— Alexander Dullinger Heiligenstadt Bamberg Nürnberg(@MaleSissy)
I'll be moving over to #socialcafe with @socialwebcafe to have an open ended #Twitterchat on #socialmedia #linkedinchat
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Hey #SocialCafe - Welcome to a #FreeForAll #WildCard 30 min chat this evening in honor of the US Labor Day Holiday! And, you never know who will be hosting - it might even be you!
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Hey #SocialCafe - Welcome to a #FreeForAll #WildCard 30 min chat this evening in honor of the US Labor Day Holiday! And…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe Hello #socialCafe . . . I heard #freeforall and knew I had to join in!
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe Hello, Deb!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Hey @Kathrynclang is in charge tonight and I will be following her lead, including length of time, topics... What is that, like Simon Sez? #SocialCafe Thanks, Kat, Con, and community!
RT @socialwebcafe: Hey @Kathrynclang is in charge tonight and I will be following her lead, including length of time, topics... What is tha…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
I'm Kathryn - tweeting out from #Alabama where I #daretobe #peculiar and toss around a few #snarkyrainbows.
How are you tonight?
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: I'm Kathryn - tweeting out from #Alabama where I #daretobe #peculiar and toss around a few #snarkyrainbows.
How are you…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang Well, how's about yourself?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Doing good - almost have the house back in order after our DIY project.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
Q1: In the nature of wildcard talks, what do you do when someone/something gets in the way of what you had planned?
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q1: In the nature of wildcard talks, what do you do when someone/something gets in the way of what you had planned?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang A1) Go with it, see what happens!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A1: As a writer, I've always been a pantser (which means I fly by the seat of my pants). I have found that in life (as a home school mom of three boys) this is a good backup plan.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@conpsweeney I feel the same. Find a way to make the detour work for you instead of letting it work against you.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @Kathrynclang: A1: As a writer, I've always been a pantser (which means I fly by the seat of my pants). I have found that in life (as a…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang You've survived this long! ;)
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q2: Have you taken time to make a plan for your #SocialMedia investment? If you don't have a plan, how will you know if something gets in your way?
@conpsweeney Survived? Sometimes I think it was the constant barriers and detours that helped me find my creative nature. #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
A1 Go with the flow ... it could get interesting #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe @conpsweeney It's "this close." We have a few more pieces of furniture to move around - because when you do a major DIY project you should also re-arrange the house, right?
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe Having a #positive spin on the adjustments will help insure that it not only gets interesting but that it works for you (instead of working against you).
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@Kathrynclang @conpsweeney You all have such retweetable, quotable response! 100% agree! I've found some of my best articles have been the ones that I didn't plan and were the result of those detours #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q2: Have you taken time to make a plan for your #SocialMedia investment? If you don't have a plan, how will you know if s…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q2: Have you taken time to make a plan for your #SocialMedia investment? If you don't have a plan, how will you know if s…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@socialwebcafe @conpsweeney I like to think of a detour as a site seeing adventure and not an adversity.
The way we look at things makes a different in how much control those things have over us.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@Kathrynclang A2) What's your definition of a plan?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
A2 Yes, I am a planner - almost too much but those detours do tend to mix it up a bit ;) #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: A1 Go with the flow ... it could get interesting #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @conpsweeney Survived? Sometimes I think it was the constant barriers and detours that helped me find my creative nature.…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney For me, a plan can be a list of things to accomplish, or it can be a #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination. It depends on the task, goal, or sometimes the time of year. :D
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
(Why do I feel like I just defined myself as some sort of binder/journal with feet ... walking around the internet? ) #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: @socialwebcafe Having a #positive spin on the adjustments will help insure that it not only gets interesting but that it…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney You all have such retweetable, quotable response! 100% agree! I've found some of my best ar…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney I like to think of a detour as a site seeing adventure and not an adversity.
The way we loo…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney The real question is what is YOUR definition of a plan. Because you have to find what works for you.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialwebcafe: A2 Yes, I am a planner - almost too much but those detours do tend to mix it up a bit ;) #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe You planned your way to 80+ blogs?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @conpsweeney For me, a plan can be a list of things to accomplish, or it can be a #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination. It depend…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: (Why do I feel like I just defined myself as some sort of binder/journal with feet ... walking around the internet? ) #…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Q3: The #1 thing that holds back success is not having a definition of success.
How do YOU define success for YOU?
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe Quite an image there!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @conpsweeney The real question is what is YOUR definition of a plan. Because you have to find what works for you.
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q3: The #1 thing that holds back success is not having a definition of success.
How do YOU define success for YOU?
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang Ok, you got me there, Con! I think I detoured (and detoured and detoured) to that quantity! Can't say that was the original plan.. lol #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
A3: Now that I've asked, I have to think about it. I know what my focus is, but I need to define how I will turn that focus into my success (and what it will look like).
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@socialwebcafe Detours can be good, as long as they don't lead to a sign that says: pavement ends
And what it means is that the road ends and the bay begins right NOW!
