What Are You Doing Differently in 2016? #SocialCafe #LinkedInChatToday TwitterChats
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1AM Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? S Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? T Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? U Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? V TY for the follow will miss the Twitter Chat today but will check back. Looking forward to the along with and tonight.. It's gonna be a busy and engaging one! Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? W Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? X Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? Y Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? Z Join us on 1/12/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? 1 The chat starts in 5 minutes. ... Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings! Tonight's topic: What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? Welcome Marisa! Both of you are welcome! Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! Ready to join my first chat now In for a litte . Hi everyone Joining in for the first time. Lucille from Boston here. Greetings! Tonight's topic: What Are You Doing Differently with in 2016? & I'll lead the Welcome! This is a great chat. How long have you been using Linkedin and what has it been like for you? Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! First time for me as well. Love finding new Twitter chats. Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Great to see you here Mike I love . So looking forwarding to learning more. Hi Marisa. Great to see you here again at Hoping to pick up some new tips in tonight's Q1) What are you doing differently with for #2016 ? No for me here either. I usually do and on Tuesdays I hate to admit this but I have not thought about it yet. Have been too focused on other social channels! A1. I'm going to try publishing posts on LI more this year - so far, so good! Curious what we CAN do differently. I feel like for so long, the ways of using LI have not changed much. A1) I'm not using the app nearly as much this year. I really don't like the changes they made. I have not published on LI in awhile. Is this still as 'in' as it was several months ago? But... How we use it can change! a1: Writing my LinkedIn Publisher articles. 2 Since LinkedIn listen I am working on some exciting LinkedIn Company Page info If you're thinking about publishing on LI more this year and have in the past, what kind of results have you gotten from it? A1 Still using it as a great CRM tool. Connecting, networking Biz Dev A1) I'm going to commit to publishing 2-3 posts per month on LinkedIn this year. More than last yr. Is Linkedin Listen a feature? Depends on how long "awhile" is! A1. Redo my summary. My current one is terrible in light of wanting to pivot within my field. Count me in! Hello everyone! :) not sure how "in" it is, but seems to help me reach more people than just posting on my co. blog A1. I'd also like to learn how to search for jobs specific to contractors and do that more regularly A1b I need to add media! Goal for 2016. Please use in your replies so all can see them! Thanks! No. Team was listening in here last week on the . And they did some awesome follow up with me a1 on 2016 i plan to Share and post mode articles on my LinkedIn ans engage in more discussions That reminds me, I should be more active in groups. I've been slacking! I'm too obsessed with Twitter. Q2) Why are you doing things differently with in #2016 ? No problem. is also following up with many of the suggestion we posted on I'm about to graduate this year and I want to have an organized portfolio for potential employers! A2) Doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity. Esp. on social networks where evolution is critical. Q2 I want to optimize my profile and my experience. is a powerful network. Difference is needed to correctly articulate my personal brand. At least for me, nothing is LI's fault. Q3) Is this a major change in how you use ? @erinhessel Research your niche and market segment. For me Hotels is open 24/7 all over the world. A2) I want to try to become an Influencer. Think I can do it? A2. If I'm going to spend time on social media, I'd like it to be productive! So more time on LI, less time on FB in 2016 yes same for me! I feel like LinkedIn groups are a good way to network in your field and outside, like Twitter Sure, why not? Only you can prevent yourself! a3: Not a major change. Just optimize LinkedIn to reach new goals I installed a time mgmt extension on Chrome for this purpose; wasted time quantified = guilt A3. pretty big change for me. All I've done with LI in the past is make connections no need to quantify...I KNOW it's a lot :) Q4) Did changes by in #2015 cause you to make this change? If so then why? A2 in 2015 I was connecting w/ppl on LinkedIn but it never went past that. I dont want 2 bone of those users that jus adds ppl Me too, but I like data. :) A2 I seen LinkedIn as a tool, that I had to learn to use effectively and now I feel better equipped to so that Agreed online as well as off line go to as many networking opportunities you can to meet and greet Right on Jason, Erin! I see that many college grads don't start doing that until after graduation. My new favorite app here is - really cool and fun to use Lost power will be tweeting from phone Q5) How big a change in is this for you? mine is timeStats - displays next to search bar, easy to use A4 No, but I keep up with changes via Building a LinkedIn profile is my Intro to Hospitality final project when I teach it Any and all changes are good. Doesn't even have to be a new year! Have to do what's best for you :) Q6) Are your clients having to make similar changes in ? If so then why? A6. I work with a lot of recruiters (I do PR for their biz) - they use LI differently than I do. Have to visit your class one of these days A6) Social selling on LinkedIn is a big deal. Not right tactic for everyone but it's smart for sales ppl to learn. A6. I help my clients (e.g. recruiters) think about sharing non-recruiting specific content on LI (and other social media) I'd love to do a remote guest speaker! Q7) How will these changes affect your goals for #2016 ? I use for all my chats. Works like charm I'm hoping it keeps me active. To constantly update my portfollio, find new ways to connect, etc. I've found to be very reliable as well! A7) My LinkedIn goal for 2016 are to increase value to my connections and digital marketing field through publishing. You would fit great in a marketing lecture.If I end up with the classes I want this semester, I can think of a spot. RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Is it wrong to not have a specific LinkedIn goal? I like things and I comment where I can. a7: Have some crazy goals for 2016. So changes help me not go Nutz ;) Depends on why you're there! Even simple goals keep us focused! Q8) Will your changes in how you use affect your results for #2016 ? I think only time will tell with that question ;) It's my professional outpost. To borrow from Michael Hyatt, I don't yet have an embassy. a8: Yes. And it will also have a major impact on many Hotels results in #2016 that's exciting! Best of luck to you! As said earlier listened to some of my inputs last week what type of stories intrigued you most when you studied journalism? I'd start there to fig it out! The website does not work. Write travel and tourism. Get paid to write and travel. With changes and new targeted optimized Hotel strategies this will be a great year Q9) Any last thoughts about your changes in using in #2016 ? Screenshot will not give the best impression on how I use the I move my columns back and forth depending on what chat I am active in at the time You can set up notifications for a specific chat Definitely hoping to continue to build and connect with like minded people. Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using differently in #2016 ? I like . But more I use more I like it for chats In Tweetdeck you can just put in the # + chatname in search box and add the column The chat is starting in 5 minutes. A9) My rules 4 have not changed. 1. Be a connector. 2. Be generous. 3. Be value-driven. 4. Be unique. 5. Be frequent Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using differently in # 2016 ? Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! A10) Ask not what can do for you. Ask what you can do for others there. This year I'd love to see strangers send me customized messages telling me why they want to connect with me. Play around a little with the options there. That is how I figured it out. Now I have way to many columns lol I’ll be moving over to with to discuss changes for #2016 I’ll be moving over to with to discuss changes for #2016 I often get the the canned 'I want to add you to my network' Linkedin message & reach out to those people. Next week’s topic is: Developing Leads with LinkedIn Thanks all as always! See you next week! Just going to spy and but I'll probably just end up tweeting in... I want to know something about my LI connections and not connect to someone then never talk to them again. Thanks for great chat. See you next week Welcome to at our normal-again day/time of Tues at 6p PST / 9p EST Tonight, the wonderful will be moderating. Yay! Thanks to the topic is a continuation of : What Are You Doing Differently with Thanks to the topic is a continuation of : What Are You Doing Differently with Today, 238 Tweets (including 84 RTs) 14 Participants (Most Active 40 Tweets) via Hope everyone is ready to talk about their changes to in #2016! Please give a shout out and let us know you're here! I would love to be with you all (and maybe I am :) ).. On the way to the airport, but trying to tweet when I can (if at all). Please don't tell me you're the one driving! And, don't worry... Deborah is not tweeting while driving. I'm a passenger :) Welcome Marisa! Great to see you and Zoey again! Thank Heaven for life's small blessings! Q1) What changes are you making to your in #2016? A1: The same changes I made last year, honestly... Its always changing, so I'm always changing... Q2) What caused you to make these changes to your for #2016? A2: Experience... And the knowledge that if it works once, no guarantee it will work again... What a great ! I'm ready to keep going..I see and are going on and have never done either ? A1: I'm encouraging my clients to incorporate more video. How receptive have they been? A2: Video is becoming increasingly popular. Images alone won't cut it. What's the video format, lectures, etc? My focus would be mainly on videos on social such as in FB ads. Informative. Inspiring material. Incorporated more user/follower produced content. Upping engagement by giving viewers the floor. Q3) How significant are these changes to your in #2016? How are you getting that content? Has asking been enough? Also, I haven't given up on facebook, but I've basically given up on facebook... A3: Tweaks here and there, based on trends and what is working for me... It's not ALL gold! Hey all - be sure to check and start building (and creating) those Twitter relationships! Its transformed the plotting/planning stage and development longer/more personable (meaningful) connections. The algorithm is now skewed against pages that don't use promoted posts. Since I have time not $$$... Not worth it. Asking for multiple choice response and then replying quickly and asking for more info has worked well. A3: The significance in the chances = TBD. IMO trying new things, keeping things fresh is important. Q4) Are your clients making changes to their in #2016 as well? It can be rough to boost posts without second tier stakeholders at the ready to share/like FB content. Always good to stretch ourselves! Yeah but the other side is I find more interaction on twitter. Its where the conversation seems to be! seeing more gifs, videos and content manipulation with music/photo frames. More creativity as apps simplify it. it's been that way for a while... The exception being if you have ppl who share on their profiles with 10k+ friends! Q5) Last question, any final thoughts or questions on in #2016/ I'm just running a geek blog with a solid twitter and tumblr and podcast following... Hi, I'm late, but I made it. Hi, Deborah and participants. Also, most successful pages have seen a drop but were large enough before the changes to weather them. Very good. Guides the conversation. Permits focus and appears to be "easier" or "quicker" to answer. stuck on a conference call - so upset to be missing ! may be able to jump in at the end fingers crossed! Its a power house and I'm excited that it continues to change and grow and add meaning. Even professionally, I don't see it as the powerhouse it was... Not for conversions, anyway... Welcome Michelle! Better late than never! I have no $. Most of your growth is assisted with it. Without $$ it's too much work for not enough payoff. Anyone without a large base before the 2015 and no money to spend doesn't seem to see any growth... Thanks for joining everyone! Next week we'll discuss adding followers on ! RT Thanks for joining everyone! Next week we'll discuss adding followers on ! How do I get involved with does this happen weekly? RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Thanks for the RT during . Enjoyed the conversation. "See" you again. Hi Alison. Thanks for the RT and likes during . Power came on at 1 a.m. Urgg. Perhaps we should talk sometime. RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal and do you folks still host Did you know that you can become a member of Grassroots by filling out a form in the cafe? Grab one next time you’re in! RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Join Deborah every Tues for Twitter Chat 9pm EST (Back to Tues by Popular Demand) Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with a Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with b Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with c Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with d Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with e Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with f Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with g Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with h Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with i Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with j Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with l Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with m Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with p Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with q Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with r Today TwitterChats
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