Social Media for Businesses #SocialCafe #LinkedInChat 20151215Join 2nite (12/15) 8p EST > Leveraging for Biz > Continue discussion on 9p EST Join 2nite (12/15) 8p EST > Leveraging for Biz > Continue discussion on 9p EST Looking forward to hearing what you have to share with us, : discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST The chat starts in 5 minutes. RT The chat starts in 5 minutes. Sp psyched that my friend and the AMAZING is our guest on the :-) blushing happy to hang here with you guys! and thrilled to be invited! Weather will not keep us down ! We have recofd snowfall and you have record winds! At take it away when you are ready!!!! a little snow and crazy wind never hurt anyone did it!! And, Viveka > TY for allowing us to continue the conversation after on And, Viveka > TY for allowing us to continue the conversation after on No kidding :) I might be in the SW of the US, but grew up in bitter cold MN I did... Am I taking over? i think so, looks like is having connectivity issues Oh jeesh... OK, I am ON IT!!!! the pro never skips a beat First of all, thanks to everyone for being here. What weather are you all experiencing?
Only 100KM winds in Nova Scotia And now.. Coming up with our most amazing guest ..... A little late here for the party. Hi everyone Yawza . So besides being able to battle gale force winds, tell us a little more about yourself! well I am a new author, wrote a book this year, and I love social business We all are . and I both still have electricity. But doesn't! Oooh.., I have to admit I don't miss those.. (I like the sound, though :) ) OK everyone... is being modest. I see how you are :) and I get asked to speak at events you speak at once in a while... I like that! I shall get to the official questions soon, but tell us more about your book and why you wrote it! and I help business owners get serious results from social media You must be in some stormy areas. We had some heavy wind yesterday here Me too! (Will we see you at ???) . I wanted to simplify how to use content and social to build a successful biz not sure yet, I haven't been officially asked Q2) For the hearty folks who are here... what type of results should be expected from ? the book really helps people understand how to navigate all the complexity of using online/social/content I like the idea of simplification. I'm all for efficiency and increasing the ROI I just told them to bring me back :) You know they would LOVE to have you!!! A1 folks should expect what they put in. Big effort = big results. Play small or all about you = small roi RT I like the idea of simplification. I'm all for efficiency and increasing the ROI me too, simplicity is king My ('s) book really helps people understand how to navigate all the complexity of using online/social/content RT folks should expect what they put in. Big effort = big results. Play small or all about you = small roi A2 Excellent question! Managing expectations is so important. People expect more or different & r disappointed A1) I've had some of my largest sales in retail and consulting directly from social media by focusing on relationships Q3: How can help business results ? A2 you should also expect to meet great people and to own who you are in a public arena A3 people buy from people they know like and trust. build relationships and biz results happen naturally A3 there are many ways to be memorable, and serve, and support others via social, that leads to business I love that positive attitude! Everyone has something to share and that area where they shine Relationship Marketing and Reputation Management is key for my niche A3 social is a vehicle to connect and establish credibility which leads to business results A3 if you only broadcast and never engage results will elude you in business RT A2 you should also expect to meet great people and to own who you are in a public arena A3 social amplifies what you are good at for sure and can also expose weakness I was just mentioning that in an interview today . I LOVE our industry!!! RT A3 if you only broadcast and never engage results will elude you in business RT A3 social amplifies what you are good at for sure and can also expose weakness A3 social can also help you find opportunities in your business space if you know how to listen and research So of course our favorite topic....
