#SocialCafe 20161122Welcome to our weekly 30 min Twitter Chat! Hey ! How is your week going so far? Not too bad for week! You? I hope that I am not so egotistical to think that it is all about the US, as we share a wonderful globe together... So, what's the score tonight, Deb? That said, in light of the US Thanksgiving holiday, I'm curious about what we can list, when it comes to being thankful, eh? Does that mean I should load up on turkey ? And, always welcome, Peter! We're talking about what to be thankful for... .....specific topic, or free style? I was about to say the takeover of by We may have lost my partner-in-crime to technical difficulties! Welcome, Peter May! Great to have you here! ....thankful for all "problems" we think we have...we should be so lucky when consider rest of globe I gave my thanks, Deb, what's yours? ....learning about this "twitter" thing on a daily basis...coming from the linkedin discussion group world That's a good point! That reminds me.. I was reminding my daughter to be thankful for youth.. it goes fast :) LOL You're kidding right? The deal's not even finished yet and the price hasn't increased either! I felt "ancient" this evening, while teaching, & talking abt "Dewey Decimal System" and while brilliant, thankful for internet! and mine reminded me to be thankful for experience ...and use it carefully....pretty cool for an 18 year old I consider you the expert on that topic :) Indeed! If I were her I would have asked for an increase in my allowance at the same time! Just got my share of bruises from my own experiences! That is really impressive! Would you say she is a "thinker" (philosopher, maybe?) she already asked me for a piece of her academic scholarship...a performance bonus! Smart kid! Runs in the family! So many things we used "back then" that are almost forgotten. thinks like a lawyer (me) with the power of psychology AND philosophy....yikes! Yes, remember buggy whips? Sounds like a future Canon lawyer to me! Speaking of Latin ... I was going through "Statistical notation" and explaining the Greek letters... Oh, the days.. Lemme guess, all these young kids saying "Why use Greek?" Certainly enough problems in the world, she won't be hurting for work! From the sounds of things, it appears u have already accomplished ur goal! She sounds like she is headed there No, I haven't, I'll check it out! Thanks! now I just need to learn how to "step aside" and not get run over lol Oops... If I had "held my horses," I would have received the link before asking you.. lol :) anytime....it is truly the secret to successful business development its all about "the why" Ok, here is one.. Thankful for health, love, life, and family. A bit cliche, but true. BINGO! it is a game changer, especially if u download actual script and read it word for word Yes, all the above and friends like you two who stay up late with me on Tuesdays! Also, thankful for community & the ability to help each other out with internet tools, like sharing of turn the horses loose.....i try to "fail forward" at least once a day!! See, you inspired me, Con :) Thanks for sharing that! I believe I know what I will be watching this evening :) and with that, I must take my leave! to you and yours! Enjoy! I used the 3 ring "why, how, what" to connect with a new client and....it was over the phone!!! U sound like a problem solver & inspiration, Peter. If you ever want to "pontificate" live, in an interview... Same to you, Have a great evening and Happy Thanksgiving! Great chatting with you! And, sounds like you have a lot to share/inspire (the interview offer is genuine) Thanks for joining us for our 30 min this (US) Thanksgiving week. Best to all of you & yours! Till next week > same time/place Any topics for the night? It has bee a while since I've been active!