The Intrigue of Instagram Stories #SocialCafe 6.36
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Proudly serving the community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat!
I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on
Welcome to the 30 min Twitter Chat!
Don't use it so I'm all ears!
Q1 What do you think about Instagram Stories?
Yeah - I was going to send you a note and ask you.. :)
Curious, ... Do u find it helpful to at least educate oneself on emerging apps? .. then decide yes or no
A1 It is still a bit new for me to have a final opinion, but from what I have learned, looks interesting
Certainly, but as a sole practicioner, I find it hard to juggle all balls at once plus not all tools are applicable everywhere
A1: It's nice watching ppl's stories but I haven't gotten into posting my own
In playing with Instagram Stories on my phone, it leaves a little to be desired.. Not overly intuitive.
However, for those who don't mind accidentally sharing themselves in awkward positions, it is total fun!
I couldn't agree more, I feel like is around the corner if I try too hard to juggle absolutely everything
Have you become a viral meme yet?
Yeah, I like watching them. I agree, Joe. And, I feel like I need to be prepared for (even if accidental)
Hey Joe - what do you think about the temporary aspect of IG stories?
Could be big bucks for you if you do!
Q2 Do you have plans to use Instagram Stories (1st time or more frequently)? If not, what stands in the way?
I was doing some research about IG Stories... etc. | just about to send a pic in the story, of my cute chi
... and saw his "toilet" in the background. Somehow, trying to explain is not the story of in IG stories
A2) Probably, once I finish figuring out how to monetarize what I have already!
The real explanation of the "Chihuahua toilet?" It is a ceramic dog dish my daughter made for him.. lol
It's not something new since Snapchat did that for a while. Good to have a chance to share & not have to worry about storage
I think you have your priorities straight, Con!
A2 I do have plans to use Instagram Stories more frequently and really learn and apply the marketing benefits
Also emphasizes the point of just doing it and not worrying about rehearsals or how many takes you go through
Good point, Joe! It is only new (and not even new, per se) to IG.
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Q3 What features of Instagram Stories are appealing? What needs improvement?
I like the personability aspect of IG Stories
A3 I like that Instagram offers them. I remember when IG started to offer video and I liked that it was 2x as long as Vine
Q4 Any tips or strategies you care to share as we wrap up this discussion on Instagram Stories?
A4 I have some tips that I am putting together in article form to share in the next weeks for the community
Heading out! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week!
Thanks for joining us for another We will see you same time, same place next week!