Q4: How can help business results? So we spend some time improving both... allowing our best to shine through. Or, do we lean on transparency? A3 I've built my entire business (millions over the years) via social media connections We got you covered !! Stay safe :) A4 would be a great question for IMHO ;-) A4 LinkedIn is great for business building, connecting and sharing thought leadership Hey Katharine!!! Great to see you sweetie! A3: Know what your goals are. Make a plan and work the plan. Social Media help biz when you know why you are there A4 I think we have to commit the time to do it. If we want results, we need to put a bit of elbow grease into it A4 I've had companies reach out to me via LinkedIn for business opportunities because of content/video Nah... they've heard enough from me :) Let us know some things you do! I think you need balance and judgement in how you approach RT A4 we have to commit the time to do it. If we want results, we need to put a bit of elbow grease into it A4 I love the search function on LinkedIn for finding people I want to connect with A4 I love tags to organize my contacts and remember who I know from where which is helpful for in person networking A4 I love LinkedIn published posts for tapping into larger audiences than my connections RT I've had companies reach out to me via LinkedIn for business opportunities because of content/video Do you have recommendations on how to do that? I tend to export the contacts and import into my contact Db A4 LinkedIn ads are great too, if you know WHO you want to do business with I agree! It's so important to use media in your profile to showcase your expertise! LOL At least LinkedIn still has the Advanced Search! A4 the challenge I find with LinkedIN is getting people to respond to in mail, doesn't always work for me This is why I love LinkedIn. I agree. I think the issue is most people use InMail for spam so now everyone is conditioned to be wary. it's a great platform for sure A4 LinkedIn has a more professional vibe which makes it okay to reach out and talk biz versus other social networks That explains why my legitimate InMails get ignored. Do you think there is a solution? Oops... lost wifi for a minute.. that's okay, I lost my train of thought on more answers to that question! Q5) What are the challenges of using to improve business results get connected via someone who knows both of you I put in my plan for 2016 to publish more strategic content on LinkedIn Publisher A5 can I have more than 140 characters? is the #1 challenge making it hard for everyone BTW everyone, if you ever get the chance, ask to show you how to fold a fitted sheet A5 keeping up with the constant change for social makes it challenging and knowing where to spend your time Hello all, first time user with Amen (re: spam) Yes, take as many tweets as you need (your next book??) Good advice... looking for that introduction A5 using social can be intimidating for fear of making a mistake (Can't put shaving cream back in the can) A5 social media can be a MAJOR time suck which takes away from proper business growth and development A5 social media can feel like you are marketing when really you are not and it is not always intuitive for folks A5 people think social is free and it is not, it takes time and money to make it work well So true. I can't even keep up with all of LinkedIn's changes :)
A5 people often have unrealistic expectations of what they can do in a short period of time vs a long term approach RT People often have unrealistic expectations of what they can do in a short period of time vs a longterm approach A5 if you don't know how to measure the ROI you can waste time and effort easily A2 Ask NOT what can do FOR you...ask what YOU can do WITH Social Media! A5 because of low cost to entry it is easy to do it poorly and then say it didn't work I CAN NOT (caps intended) believe LinkedIn got rid of introductions :( Yeah. Funny I still have and book Twitter Revolution. Changed a lot since then RT Because of low cost to entry it is easy to do it poorly and then say it didn't work RT A2 Ask NOT what can do FOR you...ask what YOU can do WITH Social Media! OMG first Twitter book I read! LOL! I have that one too!!!!!!!!
pfft who needs a button to do that, just ask the person you know! A5 there are TOO many platforms to choose from making it hard for people to focus on one and do it well Woohoo! gives a shout out to and (and and I say hi too!) RT Woohoo! gives a shout out to and (and and I say hi too!) That is worth the all caps.. sad.... reminds me of the days of the Moving along.. Q6: What are the RISKS of using to improve business results ? A6 hmmm risks? You lose wifi and you can't use social media anymore? OMG!!! I had TOTALLY forgotten about A6 biggest risk is too much time behind a computer and not enough time face to face a6: It might actually work ;) A6 business is a people to people experience, and social can eliminate the relationship if you are not careful I think that is very real. I'm actually an introvert and am too comfy here on the screen. RT Business is a people to people experience, and social can eliminate the relationship if you are not careful A6 you can easily be distracted by shiny objects on social that detract from your business goals A6 social leads to more than RT THAT BABY!!! RT Social leads to more than I never would have guessed introvert Viveka... ...then, someone set me straight on definitions of introvert... I like social because I am shy in person, it makes connecting in real life easier I can think of a few folks (from the person who calls herself the ) A6 if you are dependant on a social network too long and it goes away (MYSPACE) you could be in trouble So true! (Or they make too many changes and people leave) A6 if you do something really it can destroy your reputation and business not that I'm thinking about ...... RT If you do something really it can destroy your reputation and business A6 you can focus too much on the technology part of social and not enough on the relationship never, it was my FIRST social network a6: With all the crazy info flow today and incredible short response time we all are in a FOMO mode I'm sure