20160816 #SocialCafeHey all! Glad to be here at Sorry! Technical problems on this end! I was starting to worry about you... then I saw your "lost " message on Glad u r ok :) If you look at it this way > think you have your "technical problems" checklist all checked off for this month :) Curiosity Question: What did we learn in tonight? And, btw ... you sooooo don't want to know what is on my mind tonight. hint: phenomenology We could play... what is that game.. Find Con under the coconut shell? Of course, I think it is under the.. Seriously? Related to its buy-out? You're right, I can't even spell it! I don't think so. Considering you have to go to a place of "essence," I think few people catch it ;) This may be getting too deep for where my head is at now! Can you believe I am referencing bona fide science? :) Now, how to relate that to Right now, you could tell me that you're the and I'd believe you! So, how is hurting? Less users? Less buying customers? Less activity? All of the above ailments? Right now I think I'd go for being the tooth fairy... if I could wave a magic wand and all my work was done :) Ah, I got it! "The lived experience of being a tooth fairy: A phenomenology study." (Ok, she has lost it!) Loss of functionality and fall off in user participation but all anecdotal now! I'd be your next customer! Have you been experimenting with sleep deprivation again? Yeah - And we could all live happily ever after, along with lots of sleep.. maybe on a beach somewhere In other words, all said and done and circling the drain? I'd just settle for my own bed if it makes things any easier! Unless the cavalry AKA arrives in the knick of time! Anyone know the tune to "Gary Owen"? You just gave me an idea to Google! Ok, it isn't just me that has lost it... Now Michael is singing the theme song to Gilligan's Island Nice to know that I added value somewhere in the Universe today! Does he know "Gary Owen" too? Time for me to bail! Night all, see everyone next week! First day of school is tomorrow for me. ? what about yours? thanks for getting on the wagon. We may well be visiting the soon.