"Developing Leads" and "Keywords" on #LinkedInChat and #SocialCafe RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Join Deborah every Tues for Twitter Chat 9pm EST (Back to Tues by Popular Demand) Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with v Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with w Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with x Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with y Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with z Join us on 1/19/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Developing Leads with 1 Mute alert! Going to try to jump in on shortly The chat starts in 5 minutes. @conpsweeneyn What is the topic this evening for @conpsweeneyn Wrong handle! Developing Leads on Organized and set reminders for all the Twitter chats I want to follow ? jumping into my first shortly! Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! is Dr. Viv aka going to be with us for Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn Hi all! Here to learn about developing leads. Hope everyone is having a good evening. Please give us a shout out and let us know you’re here! In for great info with today Greetings! Tonight's topic: Developing Leads with LinkedIn & I'll lead the Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Good evening . Lucille from Boston here. Q1) How many of you are using for lead development? Checking out for the first time. Let's do this. A1) I'd like to but I don't know how to get started. Giving LinkedIn more attention is one of my 2016 goals. 1: I am. LinkedIn is my #1 Lead Generation Social Network A1 I teach my clients how to make relevant connections that will become leads. Congrats Brett & welcome! A1: Just started..made my keyword list and just revamped my summary / tagline to position myself as a blogger for hire A1: Not yet, but definitely would be interested in starting. All tips appreciated! A1 My blog and book are my top lead generators and LinkedIn follows those A1: It's imperative for B2B. is hands down best platform for networking and making great biz connections Q2) How would you describe your results with for lead development? i need to go stalk your page and copy (i mean take inspiration from) Brett A2 Hard to say. LinkedIn Publisher has given me huge visibility and therefore, credibility but leads??? Hey all.. late and can only pop in and out, but glad to see all of you at nonetheless :) a2: Great. Since always rom for improvements I am going for awesome this year LOL I'll take that as a "No!" A2 I do well (or I should say, as expected) when I actually focus time on lead development. But, what time? A1 I rely on LinkedIn for prospect intelligence. However, less direct lead gen over time. I find LinkedIn has gotten crowded Greetings Deborah! Never too late! Hey I did not say "it depends". A2: I havent fully utilized it yet however its been great to connect w/ twitter friends & grow that relationship! lol! as mr. Picasso once said "good artists copy- great artists steal" A2 Better question IMHO, how have you MONETIZED those leads? I will say I have sold hundreds of books directly due to LinkedIn publisher posts. A1 & A2 Haven't mastered LI yet, but trying. Been involved with their pilot program Profinder as a way to meet new people. A2: Successful, Genuine. More importantly have formed amazing collaborations & strategic alliances. That's so awesome! I should start utilizing that. A2 With B2B clients, it seems to be very powerful. Networking at its best. Excellent point, Chaim, & welcome! A1 I use it to develop leads for my future career I have ALWAYS said that is an INCREDIBLE identification tool, but NOT a great engagement tool... A2) I've tried the groups but it haven't had much luck. Q3) Is anyone in sales not using for lead development? If so then why not? A2 I've networked with a bunch of professionals and have expanded my online portfolio I have a book release in the Fall and would be interested to learn more about how this works agreed! I'd say Twitter is a close second if you strategically participate in Twitter chats Happy to chat about my methods That's why I think a multi-modal approach is best I seal over Skype! Unfortunately you cannot share coffee through the Internet a3: Hard question to answer. Primary collaborate with Marketing Departments A3: Not personally but have many clients still not leveraging for . Goal is to educate on best practices. Q4) If you use for lead development & are successful, why do you think this is? A3 I'm not in sales, but I have been contacted by sales people for sales jobs I consult thru my direct network, but many LI contacts don't check the newsfeed regularly per my post/update stats. DM works We are all in sales whether we have sales in our titles. We sell ourselves. If you're looking for a job then you're pitching yourself! A3: Not in sales but have been on the opposite end & received sales pitches via direct message & on my feed A3) it’s all about connecting with the right people. LinkedIn is a great way to vet and discover Don't tell my wife Marc ;) Where else can you reach a majority of the decision makers in an industry. Good point -- always in sales a4: Some of the reasons came from tips and advice from this community A4 I try to comment on people's posts and stay active