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Brainstorming YOUR Collaborations and Joint Ventures #SocialCafe 7.17
The latest The Content Strategy Daily – Follow me @michaelvonirvin #digitalmarketing #contentmarketing! paper.li/f-1519700243?e… #socialcafe
— Von Michaels, #CEO #Digital #Content Institute(@MichaelVonIrvin)
Only 10 minutes until we talk #placeinpurpose on #bizheroes today. I'll be looking for you #daretobe there! #Socialcafe folks, hope you can join in.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
I'm bummed I missed it but hoping to join in again one of these weeks! Any summary from the chat today? #bizheroes #socialcafe #daretobe twitter.com/Kathrynclang/s…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
#socialcafe Starting soon!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
I'll be moving over to #socialcafe with @socialwebcafe to have an open ended #Twitterchat on #socialmedia #linkedinchat
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe It was fun, and yes there will be a summary up soon. I'll be sure to share #Bizheroes #socialcafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
Excellent! I'll watch for it :) . #Bizheroes #SocialCafe That reminds me of a collaboration idea... for our upcoming chat ;) twitter.com/Kathrynclang/s…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Welcome to our weekly #SocialCafe!
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Welcome to our weekly #SocialCafe!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe Hello Deb! #socialcafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
As a reminder, #SocialCafe has returned to the 60 min format. However, we are doing it with two Rounds. So, if you can only make one Round, that is fine :) . Round 1: Now to :30 and Round 2 is :30 to end
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
RT @socialcafechat: As a reminder, #SocialCafe has returned to the 60 min format. However, we are doing it with two Rounds. So, if you ca…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Hey Con! How are you? So glad to see you! #SocialCafe (See, absence makes the heart grow fonder.. isn't that the saying? And, that is a quote, not a statement.. And, Deb should stop while she is not ahead!)
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Our #SocialCafe topic this week continues with our theme of Collaboration and specifically, brainstorming collaboration ideas. The questions are here: socialcafechat.com/brainstorming-…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Hey, Deb! Doing well! But, I've been here for weeks now...
Where have you been?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: Our #SocialCafe topic this week continues with our theme of Collaboration and specifically, brainstorming collaboration…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney You never cease to cause a moment of #ROFL :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe I have to add value somehow!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Oh hey.. that reminds me.. and I have no idea how or why.. I got the Storifies exported over to our #SocialCafe site. So, there is life-after-Storify . And, if anyone needs help with a storify solution for their Twitter chat, ask me after the chat..
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: @conpsweeney Oh hey.. that reminds me.. and I have no idea how or why.. I got the Storifies exported over to our #Social…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe Will miss #storify ! #RIP
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q1 How would you define collaborations, with the idea of expanding beyond the norm? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q1 How would you define collaborations, with the idea of expanding beyond the norm? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney You know.. I was thinking about that as I put my foot in my mouth.. A person could attend a Twitter Chat faithfully and then skip a week and really be appreciated. But, of course you add value with your ROFL! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q1: How would you define collaborations, with the idea of expanding beyond the norm? #SocialCafe https://t.co/KU6gtHgNpo
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialwebcafe: @conpsweeney You know.. I was thinking about that as I put my foot in my mouth.. A person could attend a Twitter Chat fa…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q1: How would you define collaborations, with the idea of expanding beyond the norm? #SocialCafe https://t.co/KU6gtHgNpo
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Yes, me too! Though, not to toot my own horn, but I do like the solution that I came up with for #SocialCafe since it would not be hosted elsewhere. Now, to make it available to others. Maybe free?
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: @conpsweeney Yes, me too! Though, not to toot my own horn, but I do like the solution that I came up with for #SocialCa…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang A1. Collaborating with relevant players in your industry is an easy way to expand your audience reach and give you new content! It's a win-win for both parties. #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
A1: Anytime we can come together and achieve something we couldn't do alone, that is a collaboration moment! #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe Good idea!
Would help attract folks to #socialcafe !
