#SocialCafe 20161004Our current is 30 min, from 9p - 9:30p EDT (or for me, 6p - 6:30p) The one about having fun! Good to see you back, Con! Like a bad penny I'll always show up! Oh, I responded to that one right away. I'm always ready for fun. How about you, ? Ready for fun? For fun: Why would want to buy ? But, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to my tweet response.. Tweetdeck is acting odd. Thought it was my computer.. ... but my laptop is the same, on Facebook. So, I'm starting to wonder about the Internet.. can't get here soon enough! I was going to say, to tweet "It's a small world..." as you are going through that ride, but that ride isn't there.. No, I wonder about like and It's a rumor in the business media... You have to get out more! I need to pinch myself. R we for real? e.g. presidential candidates (NOT going there, I promise).. these buyers Not too worry, only means the end of the world as we know it is near! Ok, that is funny. And, yet, not funny. Definitely quotable! You heard it here first! Go run up your credit cards! I might be there already.. lol My work here is done! See everyone next week! Do u ever have "dings" go off and you can't figure out what device? Let alone app.. Yeah, I agree Con.. going 4 next week :) Hi and Great to see you! Unfortunately, our twitter chat ended 40 min ago :( I think wants to buy b/c the CEO of Twitter is on the Disney board..also to push out more content socially I just turn off all notifications and sound from my phone. lol nothing random bothering me I am happy to add you to my twitter reminder list, if you'd like. Just let me know ;) and Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our … I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on starts in about 4 min. Feel free to join us! Greetings all! Ready for a great or is everyone watching the We have our 30 min and it is on now! Join us. Think it's going to be just you and me! I think that may be the case. No complaints. Good company that you are, Con! . We're more fun than the Things that bad out there? I think I've been trying to avoid the Did you hear? was shut down! ' Seriously? , too? Is Facebook streaming that successful? Possibly h=but there was too and they're working on a new group chat product Oh, true... So, we have lost and this year And, if you count innovative "next big things," we also lost tsu, too (Anything else?) Must've blinked, I missed that one! Yep, the "Time to say goodbye." That is why it seems more like a than just going bye bye Do you have the scoop on ? They don't hang around as long as they used too! is still out there somewhere? Only an article that it's done and they're working on something new Yeah, but where? used to seriously be the rage (especially for musicians) The myspace downfall really sent the musicians scrambling for stats when it came to places like RN Probably because of the connection RN (Reverbnation) is a culmination of stats and many musicians had 100s of thousands of fans on MySpace Speaking of connections.. What is the news with LI? Is it going to survive? I'm learning something here! The acquisition will see to that! They're the only game in town So we are thinking that that is going to turn out to be a good thing, at least for LI, eh? It could look what did for ! I guess I wasn't paying attention. I'm all ears... Then, again, the story may have to wait And with that I'll take my leave! Stay well! Nope. 'fraid not. With that.. 'til next week!