A3) Honestly, I haven't figured out a non-cheesy approach on LinkedIn. A4: Because you are persistent, and not afraid to engage with people. Q5) If you use for lead development & are not successful, why do you think this is? A5 Likely because you believe in "magic" A4: Honesty,Integrity,Authenticity. Don't sell on aim to add value,make genuine connections based on mutual goals. I drip out content on and that I curate twice a day via . A5) Lead dev on LI is like a “hot” lead. You have a nice look into bkgrnd, interests and connections to match And here I thought I was the resident cynic! How are people discovered? A5: Potentially because you're stagnant and assuming that simply being on LinkedIn is enough. A5) I haven't put in the time. In addition, I have to find an approach that works for me. I hate the random inMail. I find twitter more effective for me in that respect. Through search and connections of connections! A5: I tell clients not to be impatient. Share relevant content & insights and it will happen naturally. Would not recommend that approach! A5: I rotate my content on . Usually when I see drop in activity then I know the content don't appeal to my segment Q6) Can anyone give advice to those who have not been successful with lead development on ? A5 I've noticed people who have low-quality pictures, unfilled out info and uninteresting descriptions are not very successful That hasn't worked for me so far. LOL! :-P It's one of the reasons I gave up last year. But new goals for 2016. a6: Success don't come over night. Be patient and persistant, and deliver value Really. How? I love Twitter too but don't find it as effective for business. A5) you are not paying attention and contributing to the conversations/ adding value A6 Develop your profile and cater it to your aspiring career A5) My profile definitely needs a makeover! A5: if you aren't it comes down to KW strategy..think LinkedIN as search engine..what words are you showing up for ? The BEST way to express the need to monetize your " " THE MONEY!" It gives access to people I normally can't get to through LI A6: Ensure that your profile is complete, understandable, contains an appropriate picture & interact w/ people! A6: Profile should not read like a CV but showcase expertise/value prop. And, all comes back to . I've always thought you were Tom Cruise in disguise! Q7) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on ? Has anyone had success getting exposure on LinkedIn Pulse? I have tried tweeting them directly before Great idea! Never thought of that. Thanks for sharing! Your profile should not tell me what have done but demonstrate what you have done. I have had almost 2M views over the last 18 months using Pulse. A7) For me as a service based-biz, it would be relationship development. you can get started by writing a long form linkedin post! Please enlighten me :) I'd like to share my ideas more broadly via posts. Check out my article on Forbes on using LinkedIn Publisher http://qub.me/ThDn0M This is came from my book A7: Interaction with others. Establish and grow a relationship A7 Content creation, constantly publishing your work and remaining "in the know" Have lots of those (I think) Check out my LI profile :) A6 Do your research. Create a strategy and use advanced search function. a7: Optimize your profile to showcase how you really add value Q8) Will anyone be changing how they use for lead development? If so then how Hey, everyone! Jumping into late... A8: Yes, Improvements is a never ending project A8) yes! Creating more LinkedIn long form posts! Great analytics on what people do and don’t like! A8: I will actually start using LinkedIn more effectively for lead development & connect with more ppl! Thanks, Con! How are you, sir? I have found LI great for finding new content--articles, research, etc. Just need to work on the contacts piece! A7: Don't think of as sales tool. Focus on building your brand, connecting and let rest happen organically. Patience is key Hey there Are...how have you been? A8) Yes! Profile makeover and develop a LinkedIn strategy. As B2B biz I know I can't afford to slack on LinkedIn. Doing awesome here. How about yourself? Doing great! I can't remember the last time I joined Great to see you back here again :) Q9) Any last thoughts about your using for lead development? I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing that info! A8 I want to publish more articles and connect with more people in my field of study Of COURSE. I love the community! One of the first chats I joined (and moderated)! no problem- glad I could share something useful ! Hey Ms. Amber. Longtime no chat A9) I'm jumping in late, so this was probably already covered, but make sure your LI profile is stellar! Often times when strangers send connection requests I ask about how they found me. Hey, Marc! I know, I've been MIA on Twitter chats lately. But I'll be back! :) A8: 2016 goal is to write more . Make more targeted connections. Never any hard selling! A9 Keep in touch with people! People always feel good when you see how they're doing; relationship mgmt is key Yesss, writing content is so important. Just ask (you should follow his LI posts as well) :) A9: Nope! Except that those in need of a blogger for hire should check out the link to my LinkedIn