Tools 9 * Google Hangout (Summary) #SocialCafe 3.19

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Tools 9 * Google Hangout

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

This Week’s Tool (Proprietary; please do not copy)
SocialWebCafe TV Green Room

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Tools 8 * Trello #SocialCafe 3.18

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Tools 10 * Twitter Chat Clients #SocialCafe 3.20

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Google Hangouts have evolved and come full circle. We have even used them in our #SocialCafe Twitter Chat events, as well. For a while, Help Outs existed on the horizon and were very helpful in being, uh, helpful. Now, we are back to just the hangout, but it is still a useful tool for webinars as well as Twitter Chats like #SocialCafe.

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