2016830Hey Erica meet She is one of our "regulars" here on (There has to be a better term, eh?) lol Oh guys/gals .. I hate to do this and bail on you, but I actually have to go pack to head out for a psychology PhD residency! That doesn't stop you two from chatting about psychology and I'll catch up reading the transcript and see you all next week :) There needs to be a balance. We need it to promote for business, but have it social to meet those to learn from - Hi Uneek Diva. What do you do? I am hoping to graduate with my Bachelors next semester not sure what to do next though woo hoo I'm a regular he he :) I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on Greetings all! Ready for a great ? . I'll take that as a "Yes" Deb! Give us a shoutout and let us know you're there! (This way Deb won't have to just chat with me!) Deb, looks like you're stuck with me! I am being nosey.. looking at a question brought up at the end of that has me curious Just talked about success on What does success look like to you on ? It is a question of whether or not to include course work on a social media profile. What do you think I replied that it should be but the relevancy to the profile should be made clear You're getting philosophical on me now? Please remember how late it is here and I've had a long day! Oh, good point! (Time of day) I figured a candidate would! Your use of the word "relevancy" may help to steer some people on what should be (and shouldn't be) on a social profile Picture this.. After a weekend with other candidates, you can only imagine the philosophy going through my head right now! While social profiles may be an opportunity to brag, one needs to determine if that is the only purpose or more Many students overlook the importance of relevant academic work to their profiles Are u creating the social profile 4 urself, to review ur own accomplishments, or 4 future clients to get a sense of what you do I recommend bourbon to cure that! There is that word again >> relevant Like I said, it's late here! In statistics, I teach about importance versus relevance. Something may be one, but not the other, depending on situation Ever read "How to Lie with
Statistics"? No, but it sounds interesting! Hmmm... should I quote it in my dissertation? :D Back in the day when I took it was supplemental reading! Probably today! Wow. That is interesting. I'm sure that is something that is "good to know" and foundational Now I picture "overload" happening, adding it to a list. As it is, it seems like some students are reaching that point I take no responsibility if you're denied because of it! You crack me up, Con. Have you ever thought of becoming a comedian? Seriously! Remember, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! There is a great marketing book that I read that has to do with "marketing lies." I must be brain dead cuz I can't think of it OK, there's your assignment for our next ! It finally hit me. "Trust Me, I'm Lying," by Ryan Holiday. But, I'll take that as an assignment :D I'm like a broken clock in that regard, right twice a day! He must be cleaning up with ! OK, bedtime for me!
Night all! See you next week! Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our … Inspired by to revamp my twitter! Can't wait to start learning from