in my bio? A9: Reconnect with people. Connect with new people with similar interests. Utilize your network A9: Curate & create . Read & engage daily. Always be tweaking your profile. Read & respond to others. Sorry, I've gotta run off a bit early. I'll pull up the hashtag and read the rest of the good stuff later. Thank u all! Trained as an organizational psychologist, interests/focus on innovation, people/culture strategies. :) Yes, engagement is key! And I always think of my LI profile as a living, breathing thing..like a website. I rarely can make Tuesday evening tweet chats Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using for lead development? A10) I think social selling plays into this question...using LI to research your prospects and really CONNECT with them A8: Definitely. Going to do a little profile makeover, produce and share more content and find more groups to be active in A10 Continuously update your portfolio, it's your online resume Glad you did this time! You've contributed so much here Yes, Marc is an amazing resource! Establish yourself as an expert, be strategic in your connections, and share good content. Social Selling is on top of my list this year. Printed out some awesome tips from our friend I agree with that, Lucille! I think sharing great content is part of what establishes you as an expert. Show me and not tell me. Put work product in your profile Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using for lead development? A10: As we've seen tonight, LinkedIn can be a great, resourceful tool for lead development - time to utilize it! Oh yes, Brynne is a consistently GREAT resource for The chat starts in 5 mins. Great topic tonight, Con! What's on tap for next week's chat? Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! Next week’s topic is: Using Keywords with LinkedIn Thanks all as always! See you next week! Thanks for hosting this tweet chat. My boss is telling to get back to work. My damn boss...... oh I work for me! Bye everyone I enjoyed our discussion! Until next time! I’ll be moving over to with to discuss lead development I’ll be moving over to with to discuss lead development You and Viveka...a great combination! Thanks for hosting, Con. Great first experience with ! Thanks for a great ! Cheers from ! Greetings all! All set to chat about lead generation? Thanks, for leading us in ! Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! Attended thanks to your link today. Thanks! Today, 336 Tweets (including 127 RTs) 17 Participants (Most Active 50 Tweets) via Greetings Deb! Long time no chat! ;) Hey guys / gals.. I'm with you in thought and well wishes, but may not show my face as often. In and out for Let's see if we can scare up a few others! Don't be shy! Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: translate to other platforms Con has a great topic, tho! Con - I'd be curious how some of the items discussed re: translate to other platforms Let me toss out a question & see who's there! Q1) Who's using for lead generation? Q2) Any reasons why you're not using for lead generation? A1 I feel like lead generation is second nature, so yes, using it on all platforms, basically A2 I talk too much, so it ends up being a "communication tool" first, then lead generation.. How about you, Con? Do you have a favorite platform for lead generation? So far, I've had more success with than but to be fair my efforts have been with the former A1: Social media is great to get your name out; many people use it for lead generation w/o realizing A2: I've never considered it "lead generation" tbh until recently. True, the law of intended consequences! Interesting why was that? I always associated that with sales, which I've never been in Q3) For those using successfully for lead generation what has success looked like? haha happy to share! getting your name out is a form of marketing - youre marketing yourself for Twitter I use Twitter chats to grow my audience/network and for LinkedIn I use groups for same purpose Q4) What do you think is most important for successful lead development on A4: Not being afraid to interact with others. Be social! Definitely! Many forget that! Last question up next.... Q5) What are your plans for lead development with in 2016? A5: To engage even more on even more platforms! I'm with you on that one, Michelle! Great! When we chat about later this year you'll have to join us! Any final questions or comments? Yay, Con! I love metrics ;) Figured the PhD candidate would! Deb & I really appreciate all of you who joined us tonight! Many thanks! Have a great week! good look w the PH.D. Pursuit! That's one of the things on my bucket list Oh, one quick tip... Don't forget to check out as your relationship tool (perfect for lead generating!) yes good luck!! grad school was more than enough for me haha Have a great week as well!! Thank you so much! And, you figured me right! lolol I think he would do the polar opposite of that, but it's a damn good tag line <--- Yeah, I wasn't smart enough to figure out that grad school was enough. lol RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal TY 4following Deborah love the idea of it was a very interesting session for everyone thanks RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with a Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with b Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with c Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with d Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with e Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with f Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with g Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with h Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with i Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with j Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with k Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with l Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with m Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with n Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with o Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with p I'll be there! I'm looking forward to my first ! :) Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with q Just stumbled on this reminder, I did 't know there actually was a , sounds cool! Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with r Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with s Trying to keep up with all tweets....and actually looking at a which seems to exist also...pretty interesting I haven't heard of 's. Are they held in groups, or forums? Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with t Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with u Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with v Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with w Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with x RT : Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with y HEY! HEY! HEY! coming up tonight at 8 PM/ET! Get MORE success for your business! Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with z Join us on 1/26/16 at 8:00PM EST to chat on Using Keywords with 1 The chat starts in 5 minutes. Hi all! First timer to the here! Thank you, Con! How are you doing tonight? Hello! My name is Jenna Chaffee and I'm a student at UNT! Hello all! I'll be hosting for tonight! Greetings! Tonight's topic: Using Keywords with Please give us a shoutout and let us know you’re here! Hi Chaim - long time to see you! Hello Chaim! How are you? Thank you so much! Excited to be here. Greetings! Tonight's topic: Using Keywords with & I'll lead the Hope everyone is well! We'll start shortly! Please RT my questions as I tweet them! TYVM Great to see you too! RT Hi Chaim - long time to see you! Hello! Nice to meet you! And meet ! Q1) How many of you are using with ? A1 Keywords are a GREAT tool for advanced searches... I got here tonight! For once! Hi, Marc. Me, too! Glad I still recognize someone :) a1: I use relevant keywords for my market segment A1) Yes using them for advanced searches but definitely not obsessing about them in my own profile! Depends on strategy How are you! RT Well, hello! Hi Con! Nice to be here. Great topic. I am just a good looking as I was last time! 8^)) Good to see you! A1) Haven't used keywords at all, which is why I'm here. I'm ready to learn more! Welcome Eugenie & thanks! A1 1/2: how do people use on LinkedIn? Our young professionals would love to know! . Q1 me. are crucial for effectiveness. Not many seem to realize. Q2) How are you using with ? a! 2/2: Is it a strategy, or an actual application/system within ? A2) Use keywords to search for people in Advanced Search. Use keywords on your profile to be found by others. In researching companies in advanced search I search in current position & keywords field. Thinking like a recruiter Same for me Helen! I'm excited to learn how to apply them to my LinkedIn profile. It can take a while to find the right keywords to produce the results you'd like... A2: I add relevant keywords for each module on my LinkedIn Profile. A2 Looking for people who have specific job titles and skill keywords in their profile. I am interested in their employer . Q1 I regularly review my profile and test effectiveness in ranking from different keywords, esp Prof Headline A2) I'm not quite there yet, but I'd love to use them to gain a better reach! Do you mean how many use keywords during search? A2 I writing a post next week on thinking like a recruiter so that you are found Here's a good example of how to use keywords with A1 I don't currently, but I want to start publishing my own work so I can utilize SEO tags to maximize my search results A2: I combine my search for relevant keywords where look at profile and then Hotel Company page to learn more about the team Another good example of using keywords with Are you publishing on your own blog? A1: I've used keywords to search for jobs in the past. Now I need to learn how to use them in my new IT business. A2) Keywords are very important for blog posts in LinkedIn publisher and on too . A1 first place to insert keywords is prof headline (if free to change) instead of leaving default generic title And within their profiles A2) Be specific in your profile. If you want to be found for a particular skill or expertise, include the relevant keyword(s.) Here's something I don't understand about Publisher: Do ppl post original material, or repost their blog posts? Q3) Is anyone not using with ? If so then why not? That is very nice to know! Really wanting to