we all have lots of stories and case studies of , but.... A6 too narrow a focus can take you away from what might be a better business development opportunity Q7) Can you share a story of success ? RT a6: With all the crazy info flow today and incredible short response time we all are in a FOMO mode RT Too narrow a focus can take you away from what might be a better business development opportunity A6 leads to poor decision making A7 high school friend I hadn't spoken to in 20 years referred me my biggest piece of business ever in my retail store I cracked up the other day, a colleague sent me her FOMO list.. all the trainings she had downloaded! I too can relate to being shy in person for networking, learning the ropes and pushing past my fear :D A7 I've helped many authors reach best seller status using social media Woot woot! (Plus I didn't know you also had a retail store !) RT I've helped many authors reach best-seller status using social media A7 I've worked with shopping centres who have won awards for increased sales and traffic in mall from social Right? is a bonafide rock star! really shy, you didn't even know me we chatted once and it was like we knew eachother forever. :) A7 few years ago I lead a project where a bunch of businesses contributed to buying a van for a single mom and her sick child RT A6 if you do something really it can destroy your reputation and business if you say it, and it's on Twitter, it must be true Our friend has got me off the and Shiny Object wagon. Still rehabilitating ;) ! RT I lead a project where some businesses contributed to buying a van for a single mom and her sick child A7 i've met so many incredible people via social which has led to massive opportunities in my own business Let's talk strategy! Q8: What are the highlights of a program that gets results? A7 when you use social well, you can build your list and sell your products and services easily if you lead with value . hey! Stuck on an plane in Eastern Canada waiting to take off but snow not cooperating. At least I have UR 2 read! A8 Rule number one: Know your business strategy, it should be supported by social media. Social is NOT the strategy RT When you use social well, you can build your list & sell your products / services easily if you lead with value A8 once you know your biz strategy, develop content to support your ideal customer RT Rule number 1: Know your business strategy, it should be supported by social media. Social is NOT the strategy RT Once you know your biz strategy, develop content to support your ideal customer RT A8 once you know your biz strategy, develop content to support your ideal customer A8 if your content does a great job of supporting others it will be shared via social : social media, marketing, branding, blogging, tools Tue 9pm ET. Mod: socialwebcafe RT If your content does a great job of supporting others it will be shared via social A8 when great content gets shared, it's like a magnet attracting ideal customers to you A8 REALLY important, when your ideal customer is in front of you, you better know how to CLOSE the sale RT REALLY important, when your ideal customer is in front of you, you better know how to CLOSE the sale A8 strategy + content + Social = sales opportunity A8 biggest challenge is people are missing strategy and selling skills A8 people get caught up in content and social stardom and forget the business strategy and to measure results SOOO true :) I can't tell you how many of my GOOD clients said I was the only one to answer their email/message A8 social for business is only as good as the results you get from it Formula for Success! RT strategy + content + Social = sales opportunity I know, people treat social like an ugly stepchild, they set it and forget it RT Social for business is only as good as the results you get from it I always address email immediately, for that too. A8 if your social media program doesn't include your BUSINESS strategy, its not a real social for business program Right Patty? And isn't it a shame when people are shocked? A8 you need to treat social like you do voicemail and email, be RESPONSIVE or when they say thank you for being so prompt :) Reminds me if my fav quote "Luck is when preparations meet? opportunity" My best client EVER (who is actually famous) reached out to 8 other LinkedIn folks. I'm the only one who personally responded. we live in a society that wants everything now, you need to be responsive and not be glued to email too exactly with social and voicemail, many ask if they should email I accept social media as the email or phone call ! RT Reminds me if my fav quote "Luck is when preparations meet? opportunity" RT Reminds me if my fav quote "Luck is when preparations meet? opportunity" Wow.. time flies when you have on the I now have carpel tunnel from typing ;-) so much Yeah I believe that is correct. She is a Mississippi girl you know :) Q9: Any final thoughts about for business ? (and anyone else.. please weigh in too!) A9 treat others the way you would like to be treated A9 if you are using it for business, treat it with the same respect you have for your clients RT Treat others the way you would like to be treated A9 remember, your customers are ALSO your prospects on social media Time to do some finger stretches! RT Remember, your customers are ALSO your prospects on social media RT A9 remember, your customers are ALSO your prospects on social media A9 get a new picture if yours is ten years old and ten pounds off :-) Well crap.... Get a new picture if yours is ten years old and ten pounds off :-) A9 people should recognize you when they meet you from your social media photo and behaviour lol I think I saw one in this year you could use! So true. I always ask my clients if a prospect at a trade show would recognize them from their LinkedIn pic RT A9 remember, your customers are ALSO your prospects on social media A9 remember the power of relationships, you never know who is going to refer business to you The chat starts in 5 mins. Oddly, people always say I am taller than I appear in my headshots!!! you are tall! And such positive energy! I loved meeting you in person A9 be nice to people and never post