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: A1: Anytime we can come together and achieve something we couldn't do alone, that is a collaboration moment! #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A1 Collaboration can be defined in many ways (one of which I'll share in A2).. I'm learning that even as we go through the #Collaboration theme here in #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: A1 Collaboration can be defined in many ways (one of which I'll share in A2).. I'm learning that even as we go through t…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@dialbanese Absolutely! Do you have a favorite way to collaborate? #SocialCafe (P.S. this series of chats has been great for helping my spelling)
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
Q1 (rephrase) What is another way of defining #Collaboration? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
RT @Kathrynclang: @dialbanese Absolutely! Do you have a favorite way to collaborate? #SocialCafe (P.S. this series of chats has been great…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialcafechat: Q1 (rephrase) What is another way of defining #Collaboration? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A1: Collaboration is the team event of business :D #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialcafechat…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: A1: Collaboration is the team event of business :D #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialcafechat…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
BTW - this week's questions are intentionally "academic" sounding. We are "stretching" ... like brain exercises. But, keep it fun, realizing that any answer is the right answer! #SocialCafe -Think Beyond the Norm-
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
RT @socialcafechat: BTW - this week's questions are intentionally "academic" sounding. We are "stretching" ... like brain exercises. But,…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang I'm in marketing and social media, so I have experience with helping small businesses collaborate with influencers via social media (ex. provide service for social media promotion). It's really fun to make the connection, and like I said, it benefits both parties! #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
@socialcafechat Someone's obviously on the #WestCoast ! #socialcafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang Thanks, Kathryn, for putting together these posters! You rock! Hey, everyone.. a round of applause for @Kathrynclang ! #SocialCafe .
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @dialbanese: @Kathrynclang I'm in marketing and social media, so I have experience with helping small businesses collaborate with influe…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: @Kathrynclang Thanks, Kathryn, for putting together these posters! You rock! Hey, everyone.. a round of applause for @…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@dialbanese Now you are definitely talking my language. I'm a FIRM believer in creating lasting connections (and then focusing on being relentlessly helpful) #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang Cheers! #socialcafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @dialbanese Now you are definitely talking my language. I'm a FIRM believer in creating lasting connections (and then foc…
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
RT @Kathrynclang: @dialbanese Now you are definitely talking my language. I'm a FIRM believer in creating lasting connections (and then foc…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q2 Along the lines of brainstorming and expanding, what are some other related phrases or definitions? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q2 Along the lines of brainstorming and expanding, what are some other related phrases or definitions? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
#Offtopic question to the #SocialCafe community ... I am dying to retweet, like retweeting @Kathrynclang 's question posters... So afraid of Twitter's TOS on faves, likes, retweets, etc. Thoughts, anyone?
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Q2: Along the lines of brainstorming and expanding, what are some other related phrases or definitions? #SocialCafe https://t.co/h39JEo8m2T
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialcafechat: #Offtopic question to the #SocialCafe community ... I am dying to retweet, like retweeting @Kathrynclang 's question po…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialcafechat @Kathrynclang What's the problem? #socialcafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang @dialbanese Yay! :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q2: Along the lines of brainstorming and expanding, what are some other related phrases or definitions? #SocialCafe https…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@dialbanese @Kathrynclang Hi @dialbanese ! Yes, love that you are a helper and collaborator. To me, that is the heartbeat of what we do, eh? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialcafechat My "understanding' is that retweeting with additional content or comments is fine. It's tweeting out the same thing across several of your own platforms. But I could have just made that up #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: @socialcafechat My "understanding' is that retweeting with additional content or comments is fine. It's tweeting out the…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q2 (rephrase) What is another term that we could use to replace the word #collaboration? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A2: I think of masterminds, coworking, write-ins when I think of collaboration #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@Kathrynclang @socialcafechat It's the same content across multiple accounts and I'll stick my neck out and say that they're more interested in high volume automated operations and not a few friends on the #socialcafe #twitterchat !
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialcafechat: Q2 (rephrase) What is another term that we could use to replace the word #collaboration? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A2 I've spent more time than usual researching and expanding on the concept of #collaboration during this series and one word/phrase is #affiliateMarketing . The idea is to view AM as a type of collaboration . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q1 How would you define collaborations, with the idea of expanding beyond the norm? #SocialCafe
— Lina Jones(@videoBL)
RT @Kathrynclang: A2: I think of masterminds, coworking, write-ins when I think of collaboration #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: A2 I've spent more time than usual researching and expanding on the concept of #collaboration during this series and one…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe I hadn't thought about it that way - but that's true. Because folks couldn't market to the wide range audiences without those affiliates (and they both benefit) #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang Absolutely agree! Awesome chat, by the way. Happy I found it. :) #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
