#SocialCafe 8.32 Chat Transcript Author: Deborah Published: [mashshare shares="false" buttons="true" align="left"]Click Here to view entire Twitter Chat Summary.Tuesday #TwitterChat List #4 #MillennialTalk 8pm #LinkedInChat 8pm #DareToBe 8pm #TnEdChat 8pm… https://t.co/cOiWXx3OyJ— Danielle Mamagona ???(@PokeyLuWho) Love that idea... Trying to get back there... #LinkedInChat I did that with #SocialCafe and did it weekly and som… https://t.co/1uWsCQPgPD— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Yes, it was! I started #SocialCafe in 2012 right after joining #ggchat but I remember #LinkedInChat being around… https://t.co/8V2Q3PPFtj— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @SteveCassady @MarkC_Avgi @LinkedInExpert Another thank you to Con... He came to #SocialCafe and started helping me… https://t.co/miFPS9VP5H— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @SteveCassady @MarkC_Avgi @LinkedInExpert I used to do that, too, with #SocialCafe w/10 wks of apps and guests, con… https://t.co/AdJpARYysd— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Great idea, Steve! #LinkedInChat I like your idea with the new features.We had that w/ #SocialCafe & it seems l… https://t.co/daptYagta8— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Our topic for this #SocialCafe : LiveStreaming at The Click of a Button (like Blab) 8.32 #chattingNow— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) 2 Tips to Help Us Build and Grow: 1) Please follow each other on Twitter; and 2) Please retweet the questions. #SocialCafe Thanks!— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) Last week: Webinars, Webinar Software, and Business 8.31 #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) Greetings #SocialCafe friends. Good to be with you all again this week.— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Tonight: LiveStreaming at The Click of a Button (like Blab) 8.32 #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Hey Tom! How are you this week? #SocialCafe https://t.co/TFLrurhrew— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @socialwebcafe I miss blab :(#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) Q1 What livestreaming solution do you use for the quick option? (Think former Blab or Facebook Live etc.) #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q1 (rephrase) What solution do you like for the quick livestreaming? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A1 YouTube Live (Google Hangouts) mostly because... ... the fun distinction of the label of #HangoutQueen ...an… https://t.co/Zs5UZBMpGB— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @socialwebcafe It has already been a very interesting week. Some changes are sneaking up on me and about to knock s… https://t.co/4NjRoaG2xR— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) A1) #GoToMeeting #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) So, tonight's #SocialCafe is along the same topic as last week's conversation (feel free to repeat answers :D) but… https://t.co/mJtq9gnqTB— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Start getting those #ShamelessPlug tweets ready > We will tweet them later in #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) @_TomGReid I think #GoToMeeting will always be a winner. They have been around for a while and have usable and helpful features. #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) A1: I use OBS software to live stream to youtube or facebook - booking looking at other solutions.#SocialCafe https://t.co/0H09UwHHXD— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) I hear you, @_TomGReid You have such a creative way of putting it! #SocialCafe https://t.co/QSBfAJ6AOe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) LiveStreaming at The Click of a Button (like Blab) #SocialCafe 8.32Q2 What features do you (or did you) like the most? #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) And, you re-stirred my passion on the looking for solutions... part of the reason for this continued discussion (if… https://t.co/zWqk0jRXem— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q2 (rephrase) What features are best? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A2 Simply put >> I liked the click-of-the-button of Blab #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @socialwebcafe Thanks. It sounds less horrible this way. After all - who likes change? #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Good point. Hope you are doing ok. All well wishes your way. #SocialCafe https://t.co/NyhSz96dvl— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) A2) Just a couple clicks and I've got the rendezvous all set up. Usually good connections (depends a lot on interne… https://t.co/DRQ0wt691V— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Q3 Ok, I know you just answered Q2 but let’s did a bit deeper... what other features do or did you like? #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q3 (rephrase) What other features? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A3 It seems like that click-button option is not one that other solutions have found (or maintained) in the same ea… https://t.co/xvjNpHnj1g— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) A2: I want to be able to distribute on multiple channels!Allow for participants to chat.Maybe have a recording… https://t.co/JSz0L5S1Ra— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) Thanks @commun_it for helping us create #Twitter relationships https://t.co/fC7zsYXbPq please RT #SocialCafe #ad— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) That is easy-to-use when you get the hang of what you are doing.That is the way Google Hangouts feel to me... hav… https://t.co/zTNMIarAoB— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @_TomGReid And, stability is a good one, Tom. Very important! #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @Kathrynclang GoToMeeting does all of that. But it is not a free service. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) @Kathrynclang Both great features!And, the multiple channels is not one of the features that is mentioned as ofte… https://t.co/cNFvhEMpDm— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q4 What features don’t exist (or didn’t exist) that you wish existed? #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @_TomGReid @Kathrynclang Doesn't it seem like that is always the case?On the flip side, the only one that makes s… https://t.co/1QiY9AUh4f— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q4 (rephrase) Any additional features you want added? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A4 That button :) Can we say “Deb is redundant tonight” lol Hey - doing it to drill in the idea in my own head,… https://t.co/DWXGrahrsC— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) A4) The GoToWebinar side of the house still has it's pay portal in Beta. Had to make a decision about my free webin… https://t.co/wnOVLdTzI7— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) @_TomGReid It live streams?#SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) Q5 Can a quick solution exist without a recorded version? Would that be acceptable? Why or why not? #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q5 (rephrase) Recordings - do without? Why or why not? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A5 If a brand has a great following, a recording is not necessarily absolutely needed. Maybe, in that case, the eas… https://t.co/nrGrjpMXGj— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @Kathrynclang @_TomGReid I can picture myself leaning [virtually] on my elbows listening (or in this case watching/… https://t.co/qpDPHTEBU0— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @Kathrynclang Only to those who join the meeting. So I guess not in the sense you mean. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) A5: Always have a backup recording. You never know when you are going to need it. Plus it makes it easier to repurp… https://t.co/ibHShA0idK— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) A5) Gotta have the recording. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) @socialwebcafe I've got over 15 recorded sessions at this point, making for a nice content portfolio. That seems important. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Q6 Any other tips, question, ideas, concerns regarding the quick solution to go live NOW? #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @_TomGReid I think it is, definitely, for some. #recordings #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @Kathrynclang Great way to put it @Kathrynclang #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q6 (rephrase) Any other concerns? #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) @socialwebcafe A6: Don't wait! There will always be a reason not to go live. If you want to make it part of your pl… https://t.co/gAU7KjbNDj— Kathryn Lang(@Kathrynclang) Amen! #SocialCafe https://t.co/PK6Wnpkw4f— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q7 Finally, it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is .. #SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) Q7 (rephrase) Time for the #ShamelessPlug! #SocialCafe— #SocialCafe Team(@socialcafechat) A7 My ShamelessPlug >> I found my passion in writing, music, and all of you at #SocialCafe !— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) A7) I speak plainly. Not everyone appreciates that. #SocialCafe— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Thank u for joining us for our #SocialCafe Chat. Just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) @socialwebcafe We appreciate the effort you go through each week to host this. I appreciate being able to come in h… https://t.co/Ix1xbip82W— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) @_TomGReid @Kathrynclang Thank you so much, @_TomGReid I can't say how much I appreciate you saying that!#SocialCafe— Deborah(@socialwebcafe) RT @NTynesideVODA: What are you up to tomorrow evening? Would you like to meet new people in a relaxed and friendly environment? Join us at…— John Oxborough(@john_oxborough) RT @NTynesideVODA: What are you up to tomorrow evening? Would you like to meet new people in a relaxed and friendly environment? Join us at…— HealthwatchNTyneside(@HWNTyneside) RT @PokeyLuWho: Tuesday #TwitterChat List #4 #MillennialTalk 8pm #LinkedInChat 8pm #DareToBe 8pm #TnEdChat 8pm #5THCHAT 8pm…— Montefioralle Winery - A Family Team(@MontefioralleWi) @MarkC_Avgi #ImpactMatters Mon @ 7 PM (all EDT)#PeriGirlsChat Sat @ noon #DareToBe Tues @ 8 PM#PubChat Wed @ 9 P… https://t.co/oLeHKB9C9P— Tom Reid(@_TomGReid) Link to Complete Summary.