something you wouldn't want your mom to see or to be on CNN RT Remember the power of relationships, You never know who is going to refer business to you So true. I sold cars in my past and you NEVER could judge who could buy and who couldn't! RT A9 remember the power of relationships, you never know who is going to refer business to you OK... only 3 minutes left! And how bout that! We beat the weather and the wifi! A HUGE HIGE HIGE thank you to the AMAZING for being on the tonight! we did good! My internet even stayed with me Thanks, and and all of the Community! RT A HUGE HIGE HIGE thank you to the AMAZING for being on the tonight! thank you for the invitation BTW, we will be holding a LIVE 's beautiful new home this summer. Lol that will be fun, maybe we will that one so we can share the view It was so great to have you here.. a round of RT applause for !!! Thanks so much for being here too :)) Welcome everybody, to the at its original time of Tues 6p PST / 9p EST Everyone bundle up and have a great evening.. And again, a final thank you to and everyone else :) Moderating this evening's (weather permitting) is Our topic for this : Continuing the discussion started on > Leveraging Social Media for Biz Results Our topic for this : Continuing the discussion started on > Leveraging Social Media for Biz Results was fun following along :) Great info on tonight. Thanks and Update: I think our is unable to join us because of weather. We miss you Con, but stay safe! RT Topic for this : Continuing the discussion started on : Leveraging Social Media for Biz Results Hey all - let's start by introducing ourselves and letting us know where you are at (and how's the weather?) RT Topic for this : Continuing the discussion started on : Leveraging Social Media for Biz Results Hey all - I need ur help in this discussion tonight.. I am in a teaching session (teaching psychology) while multitasking While is directing the conversation (our awesome moderator!), I'm going to tweet out some article links I found... While no one can replace I could use some Con helpers ;) In the meantime, please feel free to "lurk" as I tweet out some resources and articles on the topic of Social Strategy. I say "unexpected" because of all of the hush hush with the use of social media in the financial industry when I was CTO 2 of 2 We will actually conclude at half past (especially with our team members who are affected by weather!) it's a chilly 54 F in Los Angeles tonight. Hi Lisa! Great to see you! Glad to have moved back to Tues :) that is cold for LA :) u r right Can social media be a distraction from the work you are doing? What's a good strategy? Good question. Definitely it can be a distraction! For me, I limit it by time... So, I not only have a strategy, but I also limit myself to, say, 30 min on Facebook and then I close Facebook. By closing Facebook when I am done, I am not distracted throughout the day I apply that to all networks... then check in periodically, briefly, on all of the major networks I use, to see if there are questions, comments.. Granted, sometimes I allow myself to indulge :) but time limits really help What's the weather where you are? intermittent rain, but overall, nice weather Thank you so much for joining us for our interesting (slightly amended by weather constraints) But, hey- still here in spirit! Oops.. thought I answered.. intermittent rain, but nice weather Brilliant. I need that discipline. Thanks, Deborah. I am still here for you, at Will keep watching, as I continue in my teaching (psychology) I missed this tweet. You did answer! Until next week, Deborah! Bye. RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Hey there! Wondering if there will be another soon? Would love to partake! haha, I'll have a look. If you need help or advice on just ask RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Members of join on Dec 22, 10 ET/ 2030 IST many thanks for the follow Deborah! We hope you & the team are having a great day! Do reach out to learn more :) Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for a Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for b Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for c Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for d Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for e Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for f Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for g RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for h Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for i Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for j Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for k Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for l Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for m Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for n Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for o Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for p Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for q Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for r Today TwitterChats
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12PM Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for s Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for t Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for u Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for v Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for w Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for x Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for y : discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. . Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings all from New Jersey, where the weather is warm and wet (and likely to stay that way until New Year's Eve Greetings! Tonight's topic: Content for ! Yay! time! And, another great topic ... content! Join us on 12/22/15 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Content for z Hey Con. Good to see you! How are you? Doing well Andy, thanks! Yourself? Rah rah ree, kick him in the knee. Rah rah ras, kick him with some good LinkedIn content!!! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Content for ! & I'll lead the Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! In for some info here tonight OK except for a cold in the nose! In the meantime please give a shout out & let us know you're here! Determining content seems to be tricky. I've found that just "jumping in and doing it" takes 60-80% of the "tricky" out of it Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Hey ! Tuning in tonight for first time. Ready for some expert knowledge to be dropped on us! Hi Are. Where are you for the holidays? Q1) What content do you publish on ? A1 Currently, mostly LinkedIn Updates & group comments. Looking to start Publishing in the new year. A1: When I post it is Hotel Marketing content A1. Haven't published anything yet but I wanted to post about branding for millennials - good idea? Sounds good, it's topical! A1: But not posted a lot yet Hmm. Any tornados in MS these days? Forecasts looked bad. (Had too many when living in LA and TN) A1 Really haven't leveraged publishing on LI yet - hoping to get some knowledge here from the experts. :) Q2) Why do you publish this content on ? We are watching close the weather here for tomorrow. Sounds like a good idea. Is it distinct from branding for everybody else? Hey everyone, Adam checking in from Iowa. A1: Mostly industry related content. Job search tips, resume tips, and general info. thanks Con, happy to be here. A1 I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't posted an article on LinkedIn. I have the content, just need to post! A2 Looking to increase readership & elevate LinkedIn visibility. Also eventually grow a mailing list. I'd Love suggestions. A2: The content I post is related to my targeted market segment Good luck. Don't forget to duck. A2 : It's another way to reach people and build your network. Your network gets more and more important every year. RT : A2 Also eventually grow a mailing list. I'd Love suggestions. Ditto on this one! it's takes time, no need to be embarrassed! Mild weather at this time of the year is not the best for our region Nothing embarrassing. I'm getting started, too. A new platform takes time. Maybe even planning! Q3) What results do you expect from this content on ? thanks Andrew, happy to be here. Vertical and taking nourishment (literally --- lasagna...) lol A1 My posts aggregate into 3 areas, aligning with 3 areas of my consulting practice A3a. Hopefully, somebody will actually read and like the content. ... A3: I expect more next year. Goal to be #1 goto person and Hotel Influencer on LinkedIn Planning is a great idea. My problem is sometimes too much planning! would probably agree A3: I try to help my network out as much as possible. The old paralysis by analysis, eh? A3b Seems like the Golden Age of LI publishing may have been at the start, you think? A3 In addition to Basic Analytics (views, likes, comments) I am pleased when comments lead to a new relationship Anecdotely you may be onto something! In the spirit of new beginnings, I just made my first lasagna this past weekend. Not bad. Q4) How effective for you is this content on ? always good when that happens! People overpost on Publish for SURE. Many treat it like a blog A4: Have not posted enough to determine how effective it is should ALSO allow you to order your Published content ANYWAY you'd like Finding the right level of planning is difficult. Usually it's the extremes (jump in or extra study). Good for you! Yeah - with some patience, lasagna is somewhat fool-proof and fun! A4: It's definitely helped me connect with some new people. I've been told it's helped others, Hoping it continues! I don't like it when people "Publish" very short updates. Seems like cheating the system. Does anyone agree? Pls clarify - how much publishing is overdoing it? What do you think is an appropriate amount of posts, say, per week? a4: Think I need to catch some tips from our inhouse expert the new relationships are the whole reason for the views, likes, and comments, no? It seems like there are better places for that. . How often can you produce REAL, publishable quality material? great way to think about it. Q5) Which tools do you use to post content? The OTHER problem is that you can't order your posts, so new posts take away what might be more definitive If you want t blog, get a blog. Publish is for material that COULD be published in newspaper or magazine A5: Most directly from and some updates from LI Pub is adv'd as "long form", but what's long and what's short? All kinds of blogging styles. a5: Been doing it primarly directly. Plan to do it more via Q6) Which of these tools is most effective for you? Any primarily search or find jobs on ? The Q that seems to keep popping us is What type of publishing is relevant for LinkedIn? Oh Con Don't get me going on tools ;) I'm not sure there's a definitive answer yet other than what's right for your own brand a6: 2016 will be the year for Big Data for me. So will get data then that tells me better how effective my strategies are Yeah, I'm leaning toward direct posting for LinkedIn I like using tools for Twitter and Facebook I like to post directly to so I can cross-post to Groups we're a staffing firm in Des Moines! It's getting bigger and bigger for job seekers. I have about 18 blogs & one dedicated to business (finance, technology). thinking of repurposing content from that one for LI Another Q: For those who Publish, what's ratio of new content to recycled content from blog? Q7) Can you share a story of a with posting content on ? I will stick more to the tools that are in line with my goals and avoid run after shiny new objects I've heard and used is 4 recycled pieces for every 1 original piece 18 is a LOT of blogs. Is there a list somewhere? R U a pro juggler? I typically use 2-3 similar posts to make a blog post. I love "pro juggler." What I did in 2015 was focus on 3-4 and then hope to strategize to do more with the other 14 I agree it would be good for LI to provide clearer guidelines and then monitor I guess I thought most people did it LinkedIn, then blog. Can we do a straw poll ? Q8) Can you share a story of a with posting content on ? I publish elsewhere, and ONLY Publish to if it is one of my best Thanks Con! What do you do? Or what would you do?