#SocialCafe 02/21/17. What's wrong with ? (OK maybe the super does overdo it a bit!) A2: Social media is filled with pictures of couples and things about love on this day so singles might be more upset Lol Q2: (2/2) ... a sense of competition among friends for the sweetest relationship. I think you have the ratio dead on, there. A2 Before it was all about what is called "traditional" now.. the card.. the dinner You know what.. I haven't even gone on Facebook today because of that. To me, it is just another day.. . There's a lot to be said for tradition! Q3 Is there a solution to somehow spare the singles all the overload of ? . Huh? Even I was on today! Love the cartoons! Oops (blush) I was thinking the 1/2 was the 1/2 of the posts.. I never thought of that, but yeah... You guys don't want to know. I was watching with hubby. Took the day off with the tummy A3: I think the best solution is to unplug for the day if watching all the posts make you sad. A3: Like you said you did, stay away from SM. Otherwise, prepare yourself for the worst What do you mean by "pair them up"? You know. I hate to see singles change their habits, but that is a good point since it is not likely to change Yeah, Con! That is a good way to put yourself in the doghouse! lol Hold up. The cartoons are something I would want to see. . Wouldn't be the first time! Maybe I will go on just to see the cartoons! . Friend me on and you can see them! It was! I didn't have enough characters to put my response in one tweet. So, I was doing a two part tweet. Night all! Have to run! Thanks for joining & see everyone next week! Good way to do it. It is hard to fit all of it in 140 chars. Thanks, Con. No, we didn't scare him off... is a 30 min Twitter Chat :) It's been fun. Thanks, all! I'm going to go nurse this tummy some more. Have a great evening! Thank you all! This was neat. Have a good night and I hope you feel better! Please give us a shoutout & let us know that you're there! ... At our normal time, for our 30 min freestyle (somewhat) Twitter Chat Here to learn more about from Madison WI! and I are learning how Twitter chats work! Hi I was 2 min late because I got stopped by the gatekeeper at Twitter to re-authenticate that I am me. Still me! There doing that a lot lately! Forgot your password, eh? So Deb What would you like to chat about this evening? Do you know my hubby is nicer than any one singular person should be at any given time? Ok... I know... the Valentine's Day topic was last week... Just saying. Of course... he (hubby) saw the tweet at the last minute and said, "Ah, Deb.." That was a good one! I only put my foot in my mouth once! (I think!) Ok, speaking of (this is my weird brain...) if we were to draw a list of descriptors 4 the perfect .... How long have you all done ? Good one... you crack me up, Con! I know your wife is lovely. (I almost said to put up with u, but I wouldn't) I joined Deb about two + years ago On my! I have to look that up to be sure. I think I stopped counting after 4 yrs, so this should be 5-6 yrs She is and for putting up with me! I can't believe it's been that long. Of course, I mean it in the sweetest way :D Ok, here is my first word for ... 1. patient How about 2. determined (Now I'll give you all a chance...) I tend to grow on people! Hmm... Where's this going? Ah, thnx. Yeah, I hit the jackpot (even tho I think it happened accidentally) on that one. I wish the same to others How about for 3: Relentless ? How about a really creative article? Just thinking out loud... :) 4. Focused (descriptors for ) OK, patient, determined, relentless, & focused....Sounds like a to me! I am seriously ROFL Con - What about the rest of you? Have we described a stalker? 5. persevering (descriptors for ) You are not wrong on that. I think stalkers need those skills, too. So, are there any skills/descriptors that we can include that do NOT sound like a stalker? You scare me on how well you know me! No, I had to back off. Believe it or not, too intense This could be a whole new business line for you! 6. Kindness (descriptors for an ) The only differentiator that I can think of is that dress better! Does "6. Kindness" break our "stalker" list? You are likely right on that, Con! Well, stalkers do feign it But have you ever met a kind businessperson? I'd like to think my father was and I adore my mentor, a business woman, but I know what you mean.. land of sharks We're back to you training Don't tell any1, but when entering in the financial industry, the underbelly of greed in LA, I almost like becoming a shark Your father is probably as old as me & our age is fading away...I'll defer to you on your mentor... Well, if the knocks on your door tomorrow... I don't want to tell you how many decades ago she was my mentor, so I think she was in the Baby Boomer generation She and her husband train seeing eye dogs. that can't be all bad, eh? Hats off to you Becky! Like Dad & me then! You missed quite a party! I think they already have. ...taking up residence across the street. But, of course, I'm not supposed to know Have to bail! Thanks everyone! See you next week! On that note.... Thanks, all, for the list! (Would you believe there are sirens going off.. in multiple?) See you all.. same place, next week at and the 30 min Twitter Chat (if those sirens are not for me & hubby)