September 6, 2016 #SocialCafe Like I said, it's late here! In statistics, I teach about importance versus relevance. Something may be one, but not the other, depending on situation Ever read "How to Lie with
Statistics"? No, but it sounds interesting! Hmmm... should I quote it in my dissertation? :D Back in the day when I took it was supplemental reading! Probably today! Wow. That is interesting. I'm sure that is something that is "good to know" and foundational Now I picture "overload" happening, adding it to a list. As it is, it seems like some students are reaching that point I take no responsibility if you're denied because of it! You crack me up, Con. Have you ever thought of becoming a comedian? Seriously! Remember, What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! There is a great marketing book that I read that has to do with "marketing lies." I must be brain dead cuz I can't think of it OK, there's your assignment for our next ! It finally hit me. "Trust Me, I'm Lying," by Ryan Holiday. But, I'll take that as an assignment :D I'm like a broken clock in that regard, right twice a day! He must be cleaning up with ! OK, bedtime for me!
Night all! See you next week! Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our … Inspired by to revamp my twitter! Can't wait to start learning from I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on What's new out there today? Anyone else out there? Please give us a shout out! My favorite saying... Vertical and taking nourishment :) I have a friend who says, "I woke up on the right side of the dirt this morning!' Come to think of it, I've heard that one. Good one. We tend to be more fatalistic back East! That would be an interesting study, to compare the differences between the coasts Quiet tonight... I should announce the special offer! Not if you want to keep your sanity! If you were to list the top 5 social platforms for business people, what would they include? You a $100 Amazon gift card to the 50th, 75th, and 100th persons who shout out! I show up and you give me a pop quiz? I would assume that would be one on the list of Five (This is ain't going to help grow the audience!) What do you think about Facebook as one of the Five? Yes, then , , , and either or You didn't invite me for my looks! Have you used quite a bit for ? Would love to hear more! No, I haven't Hearing more about it though on the media I've used it a little ( ) but it takes so long to get all made up.. lol :D Will be interesting to see how long its lifecycle will be Do you have a preference between and ? Haven't done enough with either yet to have an opinion I think we'll faster cycles for channels and a few survivors Remember the early glory days of PCs? Oh my! The fun travels down memory lane.. Some of us lived those memories... RT : If you were to list the top 5 social platforms for business people, what would they include? I just got home from work. Was downstairs and was gonna join via cell but it died so just got to my laptop lol It is great to "see you." :) Sounds like a busy time! Have to drop off now! Good night and have a great week! See you next week! . I feel you on the getting made up for Snapchat but I see a lot of women just doing it raw & real. I think Snapchat started out with a younger audience for "fun" but I see more and more people using it to promote their business Yeah, I've been considering that. I'm just so addicted to the makeup :D Great to see y'all too :) Totally understood lol. Have a great evening!
SEO Discussion w/ SocialWebCafe & TheBlogWorkshop 6/18 9P ET … …