : A1: the phone. I get my best ideas from talking with others Oh, when I do Pinterest.. I can get lost in it. I have so much fun there! Hello everyone! It's great to join you all tonight:) RT Oh, when I do Pinterest.. I can get lost in it. I have so much fun there! RT Oh, when I do Pinterest.. I can get lost in it. I have so much fun there! Yes, I think it's great. So many social platforms, so little time though RT : Hello everyone! It's great to join you all tonight:) Thnx, Stacie ;) RT : Hello everyone! It's great to join you all tonight:) Thnx, Stacie ;) RT : thighs are good, busy but really good. I hope all is well for you? That's good :) A2. I really enjoy giveaways, coupons, twitter parties.... I like interactive promotion A2 canva, Facebook, Twitter RT : thighs lol Glad u have thighs that are good :) RT : A1 Wordpress, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Drupal How do u like Premiere? A1. I like to use Storify to create transcripts for Twitter chats, thanks to and I love to create audio content. lol Pinterest just reminds me of all the stuff I think I want to do but don’t Just started to get into thanks to RT : A2 canva, Facebook, Twitter Just started to get into thanks to RT : A2 canva, Facebook, Twitter Q3 What social tools work well for you? Which ones would like to learn? Q3 What social tools work well for you? Which ones would like to learn? Twitter parties are great but do you notice any spikes in your blog traffic as a result? It depends on how you set your party up. For we would feed links during the party :) A3 SproutSocial. Still learning how to use it properly and effectively A3 SproutSocial. Still learning how to use it properly and effectively A3: I use it isn't a social tool, but internet glue. You can also use it to build social into your internal processes A3: I use it isn't a social tool, but internet glue. You can also use it to build social into your internal processes Same here. RT A3 SproutSocial. Still learning how to use it properly and effectively Usually I'm too busy chatting! Need to be more organised with links ready to go. A3. Social tools are very relevant to your brand, with Etsy is another social tool we're exploring A3. Social tools are very relevant to your brand, with Etsy is another social tool we're exploring I have since I started my Twitter chat. People love reading the transcripts on my blog I recommend prescheduling the links that you want to go out :) A3. owned by is pretty awesome for marketing and promotion Definitely used to make waaaay more content before . Now I just manage all their projects :) Q4. Any efficiency tools that help you get stuff done faster? A3. Social tools I'm currently experimenting with are Sway to increase targeted engagement and followers on Twitter. Yes - IFTTT rocks! RT : A4 loveeee it! RT : I recommend prescheduling the links that you want to go out :) A4 Looking for someone to invent an app that will write my blogs for me ;-) A4. I do love that Facebook finally made it possible to schedule posts though. luv it ;) RT : A4 Looking for someone to invent an app that will write my blogs for me ;-) They have some tools like that but I wouldn't recommend them Speaking of FB, just wanted to let you all know that they are removing like gating and likes for contests starting in November Thanks for joining us in following :) RT : Was following this session but was in class. Great stuff. Yes I don't think I'd entrust my blog to them! Yeah - Facebook is always evolving, eh? Hi Marisa! Great to "see" you here:) Hey - check out -> one of my favorite tools, especially for relationship building great point thanks for sharing RT Good to know! RT : Appreciate the shout! We are ' sister company :) hey Stacie, great suggestion they are great choices! Thank you:) RT hey Stacie, great suggestion they are great choices! What tools would you like us to cover in the next 10 weeks of tools here on ? What tools would you like us to cover in the next 10 weeks of tools here on ? Yeah, FINALLY lol... would have thought they would have it awhile ago, right? Thank you! I put a lot of thought and work into writing it :) can't wait to hear everyones feedback. SproutSocial lol umm… Add swapping and purchasing sites like Passionfruit SproutSocial lol umm… Add swapping and purchasing sites like Passionfruit SproutSocial lol umm… Add swapping and purchasing sites like Passionfruit Maybe we can have come in for a chat? That would be great. What do you say --> ? Forgot about Passionfruit. Thnx! MT : SproutSocial swapping and purchasing sites like Passionfruit RT What tools would you like us to cover in the next 10 weeks of tools here on ? We would absolutely love to! Let's work out details: smiller(at)outmarket(dot)com. Great! <See all you peeps - what you have to look forward to? Great! <See all you peeps - what you have to look forward to? Thanks for joining us at ! Join us next week, same time, same place (Tues 9p EDT) for the tool series #1 As always, this was a great chat tonight. Thanks so much. RT Thanks for joining us at ! Join us next week, same time, same place (Tues 9p EDT) for the tool series #1 Thank you all for another amazing - be sure to join us again next Tuesday!