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
A3 Success is accomplishing my objectives and redefining them as needed #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: A3: Now that I've asked, I have to think about it. I know what my focus is, but I need to define how I will turn that foc…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: @socialwebcafe Detours can be good, as long as they don't lead to a sign that says: pavement ends
And what it means is…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@conpsweeney Yeah, I'm thinking that it is better that I write than draw... some of those images should just stay in the concept stage ;) #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: A3 Success is accomplishing my objectives and redefining them as needed #SocialCafe
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@Kathrynclang Good point! But, another thing that has helped is to understand the definition of if/when/how pavement could end... topic for another time... along with intrinsic motivation #SocialCafe #overthinking
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Q4: The best relationships are ones we invest in nurturing.
How are you investing in growing your #socialmedia relationships?
Or do you expect to have results without investment?
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
RT @socialwebcafe: @Kathrynclang Good point! But, another thing that has helped is to understand the definition of if/when/how pavement co…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @Kathrynclang: Q4: The best relationships are ones we invest in nurturing.
How are you investing in growing your #socialmedia relations…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
@socialwebcafe Well, in my case, the pavement actually ended. :D We were trying to get to the condo on the beach and took a "short cut" but it cut short of our destination ;)
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
A4: I have found several twitter chats to be perfect for investing in relationships and they push me to be consistent (at least on a weekly basis)
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
A4 By planning #how I will invest in nurturing even if it means that I have to have more patience before I start, in some cases... #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: A4: I have found several twitter chats to be perfect for investing in relationships and they push me to be consistent (at…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
RT @socialwebcafe: A4 By planning #how I will invest in nurturing even if it means that I have to have more patience before I start, in som…
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
Have to bail now!
Thanks for joining everyone!
Have a great week and see you all next week!
— Con Sweeney(@conpsweeney)
#Sidebar >> For anyone looking for the topic on Social Buzz Club and other topics related to content marketing, we simply shifted the schedule for the holidays (but nothing went away permanently) #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
Thank you for investing in me (and with me) tonight in #SocialCafe When we connect with others, share with others, and have a little fun along the way then we build a solid foundation for growing success.
— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang)
@conpsweeney Have a good one, Con! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @Kathrynclang: Thank you for investing in me (and with me) tonight in #SocialCafe When we connect with others, share with others, and ha…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@Kathrynclang That is a beautiful way to put it, Kat! And, thank YOU! #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
A1: As a marketer it depends on the thing. Can I spin it to be part of something my audience cares about? If yes, Roll with it! No? Then it is my job to get things back on track for the good of my audience #SocialCafe
— Paul Young(@youngp2)
A2: Have a plan and have processes for any repeatable task (industry event, product launch, thought leadership campaign). Don't waste time reinventing the wheel. Always measure to make sure the best practice didn't change #SocialCafe
— Paul Young(@youngp2)
A3: When I create a solid engagement the makes a lightbulb go on. The way I see it my job is to help my audience "get it". That might be through an infographic or a DM but when they say "ah ha, I get it" That's success #socialcafe
— Paul Young(@youngp2)
RT @youngp2: A1: As a marketer it depends on the thing. Can I spin it to be part of something my audience cares about? If yes, Roll with i…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @youngp2: A2: Have a plan and have processes for any repeatable task (industry event, product launch, thought leadership campaign). Don…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @youngp2: A3: When I create a solid engagement the makes a lightbulb go on. The way I see it my job is to help my audience "get it". Th…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
A4: I prefer to have a few deep relationships that you can keep coming back to than thousands of 20second engagements. Tweet chat, DM, email or <gasp> meet in person. Good relationships surpass any communication channel #QualityOverQuantity #socialcafe
— Paul Young(@youngp2)
@youngp2 Hey Paul - good stuff! Thank you for sharing! Oh, and normally we don't have the 30 min chat, but did with the holiday but, that is the beauty of gathering virtually - doesn't stop us from sharing, eh? #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @youngp2: A4: I prefer to have a few deep relationships that you can keep coming back to than thousands of 20second engagements. Tweet…
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@youngp2 Can't help but love the added <gasp> - makes one think, eh? Now, where is the local Starbucks.... #SocialCafe
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe Know your numbers, have a budget, master one thing first #SocialCafé
— Lisa Geraci Giesler(@LisaGiesler)
RT @LisaGiesler: @Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe Know your numbers, have a budget, master one thing first #SocialCafé
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
@LisaGiesler @Kathrynclang Excellent advice/tips Lisa! Would love to expand on that in an interview with you :) #SocialCafe (What do you think, Kat?)
— Deborah(@socialwebcafe)
RT @socialwebcafe: Check out the summary for our "Building Our Community Above and Beyond Our Dreams" #SocialCafe 7.34 | Learn and Contri…
— ????(@xyggJ1lrPXlxuSX)
Labor Day Holiday #WildCard #SocialCafe 7.36
@LisaGiesler @socialwebcafe Why does the budget tend to be the most difficult thing for #authors and other #entrepreneurs