Thinking about 2015 #SocialCafe 3.52Welcome everyone, to our final twitter chat of 2014! Tonight we are talking about our plans and desires for 2015. Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C... --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Looking forward to this evening's chat! : marketing, branding, social media tools. 9pm ET Mod: Hi Con Hi Deb Looks like we'll all be writing a lot in 2015 at least for well established sites. For several reasons most bloggers will have to decide to either 'go big or go home' in 2015 For several reasons most bloggers will have to decide to either 'go big or go home' in 2015 I think what Gail is saying is growing our own blogs into influential blogs, or rely on established Q1 If you were to brainstorm your goals for 2015, what would that include? (Can be related to social media marketing or other) I'm looking at two tools: and to see if they can be used for collaborations Niche blogs definitely still important But they should get serious, bring on many writers, improve social Niche blogs definitely still important But they should get serious, bring on many writers, improve social Gail, I glanced at both, but not sure I have found the reason to switch/add. Thoughts? Point taken, I just wonder is this as straightforward as it once was. (I'm in the process of discovering myself) A1 My #1 goal is to create a process multiple influencers can use collectively I think the challenge is figuring out how to 'work smart, instead of work hard' Is cooperative effort the answer? I haven't made the time yet to know if they will do what I want to do I haven't made the time yet to know if they will do what I want to do Develop content & methodologies, better social selling We will need to upgrade security - consider so we need to monetize more to pay for it We will need to upgrade security - consider so we need to monetize more to pay for it If net neutrality fails, only sites that can pay may still have an audience; we need a plan for that Good for you, Keianna It is easier to get traction with multiple writers Monetarization is important If sites have to pay in the future, serious group blogs are more likely to earn the cash to do it In that case, piggybacking on apps may be the way to go. RT : A1 My #1 goal is to create a process multiple influencers can use collectively While we want our own sites, powerful forces will try to make that impossible; push us onto domains they control While we want our own sites, powerful forces will try to make that impossible; push us onto domains they control While we want our own sites, powerful forces will try to make that impossible; push us onto domains they control Yes. We must earn at least enough to cover security upgrades, CDNs, social media tools, etc. Yes. We must earn at least enough to cover security upgrades, CDNs, social media tools, etc. So true! While money isn't everything, it has to float to the top. MT : Monetization is important Can help defray costs of blog which can add up! Oh, definitely. Those $9/mo and $30/mo tools and hosting charges add up! And I thought I was the only one who believed in conspiracies! RT : In that case, piggybacking on apps may be the way to go. RT : Good for you, Keianna It is easier to get traction w/ multiple writers LOL not by a long shot When there is too much evidence it really ceases to be a conspiracy lol RT : And I thought I was the only one who believed in conspiracies! lol RT : And I thought I was the only one who believed in conspiracies! Exactly! That's why I focus on free and near-free for myself & clients. Oh that is right. Good plan! re: free and near-free Q2 What tools or apps are on your 2015 list? Tools to try.. that might help you to meet those goals.. I work with SMB and start-ups, cash is tight! That is a really interesting article (if same as what you shared the other day). Very enlightening. A1 The tools need to fit with the 2015 objectives. If they cost $, esp. It can't be "just because they are fun." A2: Feedly, Evernote, Wordpress Question for you : what about writer compensation for your blogs? Collaboration/barter? Late to the party. Hey guys. Has to be either guest or barter! A2 finally giving in and using for some of my content. Always weary of any kind of automation. hey! How’s your evening going? Hi DeAnna I'll let Deb know. Twitter chat is Tues 8 CST Not sure when another about will be. Canva Tutorials: Images, Social Selling Ads & Headers; How-to Stand Out on Twitter by