Tool 5: Kred for Building Kredibility #SocialCafe 3.43 HomeTake your hangouts to the next level with Download the cheatsheets used by and then, when you are ready... Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C... --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---- Great Twitter chats: (for musicians) (weddings) --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Q1 Do you incorporate into your tools right now? If so, how? How'd it go with the IFTTT? A1 I go to periodically to see what's going on there. A1 I'm somewhat new to . I've been using for so long Q2 What features do you like the most? Q2 What features do you like the most? Gail - what do you think of the analytics in versus A2 The analytics on are excellent.. especially the breakdown with the different niches. A2 The analytics on are excellent.. especially the breakdown with the different niches. A1. I must confess I'm a noob also Hi Da Vinci! RT : Hi everyone! :) Q3 What challenges have you found with using ? Q3 What challenges have you found with using ? I typically use them to make sure what they think I am about is what shows up in the communities on I typically use them to make sure what they think I am about is what shows up in the communities on A1 I'm new enough to that I haven't run into challenges yet. I'm still enjoying looking at the analytics Have you found to be pretty accurate? My says social media, bloggers and marketing so I'd say that was definitely accurate Got it! already has custom RSS available so I just did: feed/?post_type=wine and created a recipe RT : My says social media, bloggers and marketing so I'd say that was definitely accurate Nice! I'll definitely have to dig deeper for and ARGH! I forgot to checkout this weekend. My gave a very high score in but also in , which surprised me. Much, much better than post_type="whine" Q4 What success stories have you had or heard, with using ? Q4 What success stories have you had or heard, with using ? That's ok. It is an easy enough interface, you could even check out now :) Good one! RT : Much, much better than post_type="whine" Me too! Frantically Googling as we speak RT : Me too! Frantically Googling as we speak LOL! We're just happy you're joining us :) OK! I got mainly food, wine & bloggers. Happy about that! Q4 What success stories have you had or heard, with using ? Yay! Curious on your first impressions RT : just signed up! I've just given you Kred for marketing - I hope so anyway. BTW - neither nor me () have been compensated for highlighting (not sure they even know) Just signed up too. Interface very simple & responsive. Not sure what any of it means yet! Q5 What features do you wish that would add? Q5 What features do you wish that would add? reminds me a little of how klout used to be (the way I preferred) What do you think of the method of giving kred on ? Yeah, seems like more control on how I'm giving kred. With , they would remove a category after I had +ks I'd love a 'drop down' menu & choose which metric to give Kred for, rather than scroll thru options I'd love a 'drop down' menu & choose which metric to give Kred for, rather than scroll thru options I'd love a 'drop down' menu & choose which metric to give Kred for, rather than scroll thru options A2 I like to see which shares get the most retweets and make sure my outreach level is still at 10 A2 I like to see which shares get the most retweets and make sure my outreach level is still at 10 Yeah, that would be helpful. I do like how allows a few options (even if they get removed..) Hmm I do appreciate that, I love Klout but it did grow a bit quite fast and had to play catch up A3 Lately I've had problems with Twitter kicking me out when I log into or anywhere else A3 Lately I've had problems with Twitter kicking me out when I log into or anywhere else A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. Seems like someone was mentioned that last week, too.. or was it Facebook. I haven't had trouble.. this week So 10 for outreach is good? Sorry I'm novice! when I signed in with it kicked me out as well. I haven't experienced that with anything else though Q6 Have you used for the rewards? If so, what rewards have you received? Q6 Have you used for the rewards? If so, what rewards have you received? RT : A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. Good policy! RT : A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. Good policy! RT : A4 When people give me I notice them, follow, retweet something for them. You can also follow your (s) via I haven't yet BUT you know I'll be all about it when I do, lol Yes 10 for outreach would be high. The scale is 1-12 Yes 10 for outreach would be high. The scale is 1-12 Cool. Thanks. I'm happy to log in for the 1st time & see my outreach of 7! Glad you checked out Anyone who hasn't seen what is in there will be pleasantly surprised Has anyone tried for Brands yet? I shouldn't have started this during the working day! Wanting to check it out more! Q7 What rewards do you wish that would offer? A7 Did you notice has a reward currently? A7 Did you notice has a reward currently? Q7 What rewards do you wish that would offer? Q8 What is most important to you and why: rewards or influencer building? A7 same stuff Klout offers I guess... anything really. Something people can actually use? A7 same stuff Klout offers I guess... anything really. Something people can actually use? A5 Improved Navigation would be nice..I like the main dashboard, but the rest of navigation on needs help.. server errors lol RT : I shouldn't have started this during the working day! Wanting to check it out more! A7 More globally available rewards would be a good start! They also have a reward for Backblaze Online Backup for Mac or PC 3 month licenses They also have a reward for Backblaze Online Backup for Mac or PC 3 month licenses agreed. The Story link from the rewards subdomain doesn't take you back to the story page. :( A8 Kred influencer building by specific topic / niche / category / vertical A3 I gave several people in this Twitter chat and added but I don't see the tweets. No idea why. NICE! You know I perked up at the mention of Mac lol A8 It would be influencer for me - recognition that I'm adding value in my communities RT : A7 Did you notice has a reward currently? LOL! We'll take the blame ;) A3 I thought it was just my browser acting up. should make sure we can always get back to home page Q8 What is most important to you and why: rewards or influencer building? I agree! I got lost in a loop Same here RT : A8 It would be influencer for me - recognition that I'm adding value in my communities Also Zinio 3 magazines for $5/mo Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. A8. I would say both, for different reasons and accounts. I like rewards but I'm always looking to connect with new influencers A3 Am I the only one who prefers the rewards be static and not on a slider at the top? Stats show sliders aren't great Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! If u have time, it would be cool to hear Da Vinci's take on comparison of rewards between and ;) Sorry I came in late! Just got back from dentist :( I've been working on incorporating a slider into my new blog. You think I shouldn't?? No worries, everything go ok? Fine but numb! Glad I don't have to speak my tweets ;-) oh no worries. Glad you are here and hoping we are more fun than the dentist :) lol RT : Fine but numb! Glad I don't have to speak my tweets ;-) lol RT : Fine but numb! Glad I don't have to speak my tweets ;-) I think that rewards seem to cater to a more tech/social media driven audience. is for everyone I think that rewards seem to cater to a more tech/social media driven audience. is for everyone They got really popular, but then those who check stats indicated they weren't keeping people on the site They got really popular, but then those who check stats indicated they weren't keeping people on the site Good to know. Thanks. I was a bit worried about their value given they take up a lot of 'real estate'