The Basics of Twitter Lists #SocialCafe 7.12
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: The Basics of Twitter Lists
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Kindle eBook by our Featured Guest, Lisa!
Learn To Tweet and Thrive on Twitter: Learning to Tweet (affiliate link) (affiliate link)
Twitter List Resource thanks to @inspiretothrive!
This Twitter Lists Hack Will Get You Better Marketing Results
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- How would we define Twitter Lists to someone who asked us what they were? If we don’t know about Twitter Lists, what do we want to know (i.e. what they are)?
We had sooooo many great answers to this one. And, it appears that we were thinking along the same lines, with a theme of organization going on there!
A1: Twitter Lists are a way of organizing who you follow into categories that help you find the content you need. #SocialCafe— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) March 21, 2018
A1 - Twitter Lists help us to organize people on Twitter. It's like building your own Twitter feed (S) . It can help you stay more focused.#SocialCafe— Lisa (@InspireToThrive) March 21, 2018
- How can we use Twitter Lists to help us?
A2b Twitter Lists helps me with business too - I have 20+ different categories so I can find folks on Twitter fast with Twitter Lists #SocialCafe
— Lisa (@InspireToThrive) March 21, 2018
A2. I have a weather Twitter list to keep up with these storms! LOL. It's a go to for weather events. You can have Twitter lists for many things including your business or hobbies #SocialCafe— Lisa (@InspireToThrive) March 21, 2018
And establish yourself as a subject matter expert #SME #socialcafe
— Con Sweeney (@conpsweeney) March 21, 2018
- How can we use Twitter Lists to help others? How is that a good ROI (or is it) for what we do? #altruism #self-sufficiency #marketing
A3. You can help others in your lists by RT (ReTweeting) their tweets, and engage with them. You could have a list of (for example) blood centers, and other non-profits you like. #SocialCafe
— Lisa (@InspireToThrive) March 21, 2018
A1b You can have more than one, public or private, and use them for different purposes #SocialCafe
— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) March 21, 2018
- What tips or strategies can we suggest, as it relates to Twitter Lists? What would we like to know about Twitter Lists?
A4b Then promote the public, invite others, and invite others to use the list. #SocialCafe
— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) March 21, 2018
#SocialCafe @InspireToThrive I keep a list of my go-to sources I know I can share even if I share first, read second...they're THAT good...
— Sue-Ann Bubacz (@SueAnnBubacz) March 21, 2018
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
And thank you for putting up with us as well :D I got some new ideas for putting Twitter Lists to work! #SocialCafe
— Kathryn Lang (@Kathrynclang) March 21, 2018
Also Twitter lists are great for connecting with others. When someone puts me in a list, I go and look at their profile and most likely will follow them. #SocialCafe It works both ways!
— Lisa (@InspireToThrive) March 21, 2018
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