Strategies for Successful Collaborations – Part 2 #SocialCafe 7.16
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Strategies for Successful Collaborations - Part 2
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Previous #SocialCafe Twitter Chat
Strategies for Successful Collaborations - Part 1 #SocialCafe 7.15
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Brainstorming YOUR Collaborations and Joint Ventures #SocialCafe 7.17
- What collaboration IDEAS have we covered so far in our #SocialCafe chats over the past few weeks?
A1: I shared the idea of doing a "blog carnival" type post where I would ask for submissions to others and include a link to their post and a blurb about it. #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
A1 We have covered so many ideas and yet so many to cover in the arena of #collaboration ! I like how @staciewalker got us going and her idea with the workshops and collaborating with clients! #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
- What collaboration TOOLS have we discussed so far in our #SocialCafe chats over the past few weeks?
A2 @myblogu - brainstorm collaboration | @guestcrew - roundups | @vcbuzz - promotion | tools that help us collaborate online :) cc: @SanaKnightly @seosmarty #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
A1: A new idea for #collaboration - a round robin type book - where each author writes a chapter and the next one has to play off that last #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- What collaboration STRATEGIES have we covered so far in our #SocialCafe chats over the past few weeks?
A3 I daresay that the more I try to summarize what we have covered, as far as #collaboration #strategies in my head (that isn't as kooky as it sounds!) the more I think there are tons more strategies! I'm thinking of a "part three" on this "collaboration strategies" #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
We do something similar with stories on family trips (each one adding a sentence) #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- What have we learned about collaboration round-up articles or blog carnivals? #SocialCafe
...and in reference to our Round 1 and Round 2 that I developed for our #SocialCafe community and chats, Kathryn says...
A4 I think we are still learning about round-up articles and blog carnivals. At least I know I am! [ I sense an article coming, maybe next week... an-article-about-an-article #lol ] #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
The great thing about this set up is that you can jump in at anytime and not feel lost! #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- How can we assist others with their collaboration objectives? #SocialCafe
A5: We can assist each other when we 1. invest in helping; 2. encourage in the endeavor; 3. Are open and honest with feedback #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
A6: I thin our #collaboration projects HAVE to change as we grow, pivot, and change in our own journey! #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- Speaking of objectives, how would we sum up our collaboration objectives and have they changed? If so, how? #SocialCafe
Thank you. Repurpose tip - when I'm in a chat like this on with #SocialCafe, I keep up with the thoughts and suggestions and then use them to write a post! ALWAYS tag others if you use their tweets!
— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
Backatcha! I am so looking forward to it as well! Oh, wait, we are in it! Like you said, collaborating! #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
I like that image - and I also like the idea of daring to do something larger and more beautiful! #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- What are we going to do differently this week, to move ahead in positive collaboration with others? #SocialCafe
Exactly - no matter what else is going on, find a way to move forward in purpose and on purpose! #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
I'm behind on my #WhiteBoardofWorldDomination plan, but I am still stepping so that means I'm moving closer #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
- What other tips or questions do we have to share on the topic of collaborations? What about any other resources to share or seek? #SocialCafe
A8 Speaking of puppy snacks, I think my brain needs one.. lol | And, probably my puppy (yes, a real chihuahua) needs one, too :) #SocialCafe— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
Thanks for a great #SocialCafe chat - my homework for this week is to think of tools and ideas for collaboration and ways I can be a better collaborating partner!— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) April 18, 2018
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
Definitely quotable @Kathrynclang ! So many great quotable this evening (and every evening on #SocialCafe and other #TwitterChats ) ... oh, as in #collaboration! | Opportunity to give and grow— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
That reminds me... I need to clean off my whiteboard (except the #iLoveYou notes from my hubby and kids) and add some of these cool insights on collaboration! Thanks, #SocialCafe !— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) April 18, 2018
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