Tools 1.4 Ted Coine of #SocialCafe 4.16

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Tools 1.4 Ted Coine of

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As always, a delightful conversation with now good friend, Ted Coine. Mr. Coine has a wealth of information and experience and he is here to share it with us, at the #SocialCafe community? I feel like this interview only just began and there is so much more that this man has to share with us. Be sure to check out his book and if you want a shot at an autographed version, enter for a chance to win, above.

Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

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Tools 1.3 Michael Cheng of #SocialCafe 4.15

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Tools 1.5 Dennis Kashkin of Board Booster #SocialCafe 4.17

  1. How much of your marketing strategy involves sharing the unique thought leadership of your employees?

How do you engage, on a corporate level, whether you are a corporate entity engaging with non-corporate or even a small business engaging with corporate? Is there a way to promote the company without it feeling force-fed?

  1. What tools do you currently use to build your personal brand?

Hey thanks for the RTs, guys :) Yes, there are so many tools out there (which is why we do these series here at #SocialCafe). It is interesting to see where fits in the landscape and scope of our social media marketing efforts, no matter what our size.

  1. What challenges do you face with time and access for creating compelling content each day/week?

I had to quote Mr. Coine here. He pegs it. It is a lot of work to write articles! (Take it from me who writes a couple per day.. If you do the math, you will see there isn't much of the day left over, after writing!) Thanks for pointing that out, Ted - good point - and a need for a tool like Meddle.

  1. How are you leveraging the trust your employees have built in their networks, to build your company's brand?

This particular question really stimulated further discussion, especially via the #SocialCafe hangout. Check out the hangout (above) to see how our guest, CMO Ted Coine, adressed it.

  1. What are some ways you could use a tool like to build your firm's brand?

This is another question we touched on during the hangout. Ted gave us ideas on strategy and how that looks in a company environment (doesn't even have to be "corporate"). These same principles can be applied to social proprietorship and large companies, alike. Con expressed the concerns he had in evaluating the balance of the approach (question 3) and Meddle presents some innovative ways to help us to be more efficient and really drive it home in building our own authority and credibility, while building that of the company/brand, as well.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Time is always the challenge, no matter how efficient we get. We are greedy and want more time, don't we? That is where my friend, Phil, talks about the balance of the "5 Currencies." Be sure to check out his Twitter Chat, too!

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