Tools 1 * TweetDeck #SocialCafe (Summary) 3.11

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Tools 1 * TweetDeck

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  1. How familiar are you with the TweetDeck platform?

I like the diversity in opinions. Great job, peeps! So, some of us love TweetDeck and some of us find that it is not our cup of tea. That is why these sharing chats on tool topics are so helpful (in my not-so-humble opinion... lol).

  1. What features do you find to be most desirable on Tweetdeck?

As with many tools, they sometimes go through their clunky period and even in TweetDeck’s case, a spot where it would “hang.” But, we have seen improvements, with a cleaner user interface and less hanging (at least on my end.. lol).

  1. What features do you find to be most desirable on Tweetdeck?

I’m sure there are cons out there (wouldn’t that be the case for most tools, with an unbiased approach?). However, it appears we are not finding any cons today and in fact, finding more pros. :)

  1. How has TweetDeck helped streamline your social media strategy?

Continuing with the theme of this chat, we are seeing improvements with this tool and we are finding ways to utilize it in our daily biz (if we choose to use it :) ).

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Thanks, Da Vinci. Great to see the cup half full, even when it isn’t our cup of tea.

And, welcome Belinda ! There is no such thing as late to #SocialCafe. All are welcome... all the time!

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