#SocialCafe First Two Weeks in January 2017 A4 Again, just keep doing what I'm doing! A4 Same as personal, I'm going to work toward putting less on my professional plate That is great, Con! That means you have found your groove and something that works! Cool! So, when can we expect your webinar series that teaches the rest of us the secrets to your success? I mean that seriously! Yes. I'm at peace with the Universe! The secret is simply surviving to retirement! And, with that, I'll take my leave and fade away into #2016 ! to all! And, Happy New Year, everyone! May 2017 be the best ever! See you all same time, same place next week at Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our … The chat starts in 5 mins. Yes! I'm looking forward to our this evening, as well. Welcome, everyone, to our weekly 30 min Twitter Chat! Alll set to rock 'n roll? Please give us a shoutout and let us know you're there! Yes, as says - Happy New Year! Are we ready for 2017? (And, what does that mean?) Hey ... while we are giving some time for any I have a question. What did we learn in ? I love philosophical discussions! You know me, Con. I can't help myself.. :) How to get worthwhile recommendations on Oooh... that sounds interesting! It just so happens that I was writing an email to someone on that very topic.. Should have joined me could have saved you some work! I moved with you over here. Curious to learn more. Welcome Lily! This is a short one! Only 30 mins! Q1 What social networks do you see as the most beneficial in 2017? Con, you read my mind! I'll give you credit for the question. I just happened to add a "Q1" to it :D A1 Depends on purpose and goals.... For business, for is still useful A1 Well, on the topic of I think it is safe to say it isn't dead yet and for business, it is still viable for SM I think it was an opinion of that twitter relevancy could be boosted by Trump. Oooh - Great insight, Con. (And, you fit it in a tweet! That's talent!) New channels like Will have effects as well I'd love to hear more, Lily! Insights? I may be sought after in ! Q2 Do you think the visual social networks (i.e. YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) will grow in popularity in 2017? Another good point. Some of us have been using these for a while, but I agree they have picked up in popularity. Without question! Graphics/video rules Go for it, Con! I support you! :D What do you all think? I'm curious... Anyone using regularly? If so, thoughts/insights? As always feel free to use! A1 Yes, visual networks are gaining and I think that will continue in 2017 (even with some of them disappearing in 2016) How many years have I been doing Twitter Chats? My A1 is supposed to be A2 lol Opps, I keep forgetting to add Q3 What are YOUR goals for in 2017? It happens to all of us - very understandable. I just apologize that I may have missed ur tweets Double my followers & obtain billable work from A3 I think it is definitely to find a comfort zone again. . A3 I have my "processes" in place and now my 2017 goal is to implement them more regularly and teach others how And, you are well on your way on those goals, even 3 days into the new year, eh? Con! I like that! Finding a comfort zone. When you find it, please come back and let us know how to find ours :) A3 Another goal is to put more time into and providing resources for our extended group I think you give my potential more credit than it deserves. A little exp'tion of the 30 min We r doing something fresh & innovative, allowing for Twitter Chat that fits in any schedule. Have to move along now! See everyone next week! Ah, we may not know each other well, but even in this brief time, I believe in your potential :) Looking forward to momentum and movement in in 2017. With that, thanks for joining us and we will catch you same time next week The chat starts in 5 mins. ... Glad to be here at another weekly 30 min Twitter Chat! So, what are we chatting about tonight? How about how 2017 is going for us all so far... ? How about you, Q1 Do we believe in New Year's Resolutions? If so, what is yours, as it relates to or business? #2017 has stated well, client inquiries, several presentations, hasn't imploded ;) Good to hear, Con! Even the part about :) A1 A few years back I told myself that New Year's Resolutions were not a requirement. I still find myself headed there Do you still believe in too? You can tell what I think of ! A1 Now my NYR has more to do with aiming to hit the goals I set last year, on a more consistent basis, like As in, right up there with Santa Claus? Hmm sounds like driving by using the rear view mirror to me Has anyone ever actually met a ? Truckers have to use the side mirrors to drive, when they can't see out the back of their truck Good question. I have, but now I don't remember what each year's resolution was. Yeah but they still look straight ahead mostly (Except that guy on the NJ Turnpike last week) Q2 What are some other ways to feel like we have accomplished something during 2017 (when we review it in 2018)? I ask the wherever you are! Don't look back on #2017 ! A1 It sounds like has already achieved many things in 2017! Congrats, Con! A2 I review what was accomplished just enough to ascertain how to do it better. Don't know about that I've just stopped worrying about #2016 ! OK we're getting serious now Either way, you sound successful :) I'm happy which is enough for me! Maybe that should be a goal all of us has, without being a NYR. That is great I think the world would be a better place! There we go. I like that. Aiming for a better place. See? We're uplifting things already for #2017 ! Thanks for the enlightening conversation over the past 30 min. I feel I got to know you better :) Some would say that's a scary thing! Night all! See everyone next week! Goodnight! (And I wouldn't say knowing you is a scary thing :) ) That is a great idea! (Using your bday as an opportunity to reassess for the next year).