learn the benefits of keywords tonight. A2: Remember engagement will add more value to keywords. Today I have high endorsement rates for all relevant keywords A2 1/2: One thing we tell our interns is to use 'industry specific' wording in their profiles. A1 - TIP Search LI using unique keywords - use keywords in email subject for higher opens! Glad I got that down! Maybe I am using keywords and just not knowing it? A2 2/2: We're constantly looking for research on this, open to suggestions! Esp. from recruiters ;-) People do both but I prefer posting original content A3) I'm not using keywords because I don't really understand which keywords would benefit me the most. I thought it was for original, but I know ppl whose regular updates were pulled into Publisher. So I wasn't sure what it was for! Your keywords are the search terms someone would use when they are looking for your services or skills. . , example, with "LinkedIn specialist" competing w/ 000s of LI employees. "LinkedIn expert" left them out of results a2: Don't be afraid to mix it up a little. I use a dynamic approach where I rotate my modules with new relevant keywords Oh perfect! Thank you so much. I completely understand now! A1 - Search w unique keywords, then use keywords in email subject for higher opens from matching contacts! Start with your major & career focus Shouldn't be good morning for you? Q4) How would you describe your results with using with ? A3) Use regularly but definitely balance with customer friendly and natural language. Don't overdo keywords A3 Keywords are always important, if you don't use them you won't be searchable That moment when you actually have great keywords, you just haven't realized it. NOT a bad idea to check which Keywords industry leaders are using... A2) If you have expertise in "email marketing" include that as well as specific platforms, e.g. ConstantContact, MailChimp… A4) Results: Have found opportunities. And Opportunities have found me! RT NOT a bad idea to check which Keywords industry leaders are using... Thank you! My has great keywords, I'm just now realizing it. Haha! But how do you test your keywords' effectiveness? A4: Keywords is one those never ending improvements tasks The use of the word "unique" is ANYTHING but on a resume or profile! RT A4: Keywords is one those never ending improvements tasks A4 I haven't used them much, but SEO tags on WordPress are extremely helpful to increase your readership In current position field use all of the variations of your title -- Training | Learning and Development | Curriculum.... A4) I've had several people contact me with public relations opportunities! So I would say the networking. . I search People for new word, e.g. "social media strategist" and see where I come in the ranking - ideal is 1st 10 A2 Use keywords that are revelent and trending to maximize search results A4 - Excellent results - The idea is to use right keywords & leverage results appropriately using keywords. Recruiters search for job titles in the current position. If unemployed you need to create a current position How long do you wait after uploading a new key word before doing your search? .afmarcom also using advanced search I modify the parameters, e.g. local/State/country/global - make sense? Q5) Do you use the Planner with ? How does it work for you? If anyone wants to know more on how to select keywords, can ping me chandra@egrabber.com I agree with you on this one. I get a lot of views on my Wordpress blog all thanks to SEO tags. Great question! I don't hear as people talking about using it. But, maybe that is the thing.. talking about it Participating in more than anticipated. On for another 35 mins so pl tune me out if not of interest. A4: When searching for jobs, different variations of keywords can yield totally different results. sometimes it is almost instantaneous, sometimes it takes longer, usually minutes rather than hours or days. A5) I don't use this, but I am excited to see what everyone says on this one! . says to start with "your major & career focus" when choosing your wording for your profile You're doing great! Keep going! Interesting! I was certain you would say something like a week! LinkedIn is faster than Google! If you decide to get a hosted wordpress website you can use the Yoast SEO plugin for keyword optimization Let's NOT forget that your "Skills" ARE important keywords! . thanks for sharing! Would you day this works for young professionals as well? People looking for their first job? Q6) Can anyone give advice to those who have not been successful with on ? A5) Sometimes I use Google Trends to get a general perspective - Check the skills from alumni of the top colleges in your profession and add those applicable to you... A6 Stay on topic and don't overdo it! Also, do research on keywords that are popular and searched for often . my suggestion would be create a self-employed position, w keyword title, say "sales specialist" - A6) The advice I would give is to research and don't forget your major, skills, etc. I plan to do a lot of research after this A6 - Yes I can try and brainstorm with anyone on keywords this week Chandra@egrabber.com exactly MT . suggestion would be create a self-employed pos w kwd title, say "sales specialist" A6) Align your keywords with your personal