Viral Content Bee #SocialCafe 2.32
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Viral Content Bee
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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show
Ann Smarty's Case Study
My Viral Content Bee Case Study: How To Get Found On the Internet
Need Content Ideas for Your Buzz Experiment?
Quick Blog Post Ideas for Traveling Season: Not Just Guest Posts to Keep You Going! #MyBlogGuest
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What’s The Buzz?
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Social Buzz Club #SocialCafe 2.33
- How familiar are you with Viral Content Bee?
Some of us have heard of and some of us have not. For those who already know about the platform, it is time to share and increase the knowledge and for those who do not, it is a great night to be introduced to something new. And, as a bonus, we have Ann Smarty, one of the co-founders of VCB, joining us on the hangout.
A1: I had never heard of it but I am on the site checking it out now. #SocialCafe #TBW— Ty (SexySingleMommy) (@UHeardMeRight) August 7, 2013 | A1 I am co-founder, so I know a bit :) #SocialCafe #TBW— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) August 7, 2013 |
- What are the unique aspects you have found using Viral Content Bee?
There are a few things that set Viral Content Buzz apart from other social buzz platforms. Just watch the video interview of Ann and Gerald (on this page) to get an idea. One key thing is the quality content, based on the fact that it is moderated and not a free-for-all system. Ann, herself, has tried her own case studies on the platform and shares those tips in her article (below).
A2 Quality. Quality. Quality. #SocialCafe #TBW— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) August 7, 2013 | A2 You can't really predict the affect but it works - my case study! #SocialCafe #TBW— Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) August 7, 2013 |
- What challenges do you face creating organic buzz?
Many of us face challenges in getting the buzz going and helping people to find us, as well as our quality content. Great ideas were shared during this Twitter Chat (no exception there, eh? always a great chat!).
@socialwebcafe I just find that I have great content that doesn't give discovered until a few days after I pos! #SocialCafe #TBW— Krystal (@KrystalS) August 7, 2013 | I think promoting yourself and self branding will creat buzz... #socialcafe— Sarah Elshanshory (@SarahETwinGame) August 7, 2013 |
- What changes would you like to make to create buzz?
There are challenges to deal with, in creating our buzz. Are there any changes we can suggest? Let's check out Viral Content Buzz and regroup, shall we? Don't forgot to join the chat next week, as we continue our buzz series.
A3: It's hard to know if something will be buzzy when you're creating it. Also, will it generate positive buzz or negative?? #SocialCafe TBW— Kavita Chintapalli (@kavita1010) August 7, 2013< | Definitely @SarahETwinGame :-) Branding and building buzz go hand in hand. The important part is controlling your buzz #SocialCafe #TBW— The Blog Workshop (@TheBlogWorkshop) August 7, 2013 |
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
We have a lot of fun every week, including our monthly hangouts monthly. Tonight was no exception. And, thank you, community, for the kind words. Always appreciated.
We are live at #SocialCafe #TBW Come hear co-founder @seosmarty talk about @viralcontentbuz— Deborah (@socialwebcafe) August 7, 2013 | Thank you! I really enjoyed this chat! #socialcafe— Sarah Elshanshory (@SarahETwinGame) August 7, 2013 |
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