RT @Kathrynclang: @socialwebcafe I hadn't thought about it that way - but that's true. Because folks couldn't market to the wide range audi…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q3 What are some ways that you can elaborate and expand your efforts when it comes to collaborations? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q3 What are some ways that you can elaborate and expand your efforts when it comes to collaborations? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A3 I could expand on my #collaboration efforts by seeing where I could expand on my affiliate marketing and where I could offer affiliate opportunities to others, to sell my products/services so that THEY can make money in their business #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q3 (rephrase) How can we expand on #collaboration? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A3: What are some ways that you can elaborate and expand your efforts when it comes to collaborations? #SocialCafe https://t.co/SQEk7CVgPU
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialcafechat: Q3 (rephrase) How can we expand on #collaboration? #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: A3 I could expand on my #collaboration efforts by seeing where I could expand on my affiliate marketing and where I coul…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A3: Dare to ask instead of waiting to be asked - that's one way to expand collaboration #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialcafechat…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: A3: What are some ways that you can elaborate and expand your efforts when it comes to collaborations? #SocialCafe https:…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: A3: Dare to ask instead of waiting to be asked - that's one way to expand collaboration #SocialCafe https://t.co/rNQiuPEP…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q4 What other groups of people can you add to those with whom you would collaborate? For example, what about clients? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q4 What other groups of people can you add to those with whom you would collaborate? For example, what about clients? #…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A4: What other groups of people can you add to those with whom you would collaborate? For example, what about clients? #SocialCafe https://t.co/dNVc71k4we
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe A3. Do some research on brands, blogs, influencers and individuals in your industry. Build Twitter lists to follow news and trends about relevant topics from those people. Chances are, they may be looking to collaborate, too! #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
RT @Kathrynclang: A4: What other groups of people can you add to those with whom you would collaborate? For example, what about clients? #S…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @dialbanese: @socialwebcafe A3. Do some research on brands, blogs, influencers and individuals in your industry. Build Twitter lists to…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A4 I would like to follow @staciewalker 's idea of adding clients. That also has that feeling of helping clients to expand their business.. win-win; help-help #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: A4 I would like to follow @staciewalker 's idea of adding clients. That also has that feeling of helping clients to exp…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Entering into Round 2 of #SocialCafe this evening. For this round, we will be digging deeper into our #brainstorming of the #collaboration theme and preparing for our wrap-up next week .
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
RT @socialcafechat: Entering into Round 2 of #SocialCafe this evening. For this round, we will be digging deeper into our #brainstorming o…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A4: I would like to position myself to help others with their focus and purpose . . . because it helps me with mine when I do #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialwebcafe/…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe A4. Many larger companies forget that internally, their own employees can collab. You might have some superstars with decent followings and similar interests. Plus, no one knows your business better than your own employees! #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
Going to say good night!
Thanks for joining all!
See everyone next week!
Have a great week!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Wow - I can't believe Round 1 has passed already. Time flies when you are having fun, eh? Thanks, Con! Have a great week and see you next week! Now, on to Round 2 of #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q5 What are some things you would like to learn, in order to enhance your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q5: What are some things you would like to learn, in order to enhance your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe https://t.co/X36LSXei9f
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@Kathrynclang Are you reading my mind, Kathryn? Bingo! I love helping others and responding when asked, but I hesitate to ask. Good one! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q5 (rephrase) What else can we learn or research about #collaboration ? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A5: I think I need to learn how to better ask for the collaboration - creating a clear plan for asking. #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialwebcafe/…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe A5. The comparisons between working with large biz vs. small biz. Large biz obviously has the following, but small biz is at times more trustworthy to consumers and builds closer relationships. Hard to tell what will work better for you. #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
A5 I would like to learn all I can learn! I would like to brainstorm even more interchangeable terms for #collaboration and then turn those into checklist items for learning and action #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe My son told me I had to quit doing that :) #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@dialbanese Oooh... Great observation, Dianna! Yes! And, I think that is an under-represented area of collaboration, like you observed. Oooh, there is so much there that could be expanded! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: @dialbanese Oooh... Great observation, Dianna! Yes! And, I think that is an under-represented area of collaboration, li…
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
@socialwebcafe The mind reading part. He said I was freaking too many people out #SocialCafe He's fine with me helping others though
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe That's why employee advocacy has become so popular! Engagement from within. :) #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
@dialbanese @socialwebcafe I LOVE that image - "engagement from within." We often stay focused on engagement with consumers #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: @dialbanese @socialwebcafe I LOVE that image - "engagement from within." We often stay focused on engagement with consume…
Q6 What are some bucket list items that you would like to complete or attain, to help your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q6: What are some bucket list items that you would like to complete or attain, to help your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe https://t.co/Z5gPPXeViH
