#SocialCafe and the Mountain BreezeI’ll be moving over to with to discuss networking on The chat is starting in 5 minutes. would you be able to help us with some figures for costing a project?? Memorial Park Cafe leasehold interest advert in The Week In. Anyone interested in idea pls get in touch What happens when 22 authors write 24 parts of story w/no outline? bhttps://t.co/Hwv3EsSOgn Hello! Many of your students have been joining me on & Any interest in topics tailored to their needs? Thanks for hosting @conpsweeny! I enjoyed my time with Thanks! I will probably run into you again soon! this has been fun! glad to know that there are social media addicts out there apart from me! That's it for this week! Many thanks for joining us! See you next week! Q5) I'm scared to even answer this question. I will probably spend some time on SM this next week :P. A5) I constantly check on my social media because..... there's no because Hey, I lived it for longer than most of you have been alive! A5: It's not possible for me to spend any more time on social media than I already do... Unless I sleep a few less hours It is crazy to think the life we had without it! Catie, whose the instructor for that class? A5) I always try to minimize my time on social media but my strategic social media class makes it hard. A5) With the NY primaries coming up I will probably spend more. Plus social media class stuff. Also... As a PR person, remember that the people you talk to online are real people. I think it's often lost in the world of SM i can't agree more with you Jackie! Q5) Will you spend more or less time on in the week ahead? Why or why not? A4) But people need to remember there is a life outside of the virtual one we have created lol A4) to be honest, any time you can because you got to keep the buzz going ain't it? A4) I'd say at least 4-5 hours a day that I am checking back to it looking for updates. If its a election night then much more A4) I think at max maybe six total throughout the day. A4) It honestly depends on the person & their job. Some people need to spend more time on SM. A4: As a PR major, I feel like I could always spend a little more time on social media... I mean, it's part of the job! Naw, always glad to have you here! (Even if you are !) A3) It is a great tool for PR, it makes everything instant and allows two-way communication for brand and customer Q4) How much time do you think you should spend on on ? Why or why not? ok - am I going off topic too much and wonderful twitter family? I'm with you in spirit / virtually :) Don't you feel a little bit guilty? Maybe that is something to think about >> add some nature to your social media activities. Table, ice tea, back patio A3) I think we spend too much time on social media... I feel for younger generations because they don't know a life without it We all could all learn a lot from that! I'm sitting here, in the nice mountain breeze, scheduling tweets (while cell service).wow - technology + nature As an Orthodox Jew, I unplug for at LEAST 25 hours EVERY week for A3) I think I do, sometimes too much. A3: I feel like I spend a good amount of time on social media. I know the important things going on A2) We spend too much time on social media because it "brings us together" and is a way to communicate freely. Shout out to and reminder that you all should be trying it out to build those Twitter relationships! A3) I thought that I spent too much time on it but then I enrolled in and now I probably don't spend enough hahaha that is the question right? Touche, Chaim! (And thanks for dropping by!) A3) I believe I spend more than enough time because I have my phone with me all the time and checking it constantly Thanks, I was afraid it meant that you didn't like my jokes! Hey all - just a reminder. If I am not responding or saying "hi," it isn't personal? It might mean I have no cell service A2) I usually just like reading random articles at my leisure A2) I like seeing updates from my friends and everything that is happening around the world (I'm addicted actually) Q3) Do you spend enough time on ? Why or why not? Right! A lot of people use domains they don't need for a brand- if your target market isn't on it, why have it??? A2: It's where I like to get my news... I'm also a nosey person and I like to see what people are doing lol A2) I jumped the gun. I'm a political news junkie who gets all of his news from and A1) I'm on social media any time I'm bored or just avoiding notification icons on my phone Social cafe tweetchat now live! Q2) Why do spend that much time on A1) First time on this chat! Sorry for being late! I am a politcal junkie and I follow a ton of news orgs on facebook. I get all my news from social media We talking about the same guy? ...If they aren't making money (36 domains), they gotta go! question: How much do we spend time on fun? how do we evaluate? I'm like the I'm everywhere! Ok peeps. I fear I'm fading off into non-cellular world while enjoying this mountain air... But I am with u in scheduled tweets A1) I am on it most of the time i'm awake lol Be careful or I'll start using Tests! I started to think hard on where the time is going. I have 36 domains (at least) & the thought of if they aren't making $$ .. Yes, Con is such a wonderful person and excellent TweetChat Leader! checking in! hopefully im not too late Well, as long as you're not stalking anyone, I guess that's alright! A1 Truly, you don't want to know. lol Abt 25 hrs per week when I am doing what I am supposed to (and not writing dissertation) We keep bumping into each other! lol, I had no idea you ran this chat too. Oh, we're going to be serious, eh? I currently intern as a /pr person for my school's student run agency . This means I spend quite a bit of time on it A1) Probably every single minute that I am not occupied with real life. Mostly Facebook at the moment. I'm human! yay! For now... until the cell service goes away... And here I thought you came for my jokes! A1: Kind of embarrassing, but I am on social media any free moment I get Thanks for the warm welcome @consweeny! Yes, welcome Miranda. Welcome, David. Hi Con! And, hi As my co-host likes to remind me, I love the acronym ! That is the question in analyzing time journalism student `here for my strategic social media class Hi, I am a senior journalism student at UNT and this is my first . Super excited for tonight's topic! Q1) How much time do you spend on lol forgot the hash tag! you can tell I'm a Twitter noob. Again, tonight's topic is TIme Spent on Great topic, ! In fact, I was pondering the very same thing this week! Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! Good to be back with you again! Tonight's topic is time spent on ! Hi all. I'm not sure if this is me, or scheduled me. lol Trying to make it for in between intermittent cell service. Hi all! I’ll be moving over to with to discuss time spent on That is going to be a good one! I'd better! I'm leading it! Topic - Time spent on Do you happen to know the topic for tonight?