Twitter Monetization – Intro #SocialCafe 6.37

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Twitter Monetization - Intro

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The Tools of Twitter Monetization #SocialCafe 6.38

  1. Can anyone make money on Twitter? Scale of 1 to 10? What are your thoughts about #Twitter #Monetization?

The sky is the limit, right? I guess we shall see just how far the sky is from where we stand...

  1. Q2 Do we know of anyone who has claimed to make money on Twitter? #Twitter #Monetization #SocialCafe

We agree that many have spoken of accomplishing #Twitter Monetization. Now, how to do it...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

We were able to trend with the hashtag #SocialCafe >> Thanks for tracking that, @vanicyUSA!

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