brand. Consider carefully to convey your unique value. Ohhhhh! I really really like this idea. a6: You don't learn keywords over night. Finding the right balance comes w research, patience and persistance. I think the unique aspect is a very important part! Thank you for the tip. RT JennaChaffee: A4) I've had several people contact me with public relations opportunities! So I would say the networking. Alumni defaults to your alma mater, but it can be changed to ANY school! Own your keywords - Mine "Career Pivot" and "BoomerJobTips" a6: Stear away from keyword stuffing A6 - I start with what keywords would attract attention of prospect. Then start search - use Q7) What do you think is most important for using successfully on ? Agreed! RT a6: Steer away from keyword stuffing I agree Eugenie- great point! . people often stop at summary w keywords - pros integrate keywords seamlessly w/ each possible experience section A7 use keywords authentically. Do not use keywords that do not apply to u just to be found A7.) Most important > Have a strategy. Know why you are on LinkedIn. Be helpful to others. A7 making sure your keywords are relevant to your topic and don't use keywords just to use them, make them meaningful Well said - Agree completely!! A7) Using keywords that are applicable, unique and searchable. It's important to do research! Hey - good to see you here A7 - In using keywords, as with anything else, Start with End in Mind! (7 Habits..) Sadly, took away the ability to see the most common skills at a particular employer... cool, thanks for the tip! ! People search for ! 8^)) Thank you! So happy to be learning something new tonight in I am shocked at how many people list "Microsoft Word" as their FIRST skill! . G’Day Des! Thanks for sharing your LinkedIn wisdom! Q8) Will anyone be changing how they use with ? If so then how It WAS their first skill! Second was PacMan! All my comments are for Keyword searching of prospects in LI, not keywords to put on profile! . btw some non-electronic help for testing. I use a pen and notepad w kw cols, ranks and times, listing as I go A8) I am definitely going to go to my and make sure I'm using strong keywords in my skills section. . shall we say, not very impressive? Some general tips? There's a lot to be said for tradition! Keyword stuffing is old school Google techniques that made many come on top on specific keywords on Times? As in, some keywords work better at... I assume different seasons, rather than hours of the day? RT : a6: Stear away from keyword stuffing (Yes! There are profiles that are *ridiculously* - crazy) It's like when students put down "email" and "internet" as skills on their resumes... Haha, that's like putting "RT ? endorsement" in your bio. No one saw it :) You could put your keywords multiple times in modules. Looked really tacky and was not adding any value A7: Be authentic (don't LIE about your skills/abilities), be CREATIVE (not generic) A8 - I don't change keywords on my profile, but I change search keywords. I am more outbound! It's not just students who do that! Q9) Any last thoughts about your using with ? True...but I work with students... RT It's not just students who do that! A8 Yes! By improving the amount of relevant keywords in my profile's headline and summary http://bit.ly/1PiH5uM Ppl also put "loyal" and "hard working," as if the OTHER applicants all have "mercenary slacker" on theirs! . Hmm As far as I see the ranking stays frly static (until s'one does it better!): don't see time/season effect. You mentioned keeping track of time, and i wondered why. . It is VERY hard to avoid making keywords or a summary statement seem generic... A9) I am going to just be sure that I'm researching the keywords that I use for my LinkedIn and not just filling space. RT : Ppl also put "loyal" & "hard working," asif OTHER applicants all have "mercenary slacker" on thrs! a9: Tell potential customer the story behind your keywords. "Great" keywords is not great if they dont convert A9 - For outbound messaging, if you don't filter & use keywords, you can be more of a spammer! Q10) Would anyone else like to share their opinions about using with ? A9 look at other people's posts and seeing what keywords they use that work! Don't just select that you think employers want to hear. Select those that authentically portrays your abilities. 1/2 It's not good to list generic and empty skills like "hardworking, responsible, driven" Thanks for hosting this chat tonight! Keyword spamming killed Signal... . good question! I think I just started doing so to see how long it took for a ranking to change - :) Yes, Great anything should translate to results, else not great A10 use them sparingly, make each one count (aka don't use 10+) 2/2 instead use transferable skills and something more tangible, like: proficient, intermediate Adobe skills, etc. RT : not good to list generic & empty skills like "hardworking, responsible, driven" (or "extensive experience") A10) Keywords are very important for SEO and should not be forgotten. They might just be words but they're powerful words! Thanks If we see interns apply for our program and they can't describe a skill on their resume = BAD NEWS Thank you everyone for a great night and for reminding me all about keywords! Had a great time! :) , good