Bringing on the Brag #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafeHey all - As of tonight, is moving back to Tues 9p EST, by popular demand. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- : ---------------Tonight, will be continuing the topic Tune in at 8p EST for then stay for ! Join us on 12/1/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Get Your Brag On! with Jeannette Seibly x Wow! It's December 1st! It's Tuesday! It's tonight at 8 PM/ET with and so much more! You spoke. listened! By request, we are moving Twitter Chat back to Tuesday nights 9p EST! Tune in tonight. : discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST RT Join us on now to chat on Get Your Brag On! with Jeannette Seibly x The chat is starting in 5 minutes. RT Join us on 12/1/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Get Your Brag On! with Jeannette Seibly @bizsavv… Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Get Your Brag On! guest is Jeannette Seibly Entering HIgh Tweet Zone with Checking in with here. Hi everyone :) Please announce yourselves as we get started! Hi all, from a cold, wet and dismal New Jersey night. Join us on 12/1/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Get Your Brag On! with Jeannette Seibly y Hey, Con. Surviving the weather? Jeannette has been an international business advisor for over 23 years This is my first ! Excited to start. Hi all. Looking forward to hearing what @bizavvycoach has to say about getting your brag on. Jeannette helped 100’s of executives navigate the complex world of developing their organizations & people Hey all ! David from Tampa dropping in to (possibly lurking) , hoping to get less ignorant about LI :) Welcome to the party! RT This is my first ! Excited to start. Welcome Jeannette! Was just introducing you! Hi, Jeannette. Welcome to the chat. Jeannette Along the way, she guided the creation of three millionaires! Sounds like great credentials. Helped any Hotels on your journey? Greetings! Tonight's topic: Get Your Brag On! & I'll lead the Welcome, Candace. Maybe we'll have some other kind of joyful nuggets tonight, too. Thanks Con and everyone on this chat. Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Thank you! And I hope so! I'm a student from UNT hoping to learn more about LinkedIn tonight. Just trying to stay warm :)RT Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Welcome, David. Don't lurk. Just jump in. Yes, and some property management cos. Q1) Why is it important to learn how to brag and develop your brag factor? I think we need to come up with a more neutral sounding word than "lurk" Hello Lurking a bit tonight..!! A1) Not LI specific, but if you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else? RT Q1) If you can’t sell yourself, you can’t sell your products, services or book I used to play in the Shreveport Symphony and often had the pleasure to perform w/ UNT grads. Glad to meetcha. RT Q1) … or win the job interview. A1 I am GREAT at helping other people promote themselves, but TERRIBLE at doing it for myself. That's awesome! Glad to meet you too. A1) It allows you to promote yourself to employers. If I could promote myself as well as I help others promote themselves, I would have ALREADY taken over the world! Stalking does not sound as nice.... Anyone else have any thoughts on Q1? A1: Bragging (occasionally) can help you build confidence in your work. Hey all I'm Josh Miller, a student in with Q2) Can you tell us one tip they can implement? A1) No one is going to speakup for you ij regards to what you can do/what youve done. If you want a job, people need to know The best way to brag is to let your accomplishments speak for you... A1 A li'l shrinking violet like Moi don't know nuthin' about braggin'. Good point! RT The best way to brag is to let your accomplishments speak for you... RT Q2) It starts with learning to differentiate yourself based upon what you've done in life … Yeah, Andy, I always thought of you as the shrinking violet type! a1: I will change the Hotel World so much that others will do the bragging for me ;) I use the rich media content on to demonstrate what I have done- and CAN do for others Definitely one way to get your brag on! :) RT RT : The best way to brag is to let your accomplishments speak for you... and share them ... Hi! I'm a student too! I go to UNT. RT RT : a2 - Just speaking up differentiates yourself in most cases -- depending on how you do it Q3) What is the #1 challenge when learning how to brag? I agree. Sometimes speaking up is difficult, but it can pay off. I go to UNT as well! RT Hi! I'm a student too! I go to UNT. A3) Not sounding like you're bragging? RT Q3) Using the "brags" during interviews, sales presentations, or other opportunities ... a2: All change starts with you. RT RT Q3) ... in a biz savvy manner. A3) #1 challenge... Bragging about ourselves and not others I agree.. bragging without sounding like you are bragging A3. Not to sound too much like an ass (the braying kind, that is)? RT A3) Not sounding like you're bragging? a3 Getting beyond the difficulty of talking about yourself - that simple I thing Practice RT RT : A3) Not sounding like you're bragging? Correct. Create stories and statements in response to ?s RT RT : I agree. Sometimes speaking up is difficult, but it can pay off. A3: When bragging strategically, you should try not to be abrasive or facetious. It's important to be mindful of your audience Q4) What is the #2 challenge when learning how to brag? Stories & examples aren't bragging, they're facts! Finally getting a chance to stop in on RT Q4) Share your brag statements and using your numbers! (aka achievements) A1 - As far as bragging - How do I know you know your stuff? Do not tell me but show me. a3: In the Hotel Industry it is more about the stories and how to add value. When you do it right then you receive brags Marc!!! Long time no see. Welcome. A3) u need to learn how to do it in a well meaning mannor that conveys