Changes in 2016 #SocialCafe #LinkedInChat 20151229: discuss LinkedIn. Moderated by LinkedInExpert. Tue, 7:00pm CST The chat starts in 5 minutes. ... Welcome! Please feel free! Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Predictions for 2016? LOL Let's hope not! Welcome! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Predictions for 2016? & I'll lead the Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Please give us a shoutout & let us know you're here! Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM What do you recommend for track the chat? Seems like Tweetchat is a wasteland Q1) What do you predict for in #2016 ? Is this on Blab as well tonight? A1 More emphasis on mobile and social selling No, the sessions were moved to Wednesdays at 11:00AM EST! Q2) Why do you feel positive about in #2016 ? Thx. Have not been able to join for some time. Good to be back! Glad to have you! But tonight may be slow! a2) I think more people are seeing the value, but some of the current challenges will continue to challenge active usage. Good Evening! RT Glad to have you! But tonight may be slow! Thanks. I was wondering if it is Twitter, Tweetchat of just slow. is also quiet tonight I'm afraid tonight will be low participation one! Q3) Why do you feel negative about in #2016 ? Like maybe more of the people who follow us will see our posts? A3 not sure why one should feel negative about LinkedIn for 2016. Is there something you are suggesting? Hey guys. Everyone is out realizing they have a family? Eyes are off the phones? a3) Spam Challenge and education of users. Frequent big changes challenges keeping current on training. No but changes like Groups and messaging created quite a stir this year! A1: I'd like to see LinkedIn stretch beyond being a directory and enhance interaction. I think you're onto something, Josh! Gang- I'm hopping off for tonight. Might be my internet but none of usual tools are updating with anything close to realtime My kids are watching TV or over at a friend’s. I was doing work and took a break to join the chat. Hi Josh. Yes, my High Schooler and College Student are out tonight. RT Everyone is realizing they have family? RT : a3) Spam Challenge and education of users. Frequent big changes challenges keeping current on training. Training especially while good for trainers too much change can be counterproductive & drive away users See you Miles and your updates on Facebook :) If changes to groups cuts down on spam &. Messaging shows increasing mobile focus. Q4) Does anyone think a competitor could arise to in #2016 ? ajenkins No, the sessions were moved to Wednesdays at 11:00AM EST! Thanks for dropping by! ! Sorry I'm late, guys... here now Not having kids myself I'm a little oblivious to this! Cool. A lot of people are on digital sabbatical this week with family. A4 not sure about a competitor but maybe something complementary. Have you seen ? A4) Good question. Not direct competitor, but it would be interesting to see how Facebook Company/Employee features impact Mine are 3, 7 and 12. All at home right now. Yes, but at what cost? Mobile Group app is just eye candy! Just wait till licenses and cars :) RT Mine are 3, 7 and 12. All at home right now. Are there any rumors of such? Tried step away where possible but client work has run throughout holidays. Still managed 2 relax though. You? No. Any highlights you can share? a2 - More businesses are going to adopt using LinkedIn as a business tool. mobile group app helps may stay more current with group activities. I was tuning out the volume otherwise. Now I'm really glad that I don't have kids! A4: I think could give LinkedIn a good fight for the biz market if led well. A3 - because is growing in popularity, there will be more scams, spams and pretending to use it. They either take up all your time or are nowhere to be seen. Too early but seems to be a nurture/crm app somewhat like Some of the spammers are getting more sophisticated. Q5) How does #2015 affect for #2016 ? Truth! RT They either take up all your time or are nowhere to be seen. I like to work, so I'm happy. :) A4 - There will be competitors, as long as the leader keeps focused on the future, will be a challenge to overcome I think that is a good thing. We all need to unplug sometimes, eh? A1 - I predict another acquisition that further seals 's position as the Professional Networking Social Media King A5) it sets the trend and momentum that can be leveraged. Learn #2015 lessons and apply in #2016 What type of acquisition? Does anyone have tips for how to have a personal business page's posts show up more often in the update feed? Get good traffic to my pg but don’t see it help outbound biz dev p.o.v. like Q6) What would you like to see do in #2016 ? Definitely. A goal for us all in 2016. Think Fitbit for digital sabbaticals. :) Are you talking Personal Profile Posts or a Business Page Posts? It would need to change some things. Not as is. A6 I'd like to see their searches go back to the way they were for the free version. I pay $60 basically for searching Same here. I see the traffic volume, but not much more. However, I may not have optimized for that Do you get value for your money? A6: Earn the right to direct mail to cut down on cold messaging/hard sales would be nice. Q7) Was #2015 a good or bad year for & why? Not really, but I'm giving it one more month to see if I can get a positive ROI - My expectations are a CRM solution or a full blown Content Production app. A6 I'd like to see an ad for them showing the world that they're more than 'old people'. I don't have them on my mind often. I see as a diamond in the rough. Killer profile, pulls from all your activity. In a given year, have you not received $720 (12x$60) in value for you or your biz? I hope so. That would be expensive & compete w/the is more likely to be acquired then! A7 I'd say a decent year. I've heard them brought up more often. Plus, they got a facelift and look a lot better. Greetings to all my friends! Happy New Year! maybe missing something but don’t have social updates going 2 page. . Treat it like a business and you can't help but to succeed Q8) What’s the biggest hurdle for in #2016 ? A7 Think they’re at point where can’t b ignored & no longer seen as job board or electronic equivalent of chamber of commerce a8) End User Resource allocation, especially with more platforms picking up business applications especially the visual ones. Q9) Any last thoughts about in #2016 ? : social media, marketing, branding, blogging, tools Tue 9pm ET. Mod: socialwebcafe A9 I need to use it more! People have to stop using LinkedIn as an email address harvester. Yes! RT People have to stop using LinkedIn as an email address harvester. I tell sales teams I train that if you suck at selling then will not save you. Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about in #2016 ? Lot of complaints from people who connect on LinkedIn only to have their email address added to a list. I think I need to form an opinion... lol A10 needs to slow down and listen to its users before making changes Why not? Everyone else has! If the trend continues I predict extreme caution on connecting from valuable users. An old post of mine - Latte vs LinkedIn: Why Paying For Your LinkedIn May Be Worth It You're being logical again, Chaim! lol Good point. I'm sure the opinion exists. It is just taking a nap right now. Less likely in Canada due to Spam legislation. If REALLY believed messaging is the new email, they'd sell InMessages NOT InMails. The chat starts in 5 minutes. ... Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about in # 2016 ? They need user growth and stickiness or their stock will take a hit. Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! Good Night Everyone and have a Happy New Year. No matter HOW powerful, NO website is EVER on top forever... I'm going to w/ to talk about in #2015 after this! Next week’s topic is: Your Goals for 2016 Thanks all as always! See you next week! Until they merged with Time Warner and everyone lost. 1/2 To me, is devolving, NOT evolving. Well put. Those who set stock prices no next to nothing. Welcome to at its Tues time slot of 6p PST / 9p EST Welcome! Please start by introducing yourself. Tonight we are taking a look at social platform changes in 2015 and what is in store in 2016 and is our moderator! had witter & FB comparison. Latter innovated = stock rise while former didn’t = stock drop. 2/2 Today, 229 Tweets (including 78 RTs) 13 Participants (Most Active 50 Tweets) via Hello my name is Alexis, this is my first and I am excited to join! Thanks Deb! Great to be here! Q1 What changes have you noticed, in platforms, in 2015? Night all. Great chat. All the best for the rest of the holidays and for 2016! A1 Some are really recent.. Like the closing of topsy dot com... sad to see it go! (Twitter Analytics) A1 Another change is the limit on search for the LinkedIn free service (makes one wonder what CAN be done with free) I think we saw the start of consolidation & shake out Good point. Specific examples? Tactically bad moves on the part of More to come on this in #2016 ! So we will have more tactical "bad moves" to list at the end of 2016? lol Don't forget to give a try! It is the perfect tool for Twitter Relationship building! A1 - Aren't twitter polls new? Have any of you used them? To what effect? For sure if not outright routs! Q2 What changes have slowed you down in personal or business ways (i.e. impact)? Good point Not all changes are bad. I've used one Twitter poll, but haven't got in the habit yet. haven't used them yet Am curious about their impact especially with A2 I have heard that a FB change makes it harder to get Likes on a bus/org page without paying. Anecdotally I think that is so. Q3 What do you expect to see (changes) in 2016? Not so much harder but less emphasis on Likes I have seen that, too. I think I am like an ostrich with head in the sand.. I have fun on FB, so I overlook Oh good, it isn't just me.. lol Hi Lisa! may benefit from confusion at A1- FB launched a donate button for nonprofits (my industry). People were hopeful. But in reality it seems harder than it looks A3 I think it is possible that there may be some backtracking if Companies have seen a negative impact to change. Greetings & welcome Lisa! One of the hardest changes to adapt to is the removal of the Tweet counts. It makes it hard to analyze social proof That's why being a consultant is a great thing! I'll disagree here it only happens, if it does, after much pain & mgt turnover! Yeah! Whose dreamboat idea was that? Hey Alexis What are some of your favorite social platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)? Q4 What are you hoping will change in 2016? Congrats, Lisa! It will be great to see your new branding unfolding before our eyes! A4 Yep - hoping for those twitter counts :) Many thanks! I always learn at least on thing on IMHO it's about content & not merely number of likes Good content strategy & are key Q5 What other discussion points (or rants) hit you when comparing the last year & future? A5 I try to keep rants as minimal as possible, reminding myself that we often have social media for free but rants still exist A5 I think the changes that Facebook makes seems to come across with pre-planning. It isn't abt like or dislike, just well done A5 In comparison, the search mechanism limitation from LinkedIn literally hit me one day (worked the day before that). You're obviously not from ! A5 But, some of these rants may just be perspective based on timing of the experience You crack me up! Maybe I should go spend some time in :) from instead Naw Don't bother the is long past! Hmmm...a rant? How about: the Holiday season seems to start earlier each year!!! Oh wait - a rant? (thinking) - Hah! here in TX has passed too. Those were my prepared questions Anyone like to add or ask about something? This has been fun. Thanks, for moderating ! That's all she wrote for our 30 min chat, but I'll hang around Don't forget to join us next week, for another Tues 6p PST / 9p EST I really like LinkedIn and Twitter. Those have to be my favorite. I also have started to use periscope I don't use G+ as much as I should. I sort of use it incidentally as a part of doing Hangouts on Air Good for you. Yes, Periscope is fun (from what I've heard).. I tend to use Blab :) stepped away from my phone for a bit and missed the next week I'll be sure to be a more engaged participant. Cheers! is like a gym, we all sign up but never go! Great analogy, Con! (Yeah, and good time for the gym...) Looking forward to seeing you next week, Alexis. :) Thank you for a great chat today! See you out there in land!