point abt stories A lot of my LinkedIn coaching about helping ppl tell their story vs "shopping list" resume The chat starts in 5 minutes. Q11) Are there any final questions for the group about using with ? Thanks, all. Thanks, Con! Great keywords alone won't do the job. You have to tell a story that excites visitors to take action. A10: seek a in your field who is THRIVING in their industry who can help guide and advise you A11 which keywords do you use the most for your LinkedIn posts? Thank you all for joining & participating! My thanks to for inviting me! Continuing the topic of keywords in just a few moments, opening it up to all social media moderating Continuing the topic of keywords in just a few moments, opening it up to all social media moderating I've seen folks with professionally created resumes and profiles that used terminology they could not even define! Saw within profile too late - I have a whole different way for getting attention RT : Great keywords alone won't do the job. You have to tell a story that excites visitors to take action. thank you for another great ! I’ll be moving over to with to discuss and keywords I’ll be moving over to with to discuss and keywords Thanks for hosting and everyone. That was informative and engaging. Thanks to for running an informative chat! Next week’s topic is: Using with Thanks all as always! See you next week! Has anyone had issues with their custom tags in Contacts? Mine disappeared 3 wks ago + Linkedin hasn't fixed yet. Thanks for running the LinkedIn chat. Many thanks for a great chat, Con! It's been fun to be back! Thanks for an awesome and informative today Welcome, all, to ! Please welcome the "man in charge" and moderating our discussion: Key Words First, how about a shout out from those with us! Thanks for the informative ! How many use a strategy in their programs? Hi everyone!! Coming over to the from the & the How many need to know what a strategy is for ? Great & thanks, Helen! How have your results been? Do you use any tools when working with & ? How're your results? Ooh.. I'm curious about (Feel free to do a shout out ;) ) The results have been GREAT as long as the hashtags are focused and the content is good. Do you have a set theme? How do you select your ? I like that you mentioned Google's tool in I used to use it more than I do now. I like it too & recommend it for my clients! I'm curious you use it. For example, to you have it open all the time? Do you have a set procedure? I also take advantage of trending & do research on my own to see how the keyword is doing on social. A shout out to -> The *Ultimate* Relationship Building Tool for Twitter! I use as I need it either for my work or clients. Not open all the time. Still experimenting with procedure Good approach! How do you track all this? ? I am so late to but hi everyone! There are certain hashtags for work I look, search, and see what others are tweeting about it I just discovered - helps you search hashtags! Very good! How effective has it been for you? I'm late as well. But I'm here. Lisa, is that you? Cool Twitter handle! so far so good! helps you see the reach of hashtags and which are most popular Does anyone have a set methodology for in ? Safe to say we have some fans? :) So great to know!! I knew I made the right decision Good point on what others are tweeting about > some cool tools for that, too There are many great "tracker tools" out there for Twitter . A favorite is Also i try to keep it short and sweet! search for things you're interested in, and interact with people tweeting about them!! Thanks so much, Con! Hey everyone - a pat on the back for Con, moderating so wonderfully! <clapping> How do I use them effectively on Twitter and Facebook? Very cool, Lisa ! I know you were talking about it and good to see the new brand! Any final thoughts on & before we break? That's me, Deborah. My new blog name and brand. There are many great "tracker tools" out there for Twitter . A favorite is Also Good point on what others are tweeting about > some cool tools for that, too So great to know!! I knew I made the right decision Safe to say we have some fans? :) Does anyone have a set methodology for in ? so far so good! helps you see the reach of hashtags and which are most popular Lisa, is that you? Cool Twitter handle! I'm late as well. But I'm here. Very good! How effective has it been for you? I just discovered - helps you search hashtags! There are certain hashtags for work I look, search, and see what others are tweeting about it I am so late to but hi everyone! Good approach! How do you track all this? ? I use as I need it either for my work or clients. Not open all the time. Still experimenting with procedure A shout out to -> The *Ultimate* Relationship Building Tool for Twitter! I also take advantage of trending & do research on my own to see how the keyword is doing on social. I'm curious you use it. For example, to you have it open all the time? Do you have a set procedure? I like it too & recommend it for my clients! I like that you mentioned Google's tool in I used to use it more than I do now. Do you have a set theme? How do you select your ? The results have been GREAT as long as the hashtags are focused and the content is good. Ooh.. I'm curious about (Feel free to do a shout out ;) )