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
Q6 (rephrase) What would we add to our dream list or checklist for project collaboration? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A6: Creating a membership site for all the courses I have floating around my desk! #SocialCafe or teaming with a videographer to create a video series! twitter.com/socialcafechat…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
A6 I would like to finish setting up my affiliate program, but more importantly, find ways to help others, providing free checklists, graphics, media, etc. #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@conpsweeney @socialcafechat @Kathrynclang Oops.. just saw your response, Con, and may need to pick this #offtopic response again next week. Thank you for your tweet :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q7 What are some resources or tools that you wish you had or you wish existed, in helping you with your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q7: What are some resources or tools that you wish you had or you wish existed, in helping you with your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe https://t.co/yZgdw12IIk
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
Q7 (rephrase) Are there tools you wish you had or ways to accomplish #collaboration that you wish existed? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A7: I think most of the tools I need are there - I just have to make use of them (or more likely make the choice to do what needs to be done). #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialwebcafe/…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@conpsweeney Oh, I would agree with you, Con. I thought it a bit "off" at first, too, but it is something that I can't take credit for, as I read it in my research. At the least, it is an interesting view, merit or not. #SocialCafe twitter.com/Kathrynclang/s…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
A7 I love and mention @commun_it as a wonderful help aid in building and maintaining relationships on Twitter. Now, I'd like to utilize it more effectively, allowing for that true (versus automated) relationship building experience #collaboration #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@Kathrynclang Exactly ... the mutual benefits in affiliate marketing. Yeah, I'm not sure that I would have come up with that one on my own, had it not been for reading it elsewhere (and I would give credit if I could remember!) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@Kathrynclang I don't think you made it up as that is how I understand it, too. But, it is like I am being so careful that I may be guilty of being too careful.. lol . #SocialCafe twitter.com/Kathrynclang/s…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe I always worry that THEY are out to get me, so I understand :D #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@conpsweeney @Kathrynclang Deborah expresses a sigh of relief :) . #SocialCafe I must say, though.. the effort at question rephrasing is a unique way to give two forms of the #SocialCafe questions (academic versus easier-to-understand). I rather like it, even if it requires a bit more work...
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
Q8 What will you be doing, or doing differently this week, to help in your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q8: What will you be doing, or doing differently this week, to help in your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe https://t.co/RUVuXKG5W9
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@Kathrynclang Yes, those "they" entities out there ;) . I had a mishap with a tool and while I like the tool, I will refrain from naming it. I discontinued using its automation but it took 18 mos to get it to stop (by closing the acct). #SocialCafe So, I get it!
Q8 (rephrase) What might you do differently in #collaborating this upcoming week? #SocialCafe
— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat)
A8 I would like to convert my desktop-based #Storify replacement tool into a standalone option that maybe others could use, possibly for free or a barter #collaboration (i.e. I create a free Storify Twitter Chat replacement in exchange for #SocialCafe promotion) .
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
A8: This week I will invest some time to define what I want, what I have to bring to the table, and also to find who I can ask. #SocialCafe twitter.com/socialwebcafe/…
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@dialbanese @Kathrynclang Luv it! Great gif! And, great visual representation :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@dialbanese I like that @dialbanese ! "Engagement from within" And, that should be right up my alley, in my I/O Psychology field! But, I give you credit -- you rock! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Aw, thank you! YOU ROCK! ? #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
RT @socialwebcafe: @dialbanese I like that @dialbanese ! "Engagement from within" And, that should be right up my alley, in my I/O Psychol…
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
@Kathrynclang Ah, but it comes so easy with our kids and spouses, pets... :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe I had them convinced for years that I had superpowers because I knew what they had been up to :) #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@dialbanese That is a tricky one. I've work for and with both. It seems, even with the large biz, one finds that niche, or group, which can give it the small biz feel.. but almost. Do you suppose it depends on the company, too? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@Kathrynclang Oh, the days... Though, the kids were easier than the Chihuahua. I just figure out yesterday that one lick means he has to go outside like 10 min ago.. lol . #SocialCafe (Nah, I knew that... :) . )
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@dialbanese Ah, thanks :) . #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Thank you for joining us for #SocialCafe! We look forward to our Collaboration Topic Wrap-Up next week (5/1).
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Thank you for joining us for #SocialCafe and more than that, for being such a valued member of the #SocialCafe Community! We strive to help each other in moving forward in relationships and personal/professional success!
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe Absolutely! For ex. even though @buffer is a huge company, they take the time to reply to all social media q's and to me, that makes them a really personable brand. So it definitely depends on the brand itself, too! #SocialCafe
— Dianna Albanese(@dialbanese)
@socialwebcafe Thanks for hosting #SocialCafe - have a blessed night!
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialwebcafe: Q5 What are some things you would like to learn, in order to enhance your collaboration efforts? #SocialCafe
— Mojo(@mojosarmy)
RT @socialcafechat: Q6 (rephrase) What would we add to our dream list or checklist for project collaboration? #SocialCafe
— Mojo(@mojosarmy)
@dialbanese @buffer Good example! I love @buffer And, that is one of the things I noticed, as well. I even have one of their cards on my desk, demonstrating that personal attention to their customers. It is a pleasure to pay @buffer monthly :) . Great example, Dianna! #SocialCafe