how your personality can align with your target company Q4) Remembering to show not tell. Actions speak louder than words. How is my favorite curmudgeon? How would you suggest showing, in, say, a job interview? Still working on my kurmudgeonlichkeit lifestyle. RT RT : Q4) It goes beyond actions and sharing what you've accomplished. A4: It's important to know yourself and to not promise anything that is not feasible to deliver. a4 - Followup Bragging... RT RT : In a job interview, share your accomplishments when asked a question. as a journalism student samples of my work is important. A4) Conveying your willingness to still learn despite the competencies you're bragging Bragging helps you understand your value and boost confidence. Tell stories RT How would you suggest showing, in, say, a job interview? Q5) What is the biggest challenge that stops people from sharing? A5 That feeling that your bragging, talking too much about yourself, sounding like you don't care about others RT Q5) Feeling comfortable with their new level of confidence! Developing brag statements from ... RT RT Q5) ... having written down your accomplishments using numbers. Biggest challenge for jobhunter is to take accomplishments and build illustrative stories around them. A5) Possibly not having enough confidence in yourself/not wanting to sound like you're bragging ...The stories then can illustrate why they need to hire you. A5) Often laziness not wanting to take that extra step, being content with simply having done something yet not marketing it. RT RT : sharing what exactly? Accomplishments on the job. use numbers ... Answer every question in an interview with -- Let me tell about the time when….. RT ...The stories then can illustrate why they need to hire you. RT RT : sharing what exactly? Use numbers to show the difference. Q6) How can you use this information to find your career direction/purpose? A5: I think people don't share their brags because we care what others think so much, and we don't want to seem self-involved RT Answer every question in an interview with -- Let me tell about the time when….. RT RT : The stories then can illustrate why they need to hire you. YES! People are now engaged/listening! IMHO, bragging implies making much about a little. Stories are prepared to show actual accomplishments & learning exp's. Who's the moderator for the ? You're chatting with him! Exactle (re: tell stories) I couldn't agree more. lol thanks! Just discovered ! thanks! Looks like I've got to play catch up w A6: You can pay attention to what you brag about and find your niche so you can follow that path. LOL Does help to start at the beginning! Welcome to the chat, Rubain. Q7) Are there any questions for about ? A6) Asserting yourself solicits feedback, feedback you can learn from, learning that may direct your career @bizsavycoach When is it not okay to brag? How do you decide on what to brag/tell about yourself before an interview? Those who can, DO...those who can't BRAG! RT RT : Q6) Helps you become present to all you've accomplished on the job. Q8) Would anyone like to share their experiences about on ? I know the question is for but I coach my clients to have a list of "stories" and ... (1 of 2) RT RT RT : Q6) ...Many people are not aware ... and tell the story that relates to the conversation ... (2 of 2) RT RT RT Q6) helps remind them of what they love to do A6) It can be a good reminder to you on your accomplishments Absolutely. But preparation, building the stories, is the hard part. Any tips? RT A6) It can be a good reminder to you on your accomplishments .. Very True. The hardest part for me was sitting down & doing it. I thought it would be harder, but once I got in the groove.. Q9) What features might work best for ? A9 Publisher and rich media content A9 Posting work samples and illustrations on your profile: blog posts, presentations, photos, etc. A9) All the different ways to link to samples of your work A9: You have ample opportunity to brag on your profile in the summary section, experience section, and skills and endorsements A9 DON'T try to brag by including your number of connections in your name or headline... Please tell me you've never seen someone try to do that... Hey all .. I have to head out early.. Look forward to chatting with you next week on Thanks, RT RT : A9 Publisher and rich media content . A9) Showcasing your work. Bragging can't get any better than the Thanks for joining! Stay well! It USED to be a LOT more common than i is now... Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about on ? Woah, that is so weird. I didn't know that. Looking forward to tonight's chat! Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. A9) is great because it's the new age resume. An update that allowed for video resumes/ cvs would be awesome I think took away your number of connections to cut down on the numbers game Thank you so much for sharing that video. It's fantastic. Yeah, #'s of connections is not a useful statistic. That's just bragging old-school. Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about on ? A10) keeps people competitive. Someone sees their friend has a hot new job encouraging them to get a better job Please join me in thanking Jeannette Seibly for being with us tonight! Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! I miss that graphic, too. But it's interaction and activity, not numbers that help on LI. (As U know.) Next week’s topic is My Biggest Gaffe on ! Thanks all as always! See you next week! --------------- : ---------------Tonight, is being moderated by Thanks, Con! Welcome, everyone, to back at its "old" time of Tues 9p EST (You asked... we listened) At 9:00PM EST I will be moving over to to talk more about & All are welcome to join! At 9:00PM EST I will be moving over to to talk more about & All are welcome to join! Or leads them to depression. (lol) During (8p EST every Tues), we chatted about "getting your brag on." During we are continuing the discussion, &.. Hi all. Go ahead and introduce yourself (and feel free to brag)! During (8p EST every Tues), we chatted about "getting your brag on." During we are continuing the discussion, &.. ... (continued) and providing you with some articles on HOW to get your brag on. Experts share their advice in the articles Thanks for the great discussion tonight Good night everyone. Hello all! Ready to chat about & ? I just came from . Have fun! Join us on 12/1/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Get Your Brag On! with Jeannette Seibly z Hello , , and everyone else in ! I am Mariah and I'm an RTVF major/ Comm minor at UNT ! Thanks, all. Have a great week! Please call out if you're with us! Alright let's rock 'n roll! Hi, I'm Kristen. I'm joining as a student in 's . When I coach, I use the word "stories" for bragging Hey everyone! First time attending ! Social media strategist here looking to learn & network! I think "bragging" has a negative connotation but I think celebrating achievements is a great practice! Yes that word is more socially acceptable (Pardon the pun!) Good seeing you again Rubain! Advice, create a "stories page." The nice thing is you can always add to it (edit it) through time.. "Getting your brag on" Yes it's almost just a difference in semantics! Isn't a resume kind of like a "bragging" opportunity? Always back up your with facts! I share select milestones or accomplishments via Facebook. And always adapt to the needs of either a potential employer or client! OK, nothing against but why aren't you on or have your own ? Let's practice a bit. How about sharing a brag point? I've built programs for myself and clients That's good but put it in the context of why is that good for an employer! Hey students. Just wanted to let you know that is back at its "old" time slot of Tues 9p EST Would "Maintained a gpa of 3.7 throughout my current 3 years at a Univeristy" count? Or is that too broad? So maybe... "Continuously excelled in strategic social media and media production courses"? I like to point out some big name brands that are recognizable, who I've worked w/ in my portfolio Getting these into 140 characters is a little tough! I have both. I use each platform differently. I want to share these moments with my FB audience. Another good example Be ready to go into details! Thanks! I always wondered when to draw the line btw bragging and showing off! LOL You know the old joke about how do you get to ? lol yes. It needs some getting used to.. (I must be getting old!) Practice, practice, practice! Oh yes! I have heard that! // I've been on Twitter since you had to manually put in "RT"s to retweet anyone .@PRMktgSalesI just discovered these today as well! . is great to interact with during (8 PM EST) & . .@PRMktgSalesI just discovered these today as well! . is great to interact with during (8 PM EST) & . Everyone comfortable with about real & relevant accomplishments I actually have a really hard time "bragging". Is there anyway to /practice/ that? Yes, work on your social media profiles & content & join for real practice My FB audience consists of near/far friend, familial, & professional connections (w/intermixing). Before we close.. a homework challenge: Take time to sit down and write out 10 stories that demonstrate your accomplishments I'd recommend using a page for your professional content In big firm consulting it's fact based consulting ! I'd follow a Kristen Sadlier page! You could start a page for content curation for your field of interest. Now you've got me thinking about what I need to "brag" about. 'Tooting my own horn', not waiting for others to notice me. Now I know why you have a 3.7 ! Yes The movie was wrong! They will not come if your just build it! You have to promote it! OK all we'll stop here for tonight! Have a great week & hope to see you next week! Please bring your friends! Thank you guys for hosting! Have a wonderful week! I avoid bragging online/offline, unless it contributes to the conversation. I find bragging can stunt an in-progress connection. Hi Deborah! It's been awhile. <waves> Thanks for moderating! Will be back next week for sure! I think, for my field(s), an up-to-date online portfolio is beneficial. I'm not sure that FB is the platform. I've witnessed friends attempt this. I want a hub that can be shared, but, perhaps, is not Facebook based. Secondo voi cambierebbe il look dei ragazzi de ? Lo scoprirete presto a ;) RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal A1: Bragging is a new skill any professional needs to acquire A2: Self confidence makes a cat feel like a lion. So it's all abt self confidence A3: Bragging isn't being proud but taking pride in wht you you do. So don't be shy tweeps
loved the terms abrasive and facetious ? A4: Knowing where to draw the line is a huge challenge . Go figure and you're set! Marc it is interesting that your work should speak for itself I am loving your thoughts and ideas. Over deliver and keep a tab in promise use SMART goal setting to quantify Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound A5: Bragging isn't an issue but it's the judgement part that everyone frets about
SMART Goals are a sure shot way to prove your competency skills and competencies that get along well with your attitude excellent to document your accpliahments. I can't forget things that I pen down when you were a team player Q: Whee does one draw a line with bragging and boasting or blowing your own trumpet joshua you're right and I believe in answering the q "how" till you stop getting a response A8: Endorsements and Recommendations are the way to showcase your accomplishments. Also use A9: is d greatest Bragging tool out there so explore it to read,learn n share ur thoughts and ideas A10: I will surely write about it and would love to hear from each of you by next week A11: How was your first Bragging experience and was it at work or at a personal situation RